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2000 Bulletins
Dec. 21 Health Care Prompt Pay - Bulletin 2000-06
RE: Definition of Violation
SUMMARY: This bulletin outlines the guidelines to establish what will be considered a violation of the Kansas Health Care Prompt Payment Act.
Oct. 5 Gramm-Leach-Bliley Privacy Regulations
RE: Regulation Enforcement Date
SUMMARY: The Kansas Legislature made it an unfair trade for a person to disclose any nonpublic personal information to a nonaffiliated third party contrary to the provisions of title V of theGramm-Leach-Bliley act of 1999.
Sep. 18 Bulletin 1994-6 is rescinded
RE: Rescission of Bulletin 1994-6
SUMMARY: Companies may now, at their option, cover limited surface damage on title insurance policies.
Sep. 3 Defective Tire Surcharges
RE: Surcharges for Accidents Caused by Defective Tire
SUMMARY: KS Inusrnace Department requires that insurers authorized to do business in Kansas cease surcharging policies for accidents caused by defective tires.
Apr. 14 Expansion of Territorial Rating
RE: Territorial Rating
SUMMARY: The Kansas Insurance Department has decided to expand the application of "territorial rating" currently used for homeowners insurance in Kansas to also include the following lines of coverage:
Mar. 17 Refundable Tax Credits
RE: Passage of House Bill 2090
SUMMARY: Effective July 1, 1999, small insurances businesses obtaining a certificate to refundable credits may begin claiming the refundable tax credits January 1, 2000.