Medicare Supplement Shopper's Guide - Search Results

NOTE: Companies are entered into the Medicare supplement database after their plans are filed and approved by the Kansas Insurance Department. Not all companies writing Medicare supplement insurance are represented in the database at this time; please check back as more companies have their plans approved and entered.

Company Detail

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Plan G Details
Age: 65 Annual Premium
Gender: female $2,080.56
Tobacco Use: nonSmoker
Zip Code: 67205
Effective: April 1, 2024
Payment Options
Annual: $2,080.56
Semi-Annual: $1,040.28
Quarterly: $520.14
Monthly: $173.38
Check-o-Matic: Not Available

Historical trend data (based on current factors and modals):

dynamically created line chart, will not print

Effective Date Premium
April 2017 $1,940.28
April 2018 $1,940.28
April 2019 $1,998.55
April 2020 $1,998.55
April 2021 $1,898.67
April 2022 $1,934.78
April 2023 $2,002.46
April 2024 $2,080.56

This shopper's guide does not recommend or endorse any insurance company or policy. It is designed to help you comparison shop for coverage to supplement your Medicare benefits.