Pursuant to Kansas Statutes Annotated 40-3104, the undersigned hereby applies for a certificate of Self-Insurance as a public Motor Carrier of property, household goods, or passengers, or a private Motor Carrier of property. Any person in whose name more than 25 motor vehicles are registered in Kansas may qualify as a self-insurer by obtaining a certificate of self-insurance from the commissioner of insurance. The undersigned applicant affirms they meet all the requirements for a certificate of self-insurance included in K.S.A. 40-3104. * APPLICANT has the responsiblity to immediately notify the Kansas Department of Insurance at any time the total number of registered vehicles is less than this requirement. * APPLICANT is possessed and will continue to be possessed of the ability to pay any liability imposed by law against APPLICANT arising out of the ownership, operation, maintenance or use of any motor vehicle registered in its name. *APPLICANT certifies compliance with the coverage requirements of K.S.A. 3116. *APPLICANT has sent evidence of financial ability to pay judgments against the applicant to kdoi.rf@ks.gov Name of Applicant: Name of Organization: Address: Form of Organization: Fiscal Year End Date: Please answer ALL the following questions: 1. Are you currenlty operating as a self-isurer? Yes No If so, how long? 2. Do you have a claims department for investigating and adjusting claims? Yes No If no, please provide a brief description of how claims are investigated and adjusted: 3. Have you set up a reserve fund for accident claims? Yes No If yes: a. Under what category or caption does it appear on your financial statements? b. What basis is used for determining the amount of reserve established for claims? If no, please provide a brief narrative of how your outstanding liablity is determined: 4. Do you maintain any excess insurance coverage to limit your exposure?Yes No If yes, provide: a. Name of company providing coverage: b. Line of coverage: c. Amount of coverage: d. Submit a copy of the certificate of insurance showing company name, insured's information, amount of coverage, and policy or account number to kdoi.rf@ks.gov CLAIMS HISTORY INFORMATION Provide the number of registered vehicles: Provide the following information on accidents and claim history for the past two(2) years involving vehicles registered to this entity that either occurred in Kansas, or involve Kansas residents: