Legal Orders

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2024 Legal Orders
Apr. 1 Acosta, G. Alex
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; improperly withheld, misappropriated or converted a moneys received in the course of doing business.
Status: Revoked
Apr. 24 Ali, Samiyah
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; returned NIPR payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility.
Status: Revoked
Feb. 21 American Casualty Company of Reading
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-901; 40-2,125
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Order. Rate violation - use of unapproved rates.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Mar. 22 Beaulieu, Destiny
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: Renewal refused and license revoked - Summary Order Refusal to Renew and Revocation; failure to report administrative actions by other states; provided incorrect, misleading, incomplete or untrue information in the license applications; pending misdemeanor charge.
Status: Revoked
Oct. 28 Benefit Management, LLC.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3815, 77-5501
SUMMARY: License revoked - Consent Agreement and Final Order; revocation due to financial impairment.
Status: Revoked
Nov. 4 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas, Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted - Market conduct examination.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Sep. 17 Calabro, Gabrielle
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: Hearing Dismissed; License Denied - Proposed Default Order; Respondent failed to participate in prehearing conference after requesting hearing; provided incorrect, misleading, incomplete or untrue information in the license application.
Status: Closed-License Denied
Oct. 18 Cannon, Todd
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of license; license in home state refusal to renew.
Status: Revoked
Jul. 18 Chaine, Justin
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 77-501
SUMMARY: Hearing request denied - license revoked - Order Denying Untimely Request for a Hearing; hearing request not received prior to deadline; license revoked.
Status: Revoked
Jun. 18 Chaine, Justin
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: Renewal refused and license revoked - Summary Order Refusal to Renew and Revocation; provided incorrect, misleading, incomplete or untrue information in the license application; obtained or attempted to obtain a license through misrepresentation or fraud.
Status: Revoked
Apr. 24 Connelly, James
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; returned NIPR payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility.
Status: Revoked
Feb. 21 Continental Casualty Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-901; 40-2,125
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Order. Rate violation - use of unapproved rates.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Apr. 9 Donaho, Kristi
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; returned NIPR payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility.
Status: Revoked
May 29 Echevarria, Maite
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: Renewal refused and license revoked - Summary Order Refusal to Renew and Revocation; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; provided incorrect, misleading, incomplete or untrue information in the license applications; failed to respond to inquiry.
Status: Revoked
Nov. 15 Eid, Hassan
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-537; 77-542
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of license; license in home state revoked.
Status: Revoked
Nov. 15 Epstein, Frank
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-537; 77-542
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of license; license in home state revoked.
Status: Revoked
Apr. 9 Fincher-Ford, Shatoya
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; returned NIPR payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility.
Status: Revoked
May 1 Greenwich Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-901; 40-951; 40-2,125
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order; use of unapproved forms.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
May 31 Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-222; 40-955; 40-2,125
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order; miscalculation of cancellation refunds; improperly withheld policy expense fee.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
May 31 Hartford Casualty Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-222; 40-955; 40-2,125
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order; miscalculation of cancellation refunds; improperly withheld policy expense fee.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Aug. 9 Henik, Cherie
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: Hearing Dismissed; Renewal Refused and Revocation - Proposed Default Order; Respondent failed to participate in prehearing conference after requesting hearing; pending felony charge.
Status: Revoked
Oct. 4 Herault, Hannah
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 77-501
SUMMARY: Hearing request denied - Order Denying Untimely Request for a Hearing; hearing request not received prior to deadline; license denied.
Status: Closed-License Denied
Sep. 24 Hilton, Abbi
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked - Failure to pay renewal fee for resident agent license; returned NIPR payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility.
Status: Revoked
Aug. 30 Hoiseth, Todd
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2404;40-4901; 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked - Final Order; revocation upheld; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; forged another person's name to an application for insurance or to any document related to an insurance transaction; made false and fraudulent statements on an application for an insurance policy.
Status: Revoked
Aug. 30 Horn, Mimi
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: Renewal refused and license revoked - Summary Order Refusal to Renew and Revocation; provided incorrect, misleading, incomplete or untrue information in the license application; obtained or attempted to obtain a license through misrepresentation or fraud; failed to submit 1033 Consent Waiver; failure to respond.
Status: Revoked
Apr. 8 Hubbart, Christi
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 77-501
SUMMARY: Order Denying Request for a Hearing - Hearing request denied; hearing request not received prior to deadline; license denied.
Status: Closed-License Denied
Oct. 24 Kansas Superior Select, Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-501
SUMMARY: Exemption Approved - Approval of the proposed Form A Statement Filing exemption of Kansas Superior Select, Inc. and American Health Holdings, LLC., ML-KSS, LLC., Klaton Insurance Partners, LLC.
Feb. 16 King, William Scott
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520
SUMMARY: Hearing Dismissed; License Denied - Notice of Cancellation of Prehearing Conference and Proposed Default Order; Respondent failed to participate in prehearing conference after requesting hearing; license denied.
Status: Closed-License Denied
Sep. 12 Klima, Karson
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: Hearing Dismissed; License Denied - Proposed Default Order; Respondent failed to submit requested documentation; failure to pay hearing fee; license denied.
Status: Closed-License Denied
Aug. 22 Land Title Services Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: Notice of Proposed Default Order and Proposed Default Order - License revoked; failure to pay monetary penalty; failure to submit documents requested in Cease and Desist Order; failure to participate in hearing; failure to maintain records.
Status: Revoked
Aug. 22 LandTitle of Wichita
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: Notice of Proposed Default Order and Proposed Default Order - License revoked; failure to pay monetary penalty; failure to submit documents requested in Cease and Desist Order; failure to participate in hearing; failure to maintain records.
Status: Revoked
Jun. 5 Markovich, Donicka
Authority: K.S.A. 4909; 77-520
SUMMARY: Hearing Dismissed; License Denied - Notice of Cancellation of Prehearing Conference and Proposed Default Order; Respondent failed to participate in prehearing conference after requesting hearing; license denied.
Status: Closed-License Denied
Jul. 31 Mata, Kemberly
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 77-501
SUMMARY: Hearing request denied - Order Denying Untimely Request for a Hearing; hearing request not received prior to deadline; license denied.
Status: Closed-License Denied
Apr. 9 Moore, Alexandria-Andrea
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; returned NIPR payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility.
Status: Revoked
Feb. 15 Morrow, Jason
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 77-501
SUMMARY: Order Denying Request for a Hearing - Hearing request denied; hearing request not received prior to deadline; license denied.
Status: Closed-License Denied
Sep. 12 Murphy-Jurgensen, Teresa
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-4905; 77-50
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation - Failure to report convictions; misdemeanor convictions; failure to respond.
Status: Revoked
Feb. 21 National Fire Insurance Company of Hartford
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-901; 40-2,125
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Order. Rate violation - use of unapproved rates.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Sep. 24 Negron, Jayme
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: Renewal refused and license revoked - Summary Order Refusal to Renew and Revocation; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business.
Status: Revoked
Aug. 27 Nicoletti, Bruno
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation issued; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; forged another person's name to an application for insurance or to any document related to an insurance transaction; failed to report other states actions.
Status: Revoked
Mar. 20 Pickard, Alisha
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520
SUMMARY: Hearing Dismissed; License Denied - Notice of Cancellation of Prehearing Conference and Proposed Default Order; Respondent failed to participate in prehearing conference after requesting hearing; license denied.
Status: Closed-License Denied
May 13 Powell, Isaiah
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520
SUMMARY: Hearing Dismissed; License Denied - Notice of Cancellation of Prehearing Conference and Proposed Default Order; Respondent failed to participate in prehearing conference after requesting hearing; license denied.
Status: Closed-License Denied
May 31 Property and Casualty Company of Hartford
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-222; 40-955; 40-2,125
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order; miscalculation of cancellation refunds; improperly withheld policy expense fee.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Jan. 17 Rastall, Kristin
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: Proposed Default Order - Hearing dismissed - Respondent failed to participate in prehearing conference after requesting hearing; license denied.
Status: Closed-License Denied
Nov. 4 Robertson, Benjamin
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: Renewal refused and license revoked - Summary Order Refusal to Renew and Revocation; administrative actions in other states; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business.
Status: Revoked
Nov. 12 Rosario, Jean
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; returned NIPR payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility.
Status: Revoked
Aug. 22 Scully, Rhonda
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: Notice of Proposed Default Order and Proposed Default Order - License revoked; failure to pay monetary penalty; failure to submit documents requested in Cease and Desist Order; failure to participate in hearing; failure to maintain records.
Status: Revoked
Sep. 4 Sehgal, Vijit
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: Renewal refused and license revoked - Final Order of Default and Dismissal; Respondent failed to submit requested documentation; failed to request motion to vacate Proposed Default Order.
Status: Revoked
May 31 Sentinel Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-222; 40-955; 40-2,125
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order; miscalculation of cancellation refunds; improperly withheld policy expense fee.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Oct. 11 Shasta Administrative Services, Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3814; 40-3815
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of Third-Party Administrator License; failure to file 2024 TPA annual report; failure to maintain license in home state.
Status: Revoked
Nov. 12 Steinke, Trevor
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; returned NIPR payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility.
Status: Revoked
Nov. 21 The Automobile Insurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-951; 40-2,125; 77-501
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order; use of unapproved forms.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Feb. 21 The Continental Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-901; 40-2,125
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Order. Rate violation - use of unapproved rates.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Nov. 21 The Standard Fire Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-951; 40-2,125; 77-501
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order; use of unapproved forms.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Nov. 21 The Travelers Home and Marine Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-951; 40-2,125; 77-501
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order; use of unapproved forms.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Nov. 21 The Travelers Indemnity Company of America
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-951; 40-2,125; 77-501
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order; use of unapproved forms.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Sep. 25 TPAdvantage, Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3814; 40-3815
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of Third-Party Administrator License; failure to file 2024 TPA annual report; failure to maintain license in home state.
Status: Revoked
Feb. 21 Transportation Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-901; 40-2,125
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Order. Rate violation - use of unapproved rates.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
May 31 Twin City Fire Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-222; 40-955; 40-2,125
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order; miscalculation of cancellation refunds; improperly withheld policy expense fee.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Feb. 14 Underhill, Jeffrey
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation issued; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; improperly withheld, misappropriated or converted a moneys received in the course of doing business; failed to respond.
Status: Revoked
Feb. 21 Valley Forge Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-901; 40-2,125
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Order. Rate violation - use of unapproved rates.
Status: Closed-Consent Order
Jan. 3 Vasquez, Justin
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4909; 77-501
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation - felony convictions; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business.
Status: Revoked
Apr. 22 Walker, Mareisha
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520
SUMMARY: Hearing dismissed; license denied - Notice of Cancellation of Prehearing Conference and Proposed Default Order; Respondent failed to participate in prehearing conference after requesting hearing; license denied.
Status: Closed-License Denied