Legal Orders

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2004 Legal Orders
Dec. 29 Mack, James F.
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Used fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practices or demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness, or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business.
Status: N/A
Dec. 29 Porterfield, Herlen C. (III)
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action, failure to notify.
Status: N/A
Dec. 29 Millbern, Ginger D.
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Convicted of two felony offenses material to respondent's fitness to hold an insurance agent's license.
Status: N/A
Dec. 22 Kansas Health Care Providers Insurance Availability Plan
Authority: 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Dec. 22 Bremen Farmers Mutual Insurance Company
Authority: 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Dec. 16 Firefighters Relief Association
Authority: 40-1706(c)(6)
SUMMARY: Redetermination granted to all applicants. - Application for redetermination requested by several associations.
Status: N/A
Dec. 13 Sedlak, Ruth D.
Authority: 40-246(c)
SUMMARY: Penalty accepted in full; license remains active and in good standing. - Order of 11/29/04 is set aside as penalty was paid in a timely fashion.
Status: N/A
Dec. 4 Norseth, Michael A.
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to respond to proper inquiry; false statements on an application.
Status: N/A
Dec. 3 Biggs, Norma B.
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Premium monies used or applied for purposes other than insurance; failure to remit; misappropriation of monies; failure to respond to proper inquiry.
Status: N/A
Dec. 1 Firstguard Health Plan Kansas, Inc.
Authority: 40-3301, 40-3304(d)(1); 77-501
SUMMARY: Application for acquisition approved. - Application by Centene Corporation to acquire control of Firstguard Health Plan of Kansas, Inc.
Status: N/A
Nov. 29 George, Kimberly K.
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Dishonest practices; demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility; embezzlement of funds.
Status: N/A
Nov. 29 Dudley, Gary L.
Authority: 40-246c
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid. - Untimely filing of excess/surplus lines report.
Status: N/A
Nov. 24 Patrons Insurance Company
Authority: 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Nov. 24 Trinity Universal Insurance Company of Kansas, Inc.
Authority: 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Nov. 23 Schulte, Daniel D.
Authority: 40-246(c)
SUMMARY: License suspended - Untimely filing; failure to respond to proper inquiry; failure to comply with 40-246(c).
Status: N/A
Nov. 15 Trawick, Daryl C.
Authority: 40-4909
SUMMARY: License surrendered in exchange for dismissal of action. - Sold insurance without a license; failure to remit premiums; failure to give timely notice of that action.
Status: N/A
Nov. 10 Henry, Mark A. (Sr.)
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest business practices; failure to report and/or comply with K.A.R. 40-7-9; failure to respond to proper inquiry.
Status: N/A
Nov. 10 Great-West Healthcare of Kansas/Missouri, Inc.
Authority: 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Nov. 10 Keranen, Cynthia L.
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report disciplinary action; failure to respond to proper inquiry.
Status: N/A
Nov. 10 Bersee, Stephanie D.
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report; failure to respond to proper inquiry.
Status: N/A
Nov. 10 Heckstall, Felix C.
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to respond; criminal history.
Status: N/A
Nov. 10 Drinkert, Kristi N.
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Fraudulent, coercive, and/or dishonest business practice; failure to respond to proper inquiry.
Status: N/A
Nov. 10 Hite, David W.
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report criminal history in other states; failure to respond to proper inquiry.
Status: N/A
Nov. 9 Berg, Marc A.
Authority: 40-246(c)
SUMMARY: Licenses suspended; monetary penalty. - Untimely filing; failure to respond to proper inquiry; failure to comply with 40-246(c).
Status: N/A
Nov. 8 Worland, Janine R.
Authority: 40-4909
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty reduced. - Reduced penalty; suspension set aside.
Status: N/A
Nov. 5 Allied Insurance Agency/Daley Insurance Agency
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - False representation, doing business without a license; failure to respond to proper inquiry.
Status: N/A
Nov. 5 Daley, Susanna
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Financial irresponsibility; failure to submit applications and premiums; failure to respond to proper inquiry; engaged in business without a valid license.
Status: N/A
Oct. 27 Wentworth, Ralph E.
Authority: 40-4909
SUMMARY: License suspended if monetary penalty not paid in full. - Failure to obtain required licensing pursuant to 40-246c.
Status: N/A
Oct. 25 Pruitt, Mikel K.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909
SUMMARY: License suspended; cease & desist. - False representation.
Status: N/A
Oct. 20 Campbell, Ken
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - False representation; fraudulent, coercive or dishonest practice.
Status: N/A
Oct. 15 Richmond, Scott P.
Authority: 40-4909; 77-536; 77-537
SUMMARY: License suspended; cease & desist until order set aside. - False representation; fraudulent or dishonest practices in the conduct of business.
Status: N/A
Oct. 8 Wichita Auto Dealers Self-Insurance Fund
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Sep. 30 Columbian National Title Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; K.A.R. 40-1-28
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Proposed acquisition of control by First American Title Insurance Company.
Status: N/A
Sep. 28 Integrity Land Title Company, Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if not paid; cease & desist. - Failure to respond to proper inquiry from the Commissioner; failure to comply with K.S.A. 40-952(c).
Status: N/A
Sep. 28 Radian Express Services, LLC
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid. - Failure to respond to proper inquiry from the Commissioner; failure to comply with K.S.A. 40-952(c).
Status: N/A
Sep. 28 Land Options, Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if not paid; cease & desist. - Failure to respond to proper inquiry from the Commissioner; failure to comply with K.S.A. 40-952(c).
Status: N/A
Sep. 28 Premium Title Services
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid. - Failure to report; failure to respond to proper inquiry from the Commissioner; failure to comply with K.S.A. 40-952(c).
Status: N/A
Sep. 27 Premier Health, Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Sep. 27 Difolco, Linda M.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246c
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid and report not filed. - Failure to file excess/surplus lines report.
Status: N/A
Sep. 24 MutualAid eXchange
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report adopted.
Status: N/A
Sep. 24 KFB Insurance Company, Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Sep. 24 Ramsey, Marylin K.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246c
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid and report not filed. - Failure to file excess/surplus lines report.
Status: N/A
Sep. 24 Meldrum, Charles E.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246c
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid and report not filed. - Failure to file excess/surplus lines report.
Status: N/A
Sep. 24 Worland, Janine R.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246c
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid and report not filed. - Failure to file excess/surplus lines report.
Status: N/A
Sep. 24 Hunt, David R. (Sr.)
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246c
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid and report not filed. - Failure to file excess/surplus lines report.
Status: N/A
Sep. 24 Boe, David H.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246c
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid and report not filed. - Failure to file excess/surplus lines report.
Status: N/A
Sep. 24 Blanton, Jamie L.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246c
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid and report not filed. - Failure to file excess/surplus lines report.
Status: N/A
Sep. 8 Dunston, Anitra Michelle
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; other state action; failure to report.
Status: N/A
Sep. 8 Garcia, Russell J.D.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked other state action; failure to report.
Status: N/A
Sep. 8 Tartaglia, Racheal R.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; other state action; failure to report.
Status: N/A
Sep. 2 First American Title Insurance Company of Kansas, Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Aug. 26 Preferred Health Systems Insurance Company, Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Aug. 26 Preferred Plus of Kansas, Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Aug. 24 Hall, Christopher W.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Criminal conviction; failure to notify.
Status: N/A
Aug. 17 Kann, Elmer R.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to notify.
Status: N/A
Aug. 11 American Southern Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Aug. 10 National Closing Solutions, Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Sold and collected premium for policies in Kansas without having filed its rates and charges.
Status: N/A
Aug. 2 Potucek, Heather D.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License granted. - Prior criminal history.
Status: N/A
Jul. 27 Rowe, Michael W.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909
SUMMARY: Censure; restitution ordered. - Demonstrated untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of the business of insurance.
Status: N/A
Jul. 22 National Health Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222, et al.; 77-501
SUMMARY: Certificate of authority suspended. - Hazardous financial condition.
