Kansas Insurance Department Anti-Fraud Division
The Kansas Insurance Commissioner is committed to fighting fraud. The Kansas Insurance Department's Anti-Fraud Division was established in May 2004 to handle all types of insurance related misconduct except for Medicaid, Medicare, and workers' compensation claimant fraud. Anti-Fraud investigators review, refer, and investigate cases from all over the state of Kansas. Staff attorneys review the findings and facilitate the prosecution or other appropriate disposition of the matter.
The Anti-Fraud Division has investigated more than 2,000 reports of insurance fraud and has obtained or assisted in the successful prosecution and conviction of cases in counties throughout the state. Those prosecutions have resulted in the ordered restitution of more than $1 million to those persons or entities that were defrauded. The Anti-Fraud Division has also participated in successful joint investigations with various other state and federal law enforcement agencies including the KBI, FBI, IRS, United States Postal Inspector, and many other state regulatory agencies. At the end of fiscal year 2008, the Anti-Fraud Division had been involved in more than 1,900 cases.
The Kansas Insurance Department Anti-Fraud Division will act on a report of fraud submitted by anyone, including insurers, agents, consumers, and insurers. Kansas law requires insurance companies to report all cases of suspected fraud. To report a suspected fraud or impropriety regarding insurance transactions, simply call, write, or email us here at the department or contact the National Association of Insurance Commissioners Online Fraud Reporting System.
Educating the Public
The Anti-Fraud Division is also available to make presentations to groups about fraud and other related issues. Please contact us at 785-296-3918 or complete this online form to request a speaker.