Legal Orders
Pursuant to K.S.A. 77-415, orders published herein shall not be used as precedent in any subsequent adjudication against a person who was not a party to the original adjudication unless the order is designated by the agency as precedent. Such orders will have a designation set forth in the order.
All orders are in PDF format unless otherwise indicated.
| All Years | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 |
2025 Legal Orders | |
Alexander, Alexis |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-4905; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation - Failure to report convictions; misdemeanor convictions on initial application; provided incorrect, misleading, incomplete or untrue information in the license applications. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Copper, Charles |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-4905; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order Refusal to Renew and Revocation; criminal history; failure to report administrative actions by other states; provided incorrect, misleading, incomplete or untrue information in the license applications. | |
Status: Revoked | |
SN Life & Health LLC. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4902; 40-4905; 40-4909; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Order - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agency license; returned NIPR payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Union Security Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,162; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Redomestication approved - Application to transfer domicile to Iowa. | |
Status: | |
Walsh, Arthur |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-4905; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of license; license in home state revoked. | |
Status: Revoked | |
2024 Legal Orders | |
Acosta, G. Alex |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; improperly withheld, misappropriated or converted a moneys received in the course of doing business. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Ali, Samiyah |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; returned NIPR payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
American Casualty Company of Reading |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-901; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Order. Rate violation - use of unapproved rates. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Beaulieu, Destiny |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Renewal refused and license revoked - Summary Order Refusal to Renew and Revocation; failure to report administrative actions by other states; provided incorrect, misleading, incomplete or untrue information in the license applications; pending misdemeanor charge. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Benefit Management, LLC. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3815, 77-5501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Consent Agreement and Final Order; revocation due to financial impairment. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted - Market conduct examination. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Calabro, Gabrielle |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Hearing Dismissed; License Denied - Proposed Default Order; Respondent failed to participate in prehearing conference after requesting hearing; provided incorrect, misleading, incomplete or untrue information in the license application. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Cannon, Todd |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of license; license in home state refusal to renew. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Chaine, Justin |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Hearing request denied - license revoked - Order Denying Untimely Request for a Hearing; hearing request not received prior to deadline; license revoked. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Chaine, Justin |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Renewal refused and license revoked - Summary Order Refusal to Renew and Revocation; provided incorrect, misleading, incomplete or untrue information in the license application; obtained or attempted to obtain a license through misrepresentation or fraud. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Connelly, James |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; returned NIPR payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Continental Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-901; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Order. Rate violation - use of unapproved rates. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Donaho, Kristi |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; returned NIPR payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Echevarria, Maite |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Renewal refused and license revoked - Summary Order Refusal to Renew and Revocation; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; provided incorrect, misleading, incomplete or untrue information in the license applications; failed to respond to inquiry. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Eid, Hassan |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of license; license in home state revoked. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Epstein, Frank |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of license; license in home state revoked. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Fincher-Ford, Shatoya |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; returned NIPR payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Greenwich Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-901; 40-951; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order; use of unapproved forms. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-222; 40-955; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order; miscalculation of cancellation refunds; improperly withheld policy expense fee. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Hartford Casualty Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-222; 40-955; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order; miscalculation of cancellation refunds; improperly withheld policy expense fee. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Henik, Cherie |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Hearing Dismissed; Renewal Refused and Revocation - Proposed Default Order; Respondent failed to participate in prehearing conference after requesting hearing; pending felony charge. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Herault, Hannah |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Hearing request denied - Order Denying Untimely Request for a Hearing; hearing request not received prior to deadline; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Hilton, Abbi |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Failure to pay renewal fee for resident agent license; returned NIPR payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Hoiseth, Todd |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2404;40-4901; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Final Order; revocation upheld; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; forged another person's name to an application for insurance or to any document related to an insurance transaction; made false and fraudulent statements on an application for an insurance policy. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Horn, Mimi |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Renewal refused and license revoked - Summary Order Refusal to Renew and Revocation; provided incorrect, misleading, incomplete or untrue information in the license application; obtained or attempted to obtain a license through misrepresentation or fraud; failed to submit 1033 Consent Waiver; failure to respond. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Hubbart, Christi |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Order Denying Request for a Hearing - Hearing request denied; hearing request not received prior to deadline; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Kansas Superior Select, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption Approved - Approval of the proposed Form A Statement Filing exemption of Kansas Superior Select, Inc. and American Health Holdings, LLC., ML-KSS, LLC., Klaton Insurance Partners, LLC. | |
Status: | |
King, William Scott |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Hearing Dismissed; License Denied - Notice of Cancellation of Prehearing Conference and Proposed Default Order; Respondent failed to participate in prehearing conference after requesting hearing; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Klima, Karson |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Hearing Dismissed; License Denied - Proposed Default Order; Respondent failed to submit requested documentation; failure to pay hearing fee; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Land Title Services Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Notice of Proposed Default Order and Proposed Default Order - License revoked; failure to pay monetary penalty; failure to submit documents requested in Cease and Desist Order; failure to participate in hearing; failure to maintain records. | |
Status: Revoked | |
LandTitle of Wichita |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Notice of Proposed Default Order and Proposed Default Order - License revoked; failure to pay monetary penalty; failure to submit documents requested in Cease and Desist Order; failure to participate in hearing; failure to maintain records. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Markovich, Donicka |
Authority: K.S.A. 4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Hearing Dismissed; License Denied - Notice of Cancellation of Prehearing Conference and Proposed Default Order; Respondent failed to participate in prehearing conference after requesting hearing; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Mata, Kemberly |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Hearing request denied - Order Denying Untimely Request for a Hearing; hearing request not received prior to deadline; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Moore, Alexandria-Andrea |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; returned NIPR payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Morrow, Jason |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Order Denying Request for a Hearing - Hearing request denied; hearing request not received prior to deadline; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Murphy-Jurgensen, Teresa |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-4905; 77-50 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation - Failure to report convictions; misdemeanor convictions; failure to respond. | |
Status: Revoked | |
National Fire Insurance Company of Hartford |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-901; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Order. Rate violation - use of unapproved rates. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Negron, Jayme |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Renewal refused and license revoked - Summary Order Refusal to Renew and Revocation; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Nicoletti, Bruno |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation issued; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; forged another person's name to an application for insurance or to any document related to an insurance transaction; failed to report other states actions. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Pickard, Alisha |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Hearing Dismissed; License Denied - Notice of Cancellation of Prehearing Conference and Proposed Default Order; Respondent failed to participate in prehearing conference after requesting hearing; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Powell, Isaiah |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Hearing Dismissed; License Denied - Notice of Cancellation of Prehearing Conference and Proposed Default Order; Respondent failed to participate in prehearing conference after requesting hearing; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Property and Casualty Company of Hartford |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-222; 40-955; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order; miscalculation of cancellation refunds; improperly withheld policy expense fee. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Rastall, Kristin |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Proposed Default Order - Hearing dismissed - Respondent failed to participate in prehearing conference after requesting hearing; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Robertson, Benjamin |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Renewal refused and license revoked - Summary Order Refusal to Renew and Revocation; administrative actions in other states; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Rosario, Jean |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; returned NIPR payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Scully, Rhonda |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Notice of Proposed Default Order and Proposed Default Order - License revoked; failure to pay monetary penalty; failure to submit documents requested in Cease and Desist Order; failure to participate in hearing; failure to maintain records. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Sehgal, Vijit |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Renewal refused and license revoked - Final Order of Default and Dismissal; Respondent failed to submit requested documentation; failed to request motion to vacate Proposed Default Order. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Sentinel Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-222; 40-955; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order; miscalculation of cancellation refunds; improperly withheld policy expense fee. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Shasta Administrative Services, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3814; 40-3815 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of Third-Party Administrator License; failure to file 2024 TPA annual report; failure to maintain license in home state. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Steinke, Trevor |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; returned NIPR payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
The Automobile Insurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-951; 40-2,125; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order; use of unapproved forms. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
The Continental Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-901; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Order. Rate violation - use of unapproved rates. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
The Standard Fire Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-951; 40-2,125; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order; use of unapproved forms. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
The Travelers Home and Marine Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-951; 40-2,125; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order; use of unapproved forms. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
The Travelers Indemnity Company of America |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-951; 40-2,125; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order; use of unapproved forms. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
TPAdvantage, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3814; 40-3815 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of Third-Party Administrator License; failure to file 2024 TPA annual report; failure to maintain license in home state. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Transportation Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-901; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Order. Rate violation - use of unapproved rates. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Twin City Fire Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-222; 40-955; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order; miscalculation of cancellation refunds; improperly withheld policy expense fee. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Underhill, Jeffrey |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation issued; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; improperly withheld, misappropriated or converted a moneys received in the course of doing business; failed to respond. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Valley Forge Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-901; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Order. Rate violation - use of unapproved rates. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Vasquez, Justin |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation - felony convictions; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Walker, Mareisha |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Hearing dismissed; license denied - Notice of Cancellation of Prehearing Conference and Proposed Default Order; Respondent failed to participate in prehearing conference after requesting hearing; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
2023 Legal Orders | |
Ace American Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-951; 40-2,125; 40-955; 40-216 | |
SUMMARY: Consent Order - Monetary Penalty - Use of unapproved rating programs for small watercraft policies. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Ace Fire Underwriters Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-951; 40-2,125; 40-955; 40-216 | |
SUMMARY: Consent Order - Monetary Penalty - Use of unapproved rating programs for small watercraft policies. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Alonzo, Vincent |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation - Failure to pay application fee for resident agent license; returned KanPay payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Benchmark Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Form A exemption - Form A exemption approved; acquisition of control of Benchmark Insurance Company by Altaris Partners, LLC. | |
Status: | |
Butler, Kim Diane Hayes |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Renewal refused and license revoked - Summary Order Refusal to Renew and Revocation; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Cosby, Nathan |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Renewal refused and license revoked - Summary Order Refusal to Renew and Revocation; violated any insurance law or regulation in another state; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Ellis, Tia |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-4905; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order Refusal to Renew and Revocation - criminal history; failure to timely report conviction. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Fuentes, Francis P |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Order Denying Request for a Hearing - Hearing request denied; hearing request not received prior to deadline; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Gibson, Joshua |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; returned NIPR payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Gilba, Ty |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order Refusal to Renew and Revocation - criminal history; failure to timely report conviction. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Goeken, Rebecca |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Renewal refused and license revoked - Summary Order Refusal to Renew and Revocation; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; failed to respond. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Huffstetler, Gabrielle |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License denied - License denial affirmed; application for nonresident insurance producer license; failure to respond to Department correspondence requesting documents; felony charge. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Hughes, William |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Final Order of Default and Dismissal - Proposed Default Order final - Hearing dismissed; Respondent failed to pay investigative and hearing costs; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Insurance Company of North America |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-951; 40-2,125; 40-955; 40-216 | |
SUMMARY: Consent Order - Monetary Penalty - Use of unapproved rating programs for small watercraft policies. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Lasley, Hannah |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Proposed Default Order - Hearing dismissed; Respondent failed to participate in prehearing conference after requesting hearing; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Losh, Neil |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation - falsified proof of insurance coverage for a personal property loss; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Mathwich, Shon |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-4905; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order Refusal to Renew and Revocation - criminal history. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Meyer, Nicholas |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation - Failure to pay application fee for resident agent license; returned NIPR payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Moody, Nicole |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Proposed Default Order - Hearing dismissed; Respondent failed to participate in prehearing conference after requesting hearing; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Nazario, Kyl |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Proposed Default Order - Hearing dismissed; Respondent failed to participate in prehearing conference after requesting hearing; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Noel, Matthew |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation - criminal history; violation of probation. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Porter, Heidi |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Renewal refused and license revoked - Summary Order Refusal to Renew and Revocation; criminal history. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Roberts, Erk |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Proposed Default Order - Hearing dismissed; Respondent failed to pay investigative and hearing costs; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Rochdale Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Termination of Consent Order - Termination of Consent Order dated September 26, 1997 and reinstatement of certificate of authority. | |
Status: | |
Root Enterprise, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-956; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Failure to file application for renewal of the licensing of a rating organization; failure to pay required fee. | |
Status: | |
Shaver, Lewis |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order - used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; failure to report other states actions; license revoked in multiple other jurisdictions due to lack of fitness and fraudulent practices in the conduct of business. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Shine, Charmaine |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Order Denying Request for a Hearing - Hearing request denied; hearing request not received prior to deadline; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
SILAC Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-401; 40-2401; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order - Failure to timely notify insurers; failure to delay issuing policies for an appropriate amount of time. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Smith, Sierra |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order Refusal to Renew and Revocation - criminal history. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Stratford Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-951; 40-2,125; 40-955 | |
SUMMARY: Consent Order - Monetary Penalty - Rate violation - improper implementation of rates related to revenue Boost-Max feature. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
United Benefit Life Insurance Company n/k/a Cigna Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Termination of Consent Order - Termination of Consent Order dated May 20, 2022 and reinstatement of certificate of authority. | |
Status: | |
US Alliance Life and Security Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,162; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Redomestication approved - Application to transfer domicile. | |
Status: | |
Walton, Donald |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation - Failure to pay application fee for resident agent license; returned NIPR payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
West, Alyson |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Proposed Default Order - Hearing dismissed; Respondent failure to respond after requesting hearing; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Wilson, Sakai |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order Refusal to Renew and Revocation - criminal history. | |
Status: Revoked | |
WMBIC Indemnity Corporation n/k/a Greenwood Indemnity Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Termination of Consent Order - Termination of consent order dated November 7, 1985. | |
Status: | |
2022 Legal Orders | |
Accordia Life & Annuity Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222, 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order - Failure to timely send annual statements; annual statements incorrect; failure to provide policyholders notice regarding cancellation for non-payment; failure to pay interest on death benefits life insurance policy; unlicensed entity named on policyholder documents. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Athene Annuity & Life Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222, 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order - Failure to timely send annual statements; annual statements incorrect; failure to provide policyholders notice regarding cancellation for non-payment; failure to pay interest on death benefits life insurance policy; unlicensed entity named on policyholder documents. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Austin Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-901, 40-951 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Rate violation - use of unapproved rates. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Bankers Standard Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 40-955; 77-537; 40-5104 | |
SUMMARY: Consent Agreement and Final Order - Rate violation due to insurance score factors. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Bukowski, Michael |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Proposed Default Order - Hearing dismissed; Respondent failed to pay investigative and hearing costs; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Crouse, Taryn |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Proposed Default Order - Hearing dismissed; Respondent failed to pay investigative and hearing costs; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Dawson, Kristi |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Order Denying Request for a Hearing - Hearing request denied; hearing request not received prior to deadline; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Edmundson, Ashley |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Order of Revocation - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; returned NIPR payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Entrikin, Melissa |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Order of Revocation - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; returned NIPR payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Farmers Insurance Exchange |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222, 40-955, 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Rate violation - using rates prior to Department approval. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Felton, Shannon |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Order of Revocation - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; returned NIPR payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
First Chicago Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-2401; 40-2,125; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order - Rate violation and failure to timely process claims. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Gardiner III, George Edward |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of license; license in home state cancelled. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Generali-U.S. Branch |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-501; 40-955 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Order - failure to maintain records; failure to consistently refund unearned travel insurance premium on pre-departure cancellations. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Goodville Mutual Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-951; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Agreement and Order; rate violation due to charging for unapproved service charge fee rates. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Holloman, Rashonda |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Proposed Default Order - Hearing dismissed; Respondent failure to respond after requesting hearing; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Howell, Tucker |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License denied - Final Agency Order - license denial affirmed; application for resident insurance producer license; criminal history; failure to disclose other state's action. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Ivantage Insurance Solutions, LLC. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3815 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Failure to file 2020 and 2021 annual reports; failure to respond; license in home state dissolved. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Lasley, Hannah |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Order Denying Request for a Hearing - Hearing request denied; hearing request not received prior to deadline; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Marr. Lori |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Final Order of Default and Dismissal - Proposed Default Order final - Hearing dismissed; Respondent failed to pay investigative and hearing costs; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Medrano, Kevin |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Order of Revocation - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; returned NIPR payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Peckham, Chandler |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Summary Order of Revocation - Failure to pay application fee for resident agent license; returned KanPay payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Pennell, Chery |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Summary Order Refusal to Renew and Revocation - License revocation; failure to timely report conviction; misdemeanor convictions. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Perez Belmontes, Yvonne |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Proposed Default Order - Hearing dismissed ;Respondent failed to participate in prehearing conference after requesting hearing; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Progressive Direct Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-2401; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Consent Agreement and Final Order - Failure to keep proper records; undue delays processing claims; failure to acknowledge communications within an appropriate time frame. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Progressive Northwestern Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-2401; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order - Failure to keep proper records; undue delays processing claims; failure to acknowledge communications within an appropriate time frame. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Sowder, Deborah |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of license; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; committed offense of criminal deprivation of property; misdemeanor conviction. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Stobbe, John |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Summary Order of Revocation - Failure to pay application fee for resident agent license; returned NIPR payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
The Travelers Home and Marine Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222, 40-955, 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order - Rate violation due to failure to properly update policies and provide rate reduction upon renewal. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Travelers Personal Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222, 40-955, 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order - Rate violation due to failure to properly update policies and provide rate reduction upon renewal. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Travelers Property Casualty Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222, 40-955, 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order - Rate violation due to failure to properly update policies and provide rate reduction upon renewal. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Wade, Bradley |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Proposed Default Order - Hearing dismissed - Respondent failed to participate in prehearing conference after requesting hearing; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Webber, Jennifer |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Proposed Default Order - Hearing dismissed; Respondent failure to respond after requesting hearing; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Weinberger, Michael |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Proposed Default Order - Hearing dismissed. Respondent failed to participate in prehearing conference after requesting hearing; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
West, Reece B |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License denied - License denial affirmed; application for nonresident insurance producer license; failure to disclose misdemeanor convictions; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
White, Jarratt |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Order Denying Request for a Hearing - Hearing request denied; hearing request not received prior to deadline; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Winning Circle Elite DBA Wce Insurance Agency |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4906; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Order of Revocation - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; returned NIPR payment; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
2021 Legal Orders | |
Adams, Fernando Lee |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of license; license in home state voluntarily surrendered. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222, 40-955, 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order - Failure to implement policy changes removing trailer rental surcharge. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Allstate Indemnity Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222, 40-955, 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order - Failure to implement policy changes removing trailer rental surcharge. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Amerigroup Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/19. | |
Status: | |
Amerigroup Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption approved - Approval of the proposed Form A Statement Filing exemption of Anthem, Inc. and Amerigroup Kansas, Inc. | |
Status: | |
Aparicio, Elsa Viviana |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order issued - Intentionally misrepresented the provisions, terms and conditions of an insurance contract or application for insurance; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Argondizzo, Francesco |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246b; 40-246c; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Excess lines license revoked - Administrative Action - Failure to file 2020 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: | |
Barron, Andromeda Joann |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; misdemeanor conviction; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; failure to report conviction. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Bremen Farmers Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of December 31, 2020. | |
Status: | |
Brohard, Chadly Dillon |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909, 77-501, 40-7-9 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order issued - Intentionally misrepresented the provisions, terms and conditions of an insurance contract or application for insurance; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; failure to report other states action. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Burkholder, Scott Jacob |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License denied - License denial affirmed; application for resident insurance producer license; failure to disclose misdemeanor conviction. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Burks, Tyrre Andrew |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246c; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Order. - Failure to timely file 2020 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Buss, Gregory Alan |
Authority: K.S.A. K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License denied - License denial affirmed; application for resident insurance producer license; failure to disclose misdemeanor conviction and Real Estate License Action. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Clark, Andrew Smith |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246b; 40-246c; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Excess lines license revoked - Administrative Action - Failure to file 2019 and 2020 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: | |
Clark, Eli William |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246b; 40-246c; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Excess lines license revoked - Administrative Action - Failure to file 2020 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: | |
Clifford, Tyler |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of license; license in home state revoked. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Coleman, Jason Alan |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of license; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; intentionally provided inaccurate information on applications; electronically signed applications without applicant's consent. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Cooper, Ellis B |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of nonresident license; license in home state revoked. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Counts, Belinda D |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246b; 40-246c; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Excess lines license revoked - Administrative Action - Failure to file 2020 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: | |
Darling, Brandon Whitney |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103, 40-2401 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Summary Order; cease and desist in deceptive or misleading advertising; failed to include name of actual insurer in advertisement. | |
Status: | |
Davis, Anthony T |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; misdemeanor conviction; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; failure to disclose other states actions; failure to respond. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Delta Dental of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/19. | |
Status: | |
Faircloth, Hensel Stevenson |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of license; license in home state voluntarily surrendered. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Felipe, Jose S |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of license; license in home state suspended. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Frazier, James M |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246b; 40-246c; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Excess lines license revoked - Administrative Action - Failure to file 2020 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: | |
Gagliardi, Marco Solomon |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246b; 40-246c; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Excess lines license revoked - Administrative Action - Failure to file 2020 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: | |
Gann, Jason Wayne |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order of Revocation - Summary Order of Revocation - intentionally misrepresented the provisions, terms and conditions of an actual or proposed insurance contract or application for insurance; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Garrison Property and Casualty Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 40-955; 77-537; 40-5104 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Order - Rate violation due to insurance score factors. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Giadrosich, Ronald Bernard |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246b; 40-246c; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Excess lines license revoked - Administrative Action - Failure to file 2020 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: | |