Status: N/A
Jul. 20 Advance Insurance Company of Kansas
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Jul. 13 Benson, Miriam S.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Prior criminal conviction; failure to disclose.
Status: N/A
Jul. 12 Kansas Building Industry Workers' Compensation Fund
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Jul. 8 Liftman Insurance, Inc. (Theodore)
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Unlicensed sale of excess lines coverage.
Status: N/A
Jul. 6 Northland Title Services, LLC
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid. - Respondent authorized to transact title insurance business, but nevertheless did not file the information required by law or the bond required by law.
Status: N/A
Jun. 30 Preferred Plus of Kansas, Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Jun. 25 Preferred Health Systems Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Jun. 23 Brown, Peter B.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid. - Unlicensed excess lines activity.
Status: N/A
Jun. 17 Alliance Insurance Company, Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Jun. 17 Farmers Alliance Mutual Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Jun. 16 Progressive Casualty Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Market conduct report adopted; monetary penalty for violations. - Market conduct examination; various violations (see order).
Status: N/A
Jun. 14 Birchfield, Paula L.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to notify.
Status: N/A
Jun. 14 Smith, Mark A.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid. - Placed excess lines business without being properly licensed.
Status: N/A
Jun. 7 Benchmark Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Jun. 7 Farmers Mutual Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Jun. 3 Gonzales, Adrian R.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid. - Other state action; failure to notify.
Status: N/A
Jun. 3 Roth, Shawn A.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid. - Other state action; failure to notify.
Status: N/A
May 28 Clark, Frank J.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld, misappropriated, or converted any monies or properties received; false statements.
Status: N/A
May 28 CLA-USA, Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909
SUMMARY: Agency to take corrective action; monetary - Knew submitted documents were not authentic yet failed to investigate and report the matter; knew there had been a violation of Kansas law.
Status: N/A
May 27 DaSilva, Walter C. (Jr.)
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to notify. Change of address; failure to notify.
Status: N/A
May 26 Firstguard Health Plan Kansas, Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; K.A.R. 40-1-28
SUMMARY: Extension of 90 days granted to Swope to effect acquisition. - Request by Swope Community Enterprises for an extension of time in which to effect proposed acquisition.
Status: N/A
May 24 Chesney, Larry E.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license was revoked; failure to notify.
Status: N/A
May 24 Ellis, David L.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to notify.
Status: N/A
May 24 Hassell, Thomas E.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to notify.
Status: N/A
May 24 Marcotte, Louis M. (III)
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; found guilty on criminal charges; failure to notify.
Status: N/A
May 18 Daley, Susanna
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License suspended when monetary penalty was not paid in full. - Demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness, or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of her business; failure to assure timely and complete submission of consumer's application; failure to respond to proper inquiry of the Commissioner.
Status: N/A
May 13 Grigsby, Rogena
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License suspended when monetary penalty was not paid in full. - Demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness, or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of her insurance business; failure to respond to proper inquiry of the Commissioner.
Status: N/A
May 13 Bridgespan Corporation
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: Cease & desist until further proceedings. - Failure to file current surety bond or notify KID it has ceased handling escrow settlement, or closing accounts.
Status: N/A
May 13 Bridgespan Corporation
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: Cease & desist until requirements of 40-1139 are satisfied. - Failure to file current surety bond or notify KID it has ceased handling escrow settlement, or closing accounts.
Status: N/A
May 10 Yoxall, Shelly R.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulently produced proof of insurance.
Status: N/A
May 7 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Kansas City, Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Dissolution financial exam report adopted; certificate of authority revoked. - Dissolution of company.
Status: N/A
May 7 Secutify Benefit Life Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
May 5 Builders' Association Self-Insurers' Fund of Kansas
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
May 5 Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
May 4 Kasl, Robert F.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909
SUMMARY: License suspended 120 days; monetary; - Incompetence, untrustworthiness, financial irresponsibility in the conduct of the business of insurance business; failure to remit premium to an insurer.
Status: N/A
Apr. 25 Travel Air Insurance Company (Kansas)
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Apr. 15 Armed Forces Insurance Exchange
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report adopted.
