Legal Orders

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2017 Legal Orders
Jul. 13 Aetna Health, Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Improper claim handling
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Jul. 13 Aetna Life Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Improper claim handling
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Jan. 18 AGCS Marine Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-252; 40-2806; 79-2968; 77-501
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to pay premium tax; failure to pay penalty; failure to pay interest.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Jun. 7 AIG Property Casualty Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2404; 77-537; 40-2407; 40-216
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Rate filing not submitted at least 30 days before its effective date
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Oct. 17 Allegiance National Settlement Services, LLC.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-2407; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked - Surety bond cancelled; no new surety bond or irrevocable letter of credit received.
Status: Revoked
Apr. 24 AMCO Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2404;77-537;40-2407;40-216
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Rate filing not submitted at least 30 days before its effective date
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Aug. 23 American Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-253;40-2806;79-2968
SUMMARY: Montetary Penalty - Failure to pay premium tax; Tax, penalty and interest paid
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Jul. 27 Amerigroup Kansas Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Apr. 24 Ameritas Life Insurance Corporation
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222;77-537
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Improper policyholders
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Feb. 15 Barr, Chandra
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked; Summary Order issued - Fraudulent and dishonest conduct; Untrustworthiness; Forged another person's name to an application for insurance
Status: Revoked
Sep. 22 Beshears, Vanessa L.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revocation - Fraudulent conduct; Forgery (attempted to create policies for deceased persons)
Status: Revoked
Jul. 24 Bonilla-Salazar, Jorge R.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked; Final Order issued - Fraudulent, dishonest practice or demonstrating incompetence, trustworthiness or financial irresponsibility.
Status: Revoked
Oct. 17 CBKC Title & Escrow, LLC.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-2407; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked - Failure to comply; did not file 2016 title auditing report or pay penalty. Failure to respond.
Status: Revoked
Nov. 13 Companion Life Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537
SUMMARY: Market Conduct Examination - Monetary Penalty
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Jul. 27 Cruz, Jesus
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked; Final Order issued - Dishonest practice; Wrote policies without consumer's knowledge
Status: Revoked
Oct. 16 Dean-Hamilton, LLC
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked - Agent of record demonstrated incompetence, committed dishonest practice and accepted insurance business from unlicensed employee.
Status: Revoked
Sep. 1 Delta Dental of Kansas Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Aug. 25 Federated Rural Electric Insurance Exchange
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Mar. 29 Fendler, Todd J.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revocation; Summary Order issued - Misappropriation of premium; Fraudulent or dishonest practice; License not in good standing in home state; License revoked in other state; Failure to report disciplinary action
Status: Revoked
Mar. 31 Financial American Life Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Apr. 11 Firefighters Relief Association
Authority: K.S.A. 40-1706; 77-501
SUMMARY: Redetermination granted - Application for redetermination from various associations.
May 5 Great American Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-955; 77-537
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Used occupational accident master policies without prior KID approval.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Oct. 16 Hamilton, Tracyann
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: Licensed revoked - Demonstrated incompetence, committed dishonest practice and accepted insurance business from unlicensed employee.
Status: Revoked
Sep. 27 Heinzman, Bria N.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revocation - Used fraudulent conduct (created a fictitious business); Forged signatures on policies related to fake business
Status: Revoked
Oct. 4 Kansas Superior Select, Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Jan. 9 Kemp, Stephanie W.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revocation; Summary Order issued - Fraudulent and dishonest conduct; Untrustworthiness; Forged another person's name to an application for insurance
Status: Revoked
Dec. 5 King, Andre D.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked; Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; committing a fraudulent act; forged documents related to an insurance transaction
Status: Revoked
Jun. 13 Kluge, Jeffrey T.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revocation; Summary Order issued - Felony conviction; Fraudulent or dishonest practice; License not in good standing in home state; Failure to report disciplinary action
Status: Revoked
Jul. 24 Luithle, Jacob R.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked; Final Order issued - Fraudulent, dishonest practice or demonstrating incompetence, trustworthiness or financial irresponsibility.
Status: Revoked
Apr. 18 Mallory, Patrick J.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revocation; Summary Order issued - Fraudulent or dishonest practice; License not in good standing in home state; License revoked in other state; Failure to report disciplinary action
Status: Revoked
Oct. 2 McKinney, Thomas L
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked - Fraudulent and dishonest conduct; Untrustworthiness; Misused funds through client's account.