Gibson, Tyronica Monett |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of license; license in home state revoked. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Glantz, Brian C |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246b; 40-246c; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Excess lines license revoked - Administrative Action - Failure to file 2020 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: | |
Gomez, Zelene |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246b; 40-246c; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Excess lines license revoked - Administrative Action - Failure to file 2019 and 2020 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: | |
Gronich, Lloyd |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of license; license in home state voluntarily surrendered. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Harmon, Tim P. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Revocation of nonresident license; license in home state expired. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Hart, Lisa M |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of license; license in home state revoked. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Heritage Casualty Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Form A Statement approved - Form A Statement approved; acquisition of control of Heritage Casualty Insurance Company. | |
Status: | |
Iniguez, Luis Carlos |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Summary Order issued - Failure to pay application fee for resident agent license; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Jacobs, Tishalyn D |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Summary Order issued - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Janzen, Lylyan Katrenia |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order issued - Intentionally misrepresented the provisions, terms and conditions of an insurance contract or application for insurance; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Jean, Shawn |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of nonresident license; license in home state revoked. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Kansas Insurance Guaranty Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2912 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/19. | |
Status: | |
Kansas Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/19. | |
Status: | |
Kansas Superior Select, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Form A Statement approved - Form A Statement approved; acquisition of control of Kansas Superior Select, Inc. by MFP AHP LLC and MFO AHP SUB LLC. | |
Status: | |
Kansas Superior Select, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption approved - Approval of the proposed Form A Statement Filing exemption of Kansas Superior Select, Inc.and American Health Companies, Inc. | |
Status: | |
Kansas Superior Select, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption approved - Approval of the proposed Form A Statement Filing exemption of Kansas Superior Select, Inc. and American Health Holdings, LLC., ML-KSS, LLC. and Klaton Insurance Partners, LLC. | |
Status: | |
Kingdon, Greg T |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246b; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Order. - Failure to timely file 2020 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Koppers, Daniel John |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; misdemeanor conviction; failure to report convictions. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Lee, Angele Maria |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of nonresident license; license in home state revoked. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Leon, Kabir |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Administrative Action -Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Lipkin, Eugene Miles |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246b; 40-246c; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Order - Failure to timely file 2020 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Longo, Adam |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246b; 40-246c; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Excess lines license revoked - Administrative Action - Failure to file 2020 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: | |
Lopez, Francisco |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of nonresident license; license in home state revoked. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Lunati, Peter John |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246b; 40-246c; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Excess lines license revoked - Administrative Action - Failure to file 2020 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: | |
Madasz Sr., Daniel Stephen |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; felony convictions; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; failure to report convictions. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Madrigal, Anthony V |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246b; 40-246c; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Excess lines license revoked - Administrative Action - Failure to file 2019 and 2020 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: | |
Marysville Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222, 40-955, 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/19. | |
Status: | |
McCutcheon, Brittney |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of license; license in home state cancelled. | |
Status: Revoked | |
McLester-Heim, Dianne-Lynn |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of license; license in home state revoked. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Metcalf, Gregory C |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246b; 40-246c; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Excess lines license revoked - Administrative Action - Failure to file 2020 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: | |
Metropolitan Casualty Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537; 40-5104 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Order - Rate violation due to insurance score factors. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Metropolitan Property & Casualty Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537; 40-5104 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Order - Rate violation due to insurance score factors. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Miller, Cornelius |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of nonresident license; license in home state expired. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Mong, Julie Marie |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of license; license granted in error; provided incorrect, misleading, incomplete or untrue information in the license application. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Morgan, Mark Douglas |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246b; 40-246c; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Excess lines license revoked - Administrative Action - Failure to file 2020 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: | |
Nassau Life Insurance Company of Kansas |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/19. | |
Status: | |
National Health Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Use of unapproved online application; use of unapproved outline of coverage form; failure to report appointment of agent. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh PA |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222, 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Failure to refund premiums without request from insured. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Navarro, Evan Paul |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; misdemeanor convictions; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; failure to report convictions. | |
Status: Revoked | |
O'Donnell, Deborah L |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246b; 40-246c; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Excess lines license revoked - Administrative Action - Failure to file 2020 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: | |
Old United Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/19. | |
Status: | |
Ordonez, Jorge Manual |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; failure to report other states actions; home state license revoked. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Oster, Eric |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4905; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Administrative Action -Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Ottley, Kevin M |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246b; 40-246c; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Excess lines license revoked - Administrative Action - Failure to file 2020 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: | |
Penn, Mark Ramsey |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246b; 40-246c; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Excess lines license revoked - Administrative Action - Failure to file 2020 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: | |
Reilly, Jennifer Ann |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246b; 40-246c; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Excess lines license revoked - Administrative Action - Failure to file 2020 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: | |
Rodriguez-Villanueva, Andrea |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; improperly withheld, misappropriated or converted a moneys received in the course of doing business. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Scott, Chad Tindall |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246b; 40-246c; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Excess lines license revoked - Administrative Action - Failure to file 2020 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: | |
Senior Solution Insurance |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103, 40-2401 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Summary Order; cease and desist in deceptive or misleading advertising; failed to include name of actual insurer in advertisement. | |
Status: | |
Sharp & Associates LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103, 40-2401 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Summary Order; cease and desist in deceptive or misleading advertising; failed to include name of actual insurer in advertisement. | |
Status: | |
Sharp, Terry O |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103, 40-2401 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Summary Order; cease and desist in deceptive or misleading advertising; failed to include name of actual insurer in advertisement. | |
Status: | |
Slappy-Bey, Robert Antwan |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4906; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of license; license in home state voluntarily surrendered. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Sunflower State Health Plan, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/19. | |
Status: | |
Surency Life & Health Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/19. | |
Status: | |
Tweedie, Benjamin |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246b; 40-246c; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Excess lines license revoked - Administrative Action - Failure to file 2020 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: | |
Union Security Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Form A Statement approved - Acquisition of control of Union Security Insurance Company by CUNA Mutual Holding Company and CMFG Life Insurance Company. | |
Status: | |
Union Security Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption approved - Approval of the proposed Form A Statement Filing exemption of Union Security Insurance Company and CUNA Mutual Holding Company | |
Status: | |
United Services Automobile Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 40-955; 77-537; 40-5104 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Order - Rate violation due to insurance score factors. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
US Alliance Life and Security Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/19. | |
Status: | |
USAA Casualty Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 40-955; 77-537; 40-5104 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Order - Rate violation due to insurance score factors. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
USAA General Indemnity Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 40-955; 77-537; 40-5104 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Order - Rate violation due to insurance score factors. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Vallejo, Steven |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246b; 40-246c; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Excess lines license revoked - Administrative Action - Failure to file 2020 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: | |
Vega-Sanz, Matthew |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246c; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Order. - Failure to timely file 2020 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Walker, Billy JoDean |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order issued - Intentionally misrepresented the provisions, terms and conditions of an insurance contract or application for insurance; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Ware, Kevin |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246c; 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Order - Failure to timely file 2020 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
WellCare of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-248 | |
SUMMARY: Examination report adopted - Discontinuance of business examination report as of December, 3, 2020 adopted. | |
Status: | |
Wurtz, Mack |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Consent Order and Agreement; revocation of license; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; other state's action. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Zanabriga, Veronica |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Order of Dismissal (Default Order) - Hearing dismissed; Respondent failed to submit documentation and respond to Department after requesting hearing; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