Status: N/A
Apr. 15 Kansas Workers Risk Cooperative for Counties
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Apr. 15 Travel Air Insurance Company, Ltd.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Apr. 14 First Life America Corporation
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Targeted examination report adopted. - Proposed targeted examination report.
Status: N/A
Apr. 6 Barton, Frederick A.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action, failure to report; criminal conviction, failure to disclose.
Status: N/A
Apr. 6 Borrego, Jesse
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action, failure to report; criminal conviction, failure to disclose.
Status: N/A
Apr. 6 Brunt, Edwared L. (III)
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked - Misdemeanor convictions, failure to disclose.
Status: N/A
Apr. 6 Federated Rural Electric Insurance Exchange
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Apr. 6 Haley, Robert E.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action, failure to report.
Status: N/A
Apr. 6 Morgan, Joseph
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action, failure to disclose. Criminal conviction, failure to disclose.
Status: N/A
Apr. 6 Pieroni, Marc J.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action, failure to report. Failure to respond to proper inquiry.
Status: N/A
Apr. 6 Steele, Julia Ann
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Felony conviction, failure to disclose. Other state action, failure to notify.
Status: N/A
Mar. 31 Smith, Todd
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520
SUMMARY: Application for license denied. - Failure to disclose misdemeanor convictions on application for license. Hearing set, then continued. Applicant failed to pursue.
Status: N/A
Mar. 29 Financial American Life Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,162
SUMMARY: Redomestication from Illinois to Kansas to become a stock insurer approved. - Proposal for redomestication from Illinois to Kansas.
Status: N/A
Mar. 24 American Home Life Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Mar. 24 Kansas Automobile Dealers Workers' Compensation Fund
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Mar. 24 Kansas Bankers Surety Company (The)
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report adopted.
Status: N/A
Mar. 12 Evans, Corey E.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Misdemeanor theft conviction, failure to disclose.
Status: N/A
Mar. 8 Mosely & Associates Insurance Services, Ltd. d/b/a Life Quotes
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Conviction; not disclosed.
Status: N/A
Mar. 8 Mosley, Tim G.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked, conviction not disclosed.
Status: N/A
Mar. 3 Piper, Billie J.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Felony conviction.
Status: N/A
Mar. 3 Porter-Hart, Shirley B.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909;77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked.
Status: N/A
Feb. 27 Homesite Indemnity Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Feb. 27 Kansas Restaurant and Hospitality Association Self-Insurance Fund
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Feb. 27 Marysville Mutual Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Feb. 26 Firstguard Health Plan Kansas, Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301, et seq 40-1-28
SUMMARY: Extension of 90 days granted to Swope to effect acquisition. - Request by Swope Community Enterprises for extension of time to effect proposed acquisition.
Status: N/A
Feb. 15 Patrons Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 77-501
SUMMARY: Divest of any unauthorized investments on or before 6/28/04. - Unauthorized investments.
Status: N/A
Feb. 13 Central Reserve Life Insurance Company
Authority: K.S.A. 40-202
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; review claim processes; market conduct report adopted. - Market conduct examination report.
Status: N/A
Feb. 10 Kansas Employers Worker's Compensation Fund
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Jan. 29 Adams, Timothy R.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Forged applications for insurance; obtained, altered and submitted a personal check to facilitate electronic premium payments w/o authorization.
Status: N/A
Jan. 16 Delta Dental Plan of Kansas, Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Jan. 13 Wadsworth, Eunice R.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked.
Status: N/A
Jan. 12 American Investors Life Insurance Company, Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Jan. 12 Kansas Association of School Boards Risk Management Services, Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Jan. 12 One Health Plan of Kansas/Missouri, Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Jan. 9 Steibler, Gina Marie
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked.
Status: N/A
Jan. 9 Terry, Bruce M.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked.
Status: N/A
Jan. 8 KHA Workers' Compensation Fund, Inc.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report.
Status: N/A
Jan. 6 Jefferson, Adam L.
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Prior criminal convictions, failure to disclose.
Status: N/A