Status: Revoked
May 8 McKinney, Thomas L.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revocation; Summary Order issued - Fraudulent, dishonest practice or demonstrating incompetence, trustworthiness or financial irresponsibility.
Status: Pending-Hearing Requested
Feb. 22 Midwest Family Mutual Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-955; 77-537
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Company using commercial umbrella forms without prior KID approval.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
May 1 Moradian, Layla M.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revocation; Summary Order issued - Fraudulent or dishonest practice; Created fake insurance applications
Status: Revoked
Mar. 15 Muhammad, Halima L.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revocation; Summary Order issued - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility
Status: Revoked
Oct. 3 MutualAid Exchange
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Feb. 8 National Health Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Ineligible association; sales by unlicensed agents.
Status: N/A
Jan. 6 O'Donnell III, George T
Authority: K.S.A. 4-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: Proposed revocation. - Improperly withheld funds; dishonest conduct/demonstrated incompetence; untrustworthiness; license not serving the interests of consumers or insurers.
Status: See Subsequent Order
Feb. 7 O'Donnell III, George Thomas
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520
SUMMARY: License revoked; Default Order issued - Misappropriated money in course of doing business; Fraudulent and dishonest conduct; Untrustworthiness; Failed to attend hearing
Status: Revoked
Aug. 30 Paras, Nikolaos L
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-246a; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked - Excess lines; failure to pay fine and submit 2016 taxes.
Status: Revoked
Jul. 27 Reil, Maggie
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked; Final Order issued - Forged consumer names on insurance documents
Status: Revoked
Mar. 2 Rios-Barcenas, Luz
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revocation; Summary Order issued - Failure to pay application fee; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility
Status: Revoked
Dec. 22 Schaeffer, Richard T.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4903; 77-501
SUMMARY: Consent under 18 U.S.C. 1033 granted; recovery of expenditures - Request granted to engage in the business of insurance as a title examiner pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 1033; applicant for resident agent license; felony conviction; fiduciary violation
Status: Closed-License Granted
Mar. 22 Schumacher, Jason L.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revocation; Summary Order issued - Misappropriation of premium; Fraudulent or dishonest practice
Status: Revoked
Jan. 12 Security Benefit Life Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-501
SUMMARY: Time extension approved. - Request for extension of time.
Status: N/A
Oct. 11 Shaffer, Keith L
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Convicted of felony involving dishonesty or breach of trust; Respondent no longer wishes to challenge the revocation.
Status: Revoked
Sep. 11 Shaffer, Keith L.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: Temporary suspension of license; agreed by both parties - Temporary suspension of resident agent license until resolution of matter in Docket No. 4954.
Status: Suspended
Aug. 30 Shaw, William R
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-246a; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked - Excess lines; failure to pay fine and submit 2016 taxes.
Status: Revoked
Oct. 30 Sparta Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 44-5,120; 77-537
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Wrongfully refusing to authorize medical treatment or prescriptions promptly.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Jan. 12 Starr Indemnity & Liability Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Improper association group policyholder; improper individual insurance sales.
Status: N/A
Sep. 1 Surency Life and Health Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Jun. 14 Unified Life Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537
SUMMARY: Agent appointment fees and improper association group - Agent appointment fees and improper association group
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Jul. 19 Universal Underwriters Life Ins Co
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Order correcting Consent Order - Consent Order has wrong NAIC number. Nunc Pro Tunc order correcting.
Jul. 13 Universal Underwriters Life Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Nov. 9 Villagomez, Venessa
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked; Summary Order issued - Fraudulent and dishonest conduct; forged another person's name on application; expiration of resident license
Status: Revoked
Feb. 22 Woeppel, Elise M.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked; Summary Order issued. - Fraudulent and dishonest conduct.
Status: Revoked
Oct. 17 Zimmerman Title & Abstract, LLC
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909;40-2407;77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked - Cease and desist
Status: Revoked
Nov. 30 Zinman, Bennett E.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501; 77-520
SUMMARY: Default Order issued; License denial upheld - Respondent failed to attend hearing; default order issued; license denial upheld
Status: Closed-License Denied
Oct. 30 Zuniga, Michael H
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Summary Order issued; convicted of misdemeanor; interests of public not properly served.
Status: Revoked