2020 Legal Orders | |
Advance Insurance Company of Kansas |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/18. | |
Status: | |
Advanced Benefit Management Systems USA, D/B/A ABMS USA, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3815; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of Third-Party Administrator License; home state license inactive due to non-payment of fees. | |
Status: Revoked | |
AF&L Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Failure to adjudicate claims in good faith; failure to respond to Department. | |
Status: | |
Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222, 40-955, 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order. Failure to timely submit filing regarding corrections to complementary group rating factors and table assignment numbers. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Allstate Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 222, 40-955, 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order - Failure to file with Department company's policy classification notice. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222, 40-955, 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Consent Agreement and Final Order - Failure to file with Department policy classification notice. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
AmTrust Insurance Company of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,162; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Redomestication and name change approved - Application to transfer domicile and name change. | |
Status: | |
Barreto, Juan Felipe |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-5510; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order issued - Revocation of public adjuster license; fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; represented individuals in claims of noncommercial lines. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Bearing Midwest Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Fina - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/19. | |
Status: | |
Benchmark Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Form A Statement approved - Form A Statement approved; acquisition of control of Benchmark Insurance Company by Trean Insurance Group, Inc. | |
Status: | |
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/18. | |
Status: | |
BlueCross BlueShield Kansas Solutions, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/18. | |
Status: | |
Bosco, Mackenzie A |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Proposed Default Order issued - Hearing dismissed; Respondent failed to submit documentation and respond to Department after requesting hearing; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Boston Mutual Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order - Market conduct inquiry; issuance of unauthorized certificates under group association policies; cease and desist from violations. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Buttine, John M |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-246a; 40-246c; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Excess lines license revoked - Failure to file 2019 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Copeland Jr., Robert |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License denied - License denial affirmed; application for resident insurance agent license; failure to disclose; misdemeanor conviction. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/18. | |
Status: | |
Crump, Nakeisha Shauniece |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Summary Order issued - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Dunlop, Jesse |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of license; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; license in home state expired. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Edwards, Kristan |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Proposed Default Order - Hearing dismissed; Respondent failed to submit documentation and respond to Department after requesting hearing; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Employers Mutual Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Market conduct investigation; policies issued by unlicensed producers. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Farmers Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/18. | |
Status: | |
Ferman, Jeffrey Erik |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-52 | |
SUMMARY: Proposed Default Order - License denied - Respondent failed to submit documentation and respond to Department after requesting hearing; hearing dismissed; license denied. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Field, Kylor Keith |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; misdemeanor convictions; failure to report convictions. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Fish, Michael Patrick |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order issued; criminal history; failure to report convictions. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Fisher, Riley |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License denied - License denial affirmed; application for resident insurance agent; failure to disclose; misdemeanor conviction. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Hall, Melinda M |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Revocation of license; Final Order; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. *Decision affirmed upon Judicial Review. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Hicks, Zachary H |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-50 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Summary Order issued - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Hiebert, Brooke H. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License denied - License denied - Application for resident insurance agent; failure to disclose; misdemeanor conviction. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Hollander, Stuart D |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-246a; 40-246c; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Excess lines license revoked - Failure to file 2019 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Horizon Midwest Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/19. | |
Status: | |
Hutchins, Krissie D |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Revocation of license; Final Order; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. *Decision affirmed upon Judicial Review. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Joshua David Mellberg, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order - Fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Kansas Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/17. | |
Status: | |
Kansas Superior Select, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Form A Statement approved - Form A Statement approved; acquisition of control of Kansas Superior Select, Inc. by American Health Companies, Inc. | |
Status: | |
Mackethan, Edwin Robeson |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-246a; 40-246c; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Excess lines license revoked - Failure to file 2019 excess lines tax filing. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Martinez, Marissa M |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License denied - License denial affirmed; application for resident insurance agent; failure to disclose; misdemeanor conviction. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Midwest Builders' Casualty Mutual Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/19. | |
Status: | |
Milbank Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222, 40-955, 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Rate filing not submitted at least 30 days before its effective date. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Nassau Life Insurance Company of Kansas |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption approved - Approval of the proposed exemption of Nassau Life Insurance Company of Kansas. | |
Status: | |
Patterson, Kasey |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License denied - License denial affirmed; application for resident insurance agent; non-compliance of agent licensing requirements; failure to respond to Department. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Reserve National Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order - Failure to process and pay claims in a manner consistent with K.S.A. 40-2442. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Richmond, Samuel |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Summary Order issued - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Ryan, Fernando |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Summary Order issued - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Sanders II, Dennis J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License denied - Application for resident individual adjuster license; failure to disclose. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Snyder, Carl |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-2407; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Summary Order; cease and dsist in deceptive or misleading advertising; failed to obtain Commissioner appproval for Medicare Supplement advertisemenet; failed to include name of actual insurer in advertisement. | |
Status: | |
Spears, David Dustin |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of license; criminal proceedings. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Spears, David Dustin |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-536 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended/Emergency Suspension - Emergency suspension until resolution of the matter in Summary Order Docket No. 85583. | |
Status: Suspended | |
Sutton, Kendra Renee |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; misdemeanor conviction; failure to report conviction. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Tokio Marine America Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103, 40-955, 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order - Failure to submit workers compensation loss cost adoption filings. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Trans Pacific Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103, 40-955, 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order - Failure to submit workers compensation loss cost adoption filings. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Union Security Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/18. | |
Status: | |
Union Security Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption approved - Request for exemption from formal filing requirements approved. | |
Status: | |
Upland Mutual Insurance, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/2018. | |
Status: | |
Whiting, Robert R |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of license; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; license in home state expired. | |
Status: Revoked | |
2019 Legal Orders | |
AccessCare General, LLC. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Adair, Ryan G |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License denied - License denial affirmed; application for resident insurance agent; failure to disclose; misdemeanor conviction. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Alliance Indemnity Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/17. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Alliance Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/17. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty. - Market Conduct Examination. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
American Continental Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222, 40-4912, 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Market conduct inquiry; life applications were issued by unappointed producers; cease and desist violation. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
American Pet Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. K.S.A. 40-222; 40-4905; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Market conduct inquiry; Policies processed by unlicensed employee; other state's action. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
American Southern Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/17. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Amtrust Insurance Company of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted - Request for exemption from formal filing requirements approved. | |
Status: | |
AmTrust Insurance Company of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Armed Forces Insurance Exchange |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/17. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Arvin, Sarah J |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License denied - License denial affirmed - Application for resident insurance agent; failure to disclose; misdemeanor convictions. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Austin, Marcus E |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Final order issued - Revocation of license; felony conviction; failure to report revocation in another state. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Auto-Owners (Mutual) Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222, 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Market conduct inquiry; use of non-filed commercial forms. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Bond, Shawna R |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; improperly withheld, misappropriated or converted a moneys received in the course of doing business; license in home state expired. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Bremen Farmers Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/16. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Brown, Jamie M |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License denied - License denial affirmed - Application for resident insurance agent; failure to disclose; misdemeanor convictions and felony conviction. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Centene Venture Company Kansas |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Form A Statement approved - - Form A Statement approved; acquisition of control of Centene Venture Company Kansas by Ascension Care Management, LLC. | |
Status: | |
Centene Venture Company Kansas |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 02/18/2019. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Charbonneau, Beau |
Authority: K.S.A. K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License denied - Application for resident insurance agent; failure to disclose; misdemeanor convictions. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
CNA Insurance Group |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Rating issues involving certain business owners' policies, workers' compensation policies and commercial auto products. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Colby, Juliane L |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License denied - License denial affirmed - Application for resident insurance agent; failure to disclose; misdemeanor conviction. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Covarrubias, Yadira L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; provided incomplete and untrue information on license application and obtained license through misrepresentation or fraud. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Davis, Joshua J |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; misdemeanor conviction; failure to report conviction. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Delaware Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Unfair claim settlement practice. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Dempewolf, Steve A |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License denied - License denial affirmed; application for resident insurance agent; failure to disclose; misdemeanor conviction. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Deplato, William A |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of license; felony convictions; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; failure to report convictions. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Employers Reassurance Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/17. | |
Status: | |
Evans, Gabriel M |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Farmers Alliance Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/17. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Farmers Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Financial American Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Form A Statement approved - Form A Statement approved; acquisition of control of Financial American Life Insurance Company by Arch Capital Group, LTD and Arch Capital Group (U.S.) Inc. | |
Status: | |
First Choice Casualty Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-309; 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Merger Approved - Application by company to merge with and into Benchmark Insurance Company. | |
Status: | |
Forsythe, Amber K |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License denied - License denial affirmed; application for resident insurance agent; failure to disclose; misdemeanor convictions. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Freeman Sr., Zachary B |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License denied - License denial affirmed - Application for resident insurance agent; failure to disclose; misdemeanor conviction. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Gendron, John P |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License denied - License denial affirmed - Application for resident insurance agent; failure to disclose; misdemeanor convictions. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Gerber, Tara K |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; improperly withheld, misappropriated or converted a moneys received in the course of doing business; license in home state expired. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Hawkins, Matthew Jamin |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Summary Order issued - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Heritage Casualty Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Key Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Market Conduct Examination; claim handling. | |
Status: | |
Krainer, John T |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; license granted in error; felony convictions. | |
Status: Revoked | |
McGee, Sophia L |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Revocation of license; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; violated any insurance law or regulation of another state; improperly withheld, misappropriated or converted a moneys received in the course of doing business. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Morgan, Sean E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended - Summary Order - Temporary suspension of resident agent license until resolution of criminal proceedings. | |
Status: | |
Nuss, Kristopher S |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License denied - License denial affirmed; application for resident insurance agent; failure to disclose; misdemeanor conviction. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Omega Title Services, LLC. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-2407; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Surety bond cancelled; no new surety bond or irrevocable letter of credit received. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Owens, Samantha |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; violated any insurance law or regulation of another state; failure to report revocation in home state. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Owners Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Market conduct inquiry; use of non-filed commercial forms. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Pappada, Jodi R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Final order issued; license revocation; committed fraudulent insurance act; felony conviction. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Patterson, Kasey |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Summary Order issued - misdemeanor conviction; failure to report conviction. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Physicians Standard Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3605 | |
SUMMARY: Order of Rehabilitation - Order of Rehabilitation | |
Status: | |
Porter, Christopher |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; violated any insurance law or regulation of another state; failure to report revocation in home state. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Pounds, Christopher L |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Suspension rescinded - Summary Order issued 10/31/2018 rescinded and license reinstated. | |
Status: | |
Powell, Garrett A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; failure to disclose 2018 felony and misdemeanor convictions. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Reed, David M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order issued; revocation of license; license surrendered in home state. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Renaissance Life & Health Insurance Company of America |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Market Conduct inquiry; misrepresentation in insurance applications; policies processed by unlicensed producers; products sold to invalid groups. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Reynolds, Michael R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; convicted of a misdemeanor. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Rice, Aaron M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; convicted of a felony. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Rodriguez, Leticia |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License denied - License denial affirmed; application for resident insurance agent; failure to disclose; misdemeanor conviction. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Sagicor Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 40-2405; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Market conduct inquiry; advertising violations. | |
Status: | |
Schlue, Jonathan A |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; criminal proceedings; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; forged another person's name to an application for insurance or to any document related to an insurance transaction; intentionally misrepresented the provisions, terms and conditions of an insurance contract or application for insurance; violated any insurance law or regulation of another state. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Scriven, Emily Jayne |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Failure to pay application fee for resident agent license; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Security Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report as of 12/31/17. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Sentinel Insurance Company, LTD. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-1-34; 40-2407; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Cease and desist from failure to keep notes and work papers related to claims and failure to respond in a timely manner. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 44-5,120; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Failure to make prompt delivery to the medical provider of funds as a result of an order or award; cease and desist from violation. | |
Status: | |
Swinney, Dennis L |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Final Order issued - revocation of license; felony conviction; failed to report conviction to Department. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Tallie, Amanda L |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License denied - License denial affirmed - Application for resident insurance agent; failure to disclose; misdemeanor convictions. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
The Cincinnati Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 44-5,125; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Failure to timely pay workers compensation claim; cease and desist from violations. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Union Fidelity Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Vega, Oyun A |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-536 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended/Emergency Suspension - Emergency suspension until resolution of the matter in Summary Order Docket No. 77902. | |
Status: Suspended | |
Wellcare of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Form A Statement approved - Acquisition of control of Wellcare of Kansas, Inc. by Centene Corporation. | |
Status: | |
Wijesurendra, Shenie Shehara |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; failed to submit required documentation; failure to respond; failure to notify department of address change. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Williams, Cursta L |
Authority: K.S.A. K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order - Revocation of license; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; violated any insurance law or regulation of another state; been convicted of a felony; license revoked in home state. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Williams, Cursta L |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended - License suspended - Summary Order - Temporary suspension of resident agent license until resolution of criminal proceedings in the state of Iowa. | |
Status: Suspended | |
2018 Legal Orders | |
Adams, Travis L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to forward premiums to companies; forged another person's name to an application for insurance or to any document related to an insurance transaction; used fraudulent conduct and demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; intentionally misrepresented the provisions, terms and conditions of an insurance contract or application for insurance; misdemeanor conviction. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Aetna Better Health of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Form A Statement approved - Form A Statement approved; acquisition of control of Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc. and Aetna Better Health of Kansas, Inc. by CVS Health Corporation. | |
Status: | |
Allen, Shawna |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; failure to forward premiums to companies; intentionally misrepresented the provisions, terms and conditions of an insurance contract or application for insurance. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted. - Market conduct examination report. | |
Status: | |
American Freedom Assurance, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-2407; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Surety bond cancelled- no new surety bond or irrevocable letter of credit received; failure to respond. | |
Status: Revoked | |
American Health Management Services, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2, 125; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Failure to obtain a proper Home State Third-Party Administrator license before operating as an administrator within the State of Kansas; cease and desist from providing Third-Party Administrator services until licensed. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
American Home Life Insurance Company (The) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Amtrust Insuance Company of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Form A Statement approved - Form A Statement approved; acquisition of control of Amtrust Insuance Company of Kansas, Inc. by Evergreen Parent, LP. and Evergreen Parent GP, LLP. | |
Status: | |
Axis Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222,40-2404 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Market conduct inquiry; improper grouping and unfair trade practices. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Baker, Zachary T. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Summary Order issued - Fraudulent or dishonest practice; occupational license revoked; failure to disclose. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Benchmark Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Bryant, Kristin R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; committed fraud in violation of K.S.A. 40-2404; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; failure to report address change of the agent. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Carrillos, Ashley L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Consent under 18 U.S.C. 1033 granted - Request granted to engage in the business of insurance as a insurance agent pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 1033; application for resident agent license; felony and misdemeanor convictions; recovery of expenditures. | |
Status: Closed-License Granted | |
Cigna Dental Health of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. K.S.A. 40-3304(a); 40-3304(e)(1) | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Request for exemption from the application of the formal filing and approval requirements of K.S.A. 40-3304(a)approved. | |
Status: | |
Compton, Daniel S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License issued; Recovery of expenditures - Application for resident insurance agent license; failure to disclose misdemeanor conviction | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Conard, Randi J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Summary Order issued - Failure to pay application fee for resident agent license; failure to respond; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Form A Statement approved - Form A Statement approved; acquisition of control of Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc. and Aetna Better Health of Kansas, Inc. by CVS Health Corporation. | |
Status: | |
Dickerson, Lukas |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order issued; revocation of license; license surrendered in home state. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Dicks, James E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; Summary Order issued - Failed to explain consequences to customers on defaulting on their loans; Input fictitious bank account numbers to assist customers in defaulting on their loans; Failed to respond to inquiry. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Dillon, Robert |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Summary order issued - license revocation; premium misappropriations; used fraudulent conduct and demonstrated untrustworthiness and financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Domnick, Kayan |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4903; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Consent under 18 U.S.C. 1033 granted - Request granted to engage in the business of insurance as a insurance agent pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 1033; application for resident agent license; felony conviction; fiduciary violation; recovery of expenditures. | |
Status: Closed-License Granted | |
Employers Reassurance Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304(a); 40-3304(e)(1); 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Request for an exemption pursuant to K.S.A. 40-3304(e) from the prior approval requirements as outlined in K.S.A. 40-3304(a). | |
Status: | |
Farley, Jay L |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License denial affirmed - Application for resident insurance agent's license; misdemeanor convictions; demonstrated lack of fitness and untrustworthiness. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Firefighters Relief Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-1706; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Redetermination granted - Application for redetermination from various firefighter relief associations. | |
Status: | |
Gendlek, Francis J |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Summary Order issued - Fraudulent or dishonest practice; license not in good standing in home state; license revoked in other state; failure to report disciplinary action. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Gillespie, Ashley |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: License denied - Application for resident insurance agent; failure to disclose; misdemeanor conviction; hearing requested; failure to appear | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Herrig, Elijah S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Summary Order issued - Failure to pay application fee for resident agent license; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Hoesli, Jeremiah W |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: License denied - Application for resident insurance agent; failure to disclose; misdemeanor conviction; hearing requested; failure to appear. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Kahmer, Kristina M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-246a; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Excess Lines license revoked - Failure to pay penalty assessed and failure to file 2017 Excess Lines Report and Tax Remittance. | |
Status: Revoked | |
KaMMCO Casualty Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Kansas Medical Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
King, Matthew |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License sanctioned and monetary penalty - License sanctioned; violated provisions of chapter 40 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto, or any rule and regulation promulgated thereunder; demonstrated any incompetence in the conduct of business. Penalty must be paid by January 1, 2019. | |
Status: | |
Knuttila, Steven R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Licensed revoked - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; fraudulent, dishonest practice or demonstrating incompetence, trustworthiness or financial irresponsibility; license in home state revoked; violated insurance law or regulation in home state. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Liberty Mutual Group |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Market Conduct Examination. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Life Insurance Company of North America |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Market conduct examination. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
McLin, Matthew |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order - Intentionally misrepresented the provisions, terms and conditions of an actual or proposed insurance contract or application for insurance; used fraudulent or dishonest practice; demonstrated untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; made misleading representation of policies. | |
Status: Revoked | |
McMahon, Kellen C. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; license granted in error; Respondent failed to disclose a misdemeanor conviction. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Nassau Re |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304(a); 40-3304(e)(1) | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted - Request for exemption from the application of the formal filing and approval requirements of K.S.A. 40-3304(a) approved. | |
Status: | |
Newman, Edward E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909, 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; fraudulent and dishonest conduct; failed to pay premium on insurance contracts (bonds); failed to report and pay in cash collateral taken. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Peghee, Armond R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent and dishonest conduct; misrepresentation on insurance policy; received commissions on policies not earned. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Physicians Reinsurance, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-309; 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Merger approved - Proposed merger with and into Physicians Standard Insurance Company. | |
Status: | |
Porras, Derek |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Revocation of license; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; failure to forward premiums to companies; intentionally misrepresented the provisions, terms and conditions of an insurance contract or application for insurance. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Ramos, Jr., Desiderio |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; fraudulent, dishonest practice or demonstrating incompetence, trustworthiness or financial irresponsibility; license in home state revoked. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Richards, Bijan |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; Used any fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practice, or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Roldan, Daisy |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-246a; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Excess Lines license revoked - Failure to pay penalty assessed on 2017 Excess Lines Tax Remittance. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Roldan, Daisy Janitza |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Excess Lines license granted. - Excess Lines license issued; Application for nonresident Excess Lines license; failure to pay fine regarding failure to timely file 2017 annual report; recovery of expenditures. | |
Status: Closed-License Granted | |
Roldan, Daisy Janitza |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103 | |
SUMMARY: Previously issued Summary Order vacated - Summary Order issued May 24, 2018 has been vacated. See order for further information. | |
Status: See Subsequent Order | |
Roth, Whitney |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Fraudulent and dishonest conduct; forged another person's name to any document related to an insurance transaction; used fraudulent conduct in the conduct of business in Kansas and elsewhere; intentionally misrepresented the provisions, terms and conditions of an actual or proposed insurance contract or application for insurance. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Sherman, Claibourne |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License sanctioned and monetary penalty - License sanctioned; violated provisions of chapter 40 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto, or any rule and regulation promulgated thereunder; demonstrated any incompetence in the conduct of business. Penalty must be paid by January 1, 2019. | |
Status: | |
Southwest Kansas Title LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-2406; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Surety bond cancelled- no new surety bond or irrevocable letter of credit received; failure to submit 2017 title auditing report; failure to pay penalty; failure to respond. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Sparks, James C. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Administrative proceeding dismissed; application denied - Application for resident insurance agent's license denied; hearing requested; failure to appear. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Standard Fire Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Failure to manifest to consumers willingness of renewing business on 18 terminated agency contracts; failure to notify 24 consumers of termination of agency contracts; insurance company updated termination manual and procedures. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Swords, Zachary |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Summary Order Issued; intentionally misrepresented the provisions, terms and conditions of an insurance contract in the course of doing insurance business; fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practice, or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business in this state or elsewhere. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Taylor, Robbie K. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; failure to forward premiums to companies; intentionally misrepresented the provisions, terms and conditions of an insurance contract or application for insurance. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Tidwell, Cheryl Ann |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Administrative proceeding dismissed - Application for written consent under 18 U.S.C. 1033; application denied; failure to disclose; felony and misdemeanor conviction; hearing requested; failure to appear. | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Union Security Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301;40-3301(d)(1) | |
SUMMARY: Form A Statement approved - Form A Statement approved; acquisition and merger of Union Security Insurance Company. | |
Status: | |
United World Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2, 125; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Consent Agreement and Final Order - Failure to provide timely notice of discontinuation of Medicare Supplement policies. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Urban Settlement Services LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-2407; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Surety bond cancelled- no new surety bond or irrevocable letter of credit received; failure to respond. | |
Status: Revoked | |
ViaSource Funding Group, LLC. |
Authority: K.S.A. 44-5, 120; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Failure to timely file Annual Statements and pay renewal fees for years 2013, 2014, 2015 2017as per K.S.A 40-5003(c); monetary penalty assessed. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Walker, Casey |
Authority: K.S.A. Division: Financial Surveillance Division | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; used fraudulent conduct or demonstrated any incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; improperly withheld, misappropriated or converted a moneys received in the course of doing business. | |
Status: Revoked | |
WellCare of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
WellCare of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Order correcting Consent Order - Consent Order has wrong date. Nunc Pro Tunc order correcting. | |
Status: See Subsequent Order | |
Western Southern Group #836 |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-253 | |
SUMMARY: Appointment fees shall not be refunded. - The Kansas Insurance Department correctly applied the law as is laid out in K.S.A. 40-253; the appointment fees paid shall not be refunded to the Appellants. | |
Status: | |
Wheat, Layne C. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; license granted in error; Respondent failed to disclose a military conviction. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Wiehl, Trisha A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-536 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended/Emergency Suspension - Emergency suspension until resolution of the matter in Summary Order Docket No. 74361 | |
Status: Suspended | |
Wiehl, Trisha A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Proposed revocation of license; fraudulent conduct; misappropriation of premium, committed fraudulent act | |
Status: See Subsequent Order | |
Wiehl, Trisha A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Final order issued; demonstrated lack of fitness and trustworthiness; improperly withheld, misappropriated or converted a moneys received in the course of doing business; intentionally misrepresented the provisions, terms and conditions of an insurance contract or application for insurance; committed a fraudulent act. | |
Status: Revoked | |
2017 Legal Orders | |
Aetna Health, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Improper claim handling | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Aetna Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Improper claim handling | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
AGCS Marine Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-252; 40-2806; 79-2968; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to pay premium tax; failure to pay penalty; failure to pay interest. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
AIG Property Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2404; 77-537; 40-2407; 40-216 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Rate filing not submitted at least 30 days before its effective date | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Allegiance National Settlement Services, LLC. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-2407; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Surety bond cancelled; no new surety bond or irrevocable letter of credit received. | |
Status: Revoked | |
AMCO Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2404;77-537;40-2407;40-216 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Rate filing not submitted at least 30 days before its effective date | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
American Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-253;40-2806;79-2968 | |
SUMMARY: Montetary Penalty - Failure to pay premium tax; Tax, penalty and interest paid | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Amerigroup Kansas Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Ameritas Life Insurance Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222;77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Improper policyholders | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Barr, Chandra |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; Summary Order issued - Fraudulent and dishonest conduct; Untrustworthiness; Forged another person's name to an application for insurance | |
Status: Revoked | |
Beshears, Vanessa L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Fraudulent conduct; Forgery (attempted to create policies for deceased persons) | |
Status: Revoked | |
Bonilla-Salazar, Jorge R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; Final Order issued - Fraudulent, dishonest practice or demonstrating incompetence, trustworthiness or financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
CBKC Title & Escrow, LLC. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-2407; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Failure to comply; did not file 2016 title auditing report or pay penalty. Failure to respond. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Companion Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Market Conduct Examination - Monetary Penalty | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Cruz, Jesus |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; Final Order issued - Dishonest practice; Wrote policies without consumer's knowledge | |
Status: Revoked | |
Dean-Hamilton, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Agent of record demonstrated incompetence, committed dishonest practice and accepted insurance business from unlicensed employee. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Delta Dental of Kansas Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Federated Rural Electric Insurance Exchange |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Fendler, Todd J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation; Summary Order issued - Misappropriation of premium; Fraudulent or dishonest practice; License not in good standing in home state; License revoked in other state; Failure to report disciplinary action | |
Status: Revoked | |
Financial American Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Firefighters Relief Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-1706; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Redetermination granted - Application for redetermination from various associations. | |
Status: | |
Great American Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-955; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Used occupational accident master policies without prior KID approval. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Hamilton, Tracyann |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Licensed revoked - Demonstrated incompetence, committed dishonest practice and accepted insurance business from unlicensed employee. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Heinzman, Bria N. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Used fraudulent conduct (created a fictitious business); Forged signatures on policies related to fake business | |
Status: Revoked | |
Kansas Superior Select, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Kemp, Stephanie W. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation; Summary Order issued - Fraudulent and dishonest conduct; Untrustworthiness; Forged another person's name to an application for insurance | |
Status: Revoked | |
King, Andre D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; Summary Order issued - Revocation of license; committing a fraudulent act; forged documents related to an insurance transaction | |
Status: Revoked | |
Kluge, Jeffrey T. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation; Summary Order issued - Felony conviction; Fraudulent or dishonest practice; License not in good standing in home state; Failure to report disciplinary action | |
Status: Revoked | |
Luithle, Jacob R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; Final Order issued - Fraudulent, dishonest practice or demonstrating incompetence, trustworthiness or financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Mallory, Patrick J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation; Summary Order issued - Fraudulent or dishonest practice; License not in good standing in home state; License revoked in other state; Failure to report disciplinary action | |
Status: Revoked | |
McKinney, Thomas L |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Fraudulent and dishonest conduct; Untrustworthiness; Misused funds through client's account. | |
Status: Revoked | |
McKinney, Thomas L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation; Summary Order issued - Fraudulent, dishonest practice or demonstrating incompetence, trustworthiness or financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: Pending-Hearing Requested | |
Midwest Family Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-955; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Company using commercial umbrella forms without prior KID approval. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Moradian, Layla M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation; Summary Order issued - Fraudulent or dishonest practice; Created fake insurance applications | |
Status: Revoked | |
Muhammad, Halima L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation; Summary Order issued - Failure to pay application fee for nonresident agent license; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility | |
Status: Revoked | |
MutualAid Exchange |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
National Health Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Ineligible association; sales by unlicensed agents. | |
Status: N/A | |
O'Donnell III, George T |
Authority: K.S.A. 4-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Proposed revocation. - Improperly withheld funds; dishonest conduct/demonstrated incompetence; untrustworthiness; license not serving the interests of consumers or insurers. | |
Status: See Subsequent Order | |
O'Donnell III, George Thomas |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; Default Order issued - Misappropriated money in course of doing business; Fraudulent and dishonest conduct; Untrustworthiness; Failed to attend hearing | |
Status: Revoked | |
Paras, Nikolaos L |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-246a; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Excess lines; failure to pay fine and submit 2016 taxes. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Reil, Maggie |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; Final Order issued - Forged consumer names on insurance documents | |
Status: Revoked | |
Rios-Barcenas, Luz |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation; Summary Order issued - Failure to pay application fee; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility | |
Status: Revoked | |
Schaeffer, Richard T. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4903; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Consent under 18 U.S.C. 1033 granted; recovery of expenditures - Request granted to engage in the business of insurance as a title examiner pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 1033; applicant for resident agent license; felony conviction; fiduciary violation | |
Status: Closed-License Granted | |
Schumacher, Jason L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation; Summary Order issued - Misappropriation of premium; Fraudulent or dishonest practice | |
Status: Revoked | |
Security Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Time extension approved. - Request for extension of time. | |
Status: N/A | |
Shaffer, Keith L |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Convicted of felony involving dishonesty or breach of trust; Respondent no longer wishes to challenge the revocation. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Shaffer, Keith L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Temporary suspension of license; agreed by both parties - Temporary suspension of resident agent license until resolution of matter in Docket No. 4954. | |
Status: Suspended | |
Shaw, William R |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-246a; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Excess lines; failure to pay fine and submit 2016 taxes. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Sparta Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 44-5,120; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Wrongfully refusing to authorize medical treatment or prescriptions promptly. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Starr Indemnity & Liability Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Improper association group policyholder; improper individual insurance sales. | |
Status: N/A | |
Surency Life and Health Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Unified Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Agent appointment fees and improper association group - Agent appointment fees and improper association group | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Universal Underwriters Life Ins Co |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Order correcting Consent Order - Consent Order has wrong NAIC number. Nunc Pro Tunc order correcting. | |
Status: | |
Universal Underwriters Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Villagomez, Venessa |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; Summary Order issued - Fraudulent and dishonest conduct; forged another person's name on application; expiration of resident license | |
Status: Revoked | |
Woeppel, Elise M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; Summary Order issued. - Fraudulent and dishonest conduct. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Zimmerman Title & Abstract, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909;40-2407;77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Cease and desist | |
Status: Revoked | |
Zinman, Bennett E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Default Order issued; License denial upheld - Respondent failed to attend hearing; default order issued; license denial upheld | |
Status: Closed-License Denied | |
Zuniga, Michael H |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Summary Order issued; convicted of misdemeanor; interests of public not properly served. | |
Status: Revoked | |
2016 Legal Orders | |
Advance Insurance Company of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Aetna Better Health of Kansas Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
American Family Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2404; 40-2407; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Administrative penalty; Cease and Desist. - Incorrectly/Inconsistently describing policy provisions. | |
Status: N/A | |
American General Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-447; 40-2,125; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failed to pay interest on claims that were not settled within 10 days of proof of loss. | |
Status: N/A | |
Baxter, Dustin A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Summary