Municipal Funded Pool Annual Information Requirement.

Please have this submitted to the Kansas Insurance Department by April 1 of each year.

1. The pool is required to have a minimum Membership of five or more municipalities (as defined in K.S.A. 75-6102) per K.S.A. 12-2617.

2. The pool is required to have a minimum annual Kansas gross premium of $250,000 for each category written of (1) property insurance, (2) motor vehicle liability and physical damage insurance, (3) workers compensation insurance, (4) employer liability insurance, and all other casualty insurance under article 11 of chapter 40 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated per K.S.A. 12-2618(d).

Please indicate which of the above types of insurance the pool is providing.

3. If the pool offers workers compensation benefits, then the pool and each member is required to have executed a binding agreement to comply with the provisions of the workers compensation act per K.S.A. 12-2618(e).

4. The pool is required to have a minimum annual Kansas gross premium of $1,000,000 (this amount is in addition to the requisite amount from 2, if any) if group sickness and accident insurance is offered by the pool per K.S.A. 12-2618(d).

5. The pool may offer group life insurance if at the date of issue the coverage will insure at least 60% of the eligible participants or the total number of persons covered will exceed 600 per K.S.A. 12-2618(d).

6. For all lines of coverage, all members of the pool shall be jointly liable for the payment of claims to the extent of the assets of the pool per K.S.A. 12-2618(e).

7. A confirmation of specific and aggregate excess insurance or adequate surplus funds per K.S.A. 12-2618(h).

8. The pool Administrator is required to furnish a sufficient fidelity bond to the pool per K.S.A. 12-2627(a).

9. If the pool utilizes a revolving fund account, then the Service Agent is required to furnish a fidelity bond to the pool that is sufficient to protect all moneys placed in the revolving fund per K.S.A. 12-2627(b).

10. Please state the name and qualifications of the current pool administrator per K.S.A. 12-2620(c).

Additionally, the pool will notify the Kansas Insurance Department of any change in administrator or in the membership of the board of trustees within 30 days of such change per K.S.A. 12-2618(b).

11. Annually or within 30 days of change, provide the terms of the specific and aggregate excess insurance contracts of the pool per K.S.A. 12-2620(c).

12. The pool will notify the Commissioner of any change in bylaws wihin 30 days of such change per K.S.A. 12-2618(a).

13. Has the list of pool member municipalities changed in the preceding year

14. The pool will notify the Commissioner of any change in reinsurance within 30 days of such change per K.S.A. 12-2618(h).

15. The pool will notify the Commissioner of any change in the address of books and records within 30 days of such change per K.S.A. 12-2618(c).

16. The pool will provide an audited financial statement within 150 days after end of fiscal year per K.S.A. 12-2620(b).

17. The pool shall submit financial statement as the Commissioner may require per K.S.A. 12-2620(b). Currently, those statements are required quarterly by the Insurance Department's Financial Surveillance Division.

18. The pool is not borrowing any money in the name of the pool without advising the Commissioner K.S.A. 12-2627(e).

19. The pool will notify the Commissioner within 10 days if a member terminated or the pool cancels a membership. The pool will maintain coverage of the terminated/cancelled member for 30 days after notice to the Commissioner or until the Commissioner gives notce that the former member has procured workers' compensation and employer's liability insurance elsewhere, whichever occurs first. K.S.A. 12-2626.

20. Any person or agency soliciting for the pool shall be licensed in every line of insurance the pool offers.

21. Pay gross premium tax 90 days after end of the state's fiscal year upon annual KS gross premium collective at the rate of 1% per K.S.A. 12-2624.

Please send exhibits evidencing compliance with the above to Please number the exhibits to correspond with numbered requirements (i.e., label exhibits evidencing the requisite gross premium of prompt 2 as either 2 or 2.a. if multiple documents are necessary.)

Person responsible for completion of this form: