Legal Orders
Pursuant to K.S.A. 77-415, orders published herein shall not be used as precedent in any subsequent adjudication against a person who was not a party to the original adjudication unless the order is designated by the agency as precedent. Such orders will have a designation set forth in the order.
All orders are in PDF format unless otherwise indicated.
| All Years | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 |
2001 Legal Orders | |
American Economy Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-214; 40-955(f) | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist; monetary penalty. - Transacting the business of insurance not so authorized to write. | |
Status: N/A | |
American Southern Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Anderson County Firefighters Relief Association, et al. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-1706; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Redetermination granted to all respondents. - Applicatioin for redetermination of proportionate amounts payable to applicant to firefighters relief associations. | |
Status: N/A | |
Apex Real Estate Information Services, LLP |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-952; 40-963 | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist - Transacting the business of insurance without filing rates. | |
Status: N/A | |
Associated Builders & Contractors Self-Insurers Fund, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bacon, Walter R. (II) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-242; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Agent's license revoked. - Felony convictions; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Banister, Richard M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-242; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Agent's license revoked. - Alleged misrepresentation; omission of material facts; false written statements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Blue Cross and Blue of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bonner Springs Firefighters Relief Association, et al. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-1701, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Redetermination approved. - Application for redetermination | |
Status: N/A | |
Buckeye State Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,123; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Alleged failure to timely provide notice of nonrenewal. | |
Status: N/A | |
Buckeye State Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,123; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Summary Order dated 07/23/01 rescinded. - Request that previously issued Summary Order be rescinded. | |
Status: N/A | |
Clarendon National Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-216; 40-2,121 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Issuing and delivering nonrenewal notices with an expiration date shorter than 60 days. | |
Status: N/A | |
Columbian National Title Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Credit Life Insurance Company a/k/a Union Fidelitly Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-501; et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Consent Order issued 12/29/77 rescinded. - Request for rescission of previously issued order. | |
Status: N/A | |
Deerbrook Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist; monetary penalty. - Failure to respond to proper inquiry of the Commissioner. | |
Status: N/A | |
Delta Life and Annuity Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,162 | |
SUMMARY: Redomestication approved. - Proposed redomestication to Kansas. | |
Status: N/A | |
Epoch Group, L.C. (The) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Epoch Group, L.C. (The) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222, 77-5376 | |
SUMMARY: Previouslly issued Order amended. - Market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farmers Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Faulkner, Thomas H. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-242, 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to notify KID of felony conviction. | |
Status: N/A | |
Federal Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-216; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Issuing or delivering forms without prior approval; issuing contracts that were not filed. | |
Status: N/A | |
Federated Rural Electric Insurance Exchange |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Foster, Bill R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-214; 40-216;40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; seek licensure. - Unlicensed activity. | |
Status: N/A | |
Great Plains Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-1201, et seqw. | |
SUMMARY: Merger approved. - Proposed merger with Columbia Mutual Insurance Company. | |
Status: N/A | |
Homesite Indemnity Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Independence Indemnity Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3613 | |
SUMMARY: Placed under supervision. - Hazardous financial condition. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Association of Homes for the Aging Insurance Group, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Association of School Boards Risk Management Services |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Automobile Dealers Workers' Compensation Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Bankers Surety Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Building Industry Workers Compensation Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Eastern Region Insurance Trust |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Employers Workers Compensation Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Dissolution examination report adopted. - Proposed dissolution examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Health Care Providers Insurance Availability Plan |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Municipal Insurance Trust |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
KFB Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
KHA Workers Compensation Fund, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Lopez, Jeff D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-242; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to notify KID of felony conviction. | |
Status: N/A | |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Marysville Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Oak River Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3107; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Alleged Failure to timely provide notice of nonrenewal. | |
Status: N/A | |
One Health Plan of Kansas/Missouri, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Phoenix Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-955;963 | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist; monetary penalty. - Making or issuing contracts not in accordance with approved filings. | |
Status: N/A | |
Premium Assignment Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2606; 40-2609 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Issuing and delivering premium finance agreements prior to approval. | |
Status: N/A | |
Sagamore Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-241i; 40-241(a) | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist; monetary penalty. - Failure to certify agent(s) in a timely fashion. | |
Status: N/A | |
Shelter General Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-241i; 40-242 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist; monetary. - Failure to certify an agent a an agent of the company within the required time period. | |
Status: N/A | |
Shelter Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-241i; 40-242 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist; monetary. - Failure to certify an agent a an agent of the company within the required time period. | |
Status: N/A | |
Shelter Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-241i; 40-242 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist; monetary. - Failure to certify an agent a an agent of the company within the required time period. | |
Status: N/A | |
Souders, Joel B. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2404; 40-242 | |
SUMMARY: Agent's license suspended for one year. - Alleged misrepresentation. | |
Status: N/A | |
Southwest Plains Regional Service Center Health Insurance Group |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Stirling Cooke Insurance Services, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-216; 40-2,121 | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist; monetary penalty. - Failure to give 60 days notice of non-renewal to policyholders. | |
Status: N/A | |
Thompson, Ivan D. and Loren Thormodsgard Agency, Inc. d/b/a Viking Bail Bonds |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-214; 40-1102; 77-527 | |
SUMMARY: Not engaged in the unauthorized business of insurance; operating lawfully. - Allegations of unauthorized transaction of the business of insurance; cease and desist order issued effective 11/6/00. | |
Status: N/A | |
Travelers Indemnity Company of America |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-955; 40-963 | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist; monetary penalty. - Making or issuing contracts except in accordance with approved filings. | |
Status: N/A | |
United Services Automobile Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-955(f); 40-963 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Issued and delivered contracts containing rates not approved by KID. | |
Status: N/A | |
Upland Mutual Insurance, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Urbine, Robert |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-214; 40-216;40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; seek licensure. - Unlicensed activity. | |
Status: N/A | |
USAA Casualty Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-955(f); 40-963 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Issued and delivered contracts containing rates not approved by KID. | |
Status: N/A | |
Waugh, Nancy L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-952; 40-963 | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist; monetary penalty. - Transacting the business of insurance without filing rates. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wichita Auto Dealers Self-Insurance Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A |