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2002 Bulletins
Aug. 23 Electronic Processing for Motor Vehicle Licensing
RE: Disclosure of Information for the Processing of Motor Vehicle Registrations
SUMMARY: The Kansas Division of Vehicles has created a program for the electronic processing of renewals of motor vehicle registrations. Under the program, the Division creates a data file that contains all vehicles due for renewal. Within the data ...
Jul. 29 BULLETIN 2002-5
RE: Refundable Tax credits For Small Business Health Benefit Plans
SUMMARY: Recent changes to K.S.A. 40-2240. When the small business tax credit legislation was enacted it contained a sunset provision to this tax credit. The legislature amended K.S.A 40-2240 to remove the ending date of the tax credit. Effective May 23, 2002.
Apr. 23 USA Patriot Act, Bulletin 2002-4
RE: Anti-money laundering and Customer Identification Programs under the act
SUMMARY: Calls attention to these sections: Sec. 352 requires all financial institutions to establish an anti-money laundering program, and Sec. 326 that sets minimum standards for financial institutions regarding the identity of customers that open accounts.
Apr. 15 Terrorist Exclusion, Bulletin 2002-3
RE: Exclusions related to acts of terrorism for personal lines property and casualty coverage, life insurance, health insurance, workers compensation.
SUMMARY: The Kansas Insurance Department will be following the National Association of Insurance Commissioners recommendations with regard to approval of exclusions for these lines of coverage. This outlines by line of coverage the approach we will be using.
Mar. 1 Terrorist Exclusion, Bulletin 2002-2
RE: Voluntary Expedited Filing Procedures For Exclusions Related To Acts Of Terrorism
SUMMARY: Advises that Bulletin 2002-1 will not expire on March 1, 2002 but will remain in effect until further notice.
Jan. 23 Terrorist Exclusion, Bulletin 2002-1
RE: Voluntary Expedited Filing Procedures For Exclusions Related To Acts Of Terrorism
SUMMARY: This bulletin outlines how Kansas will be reviewing requests to exclude terrorism on commercial line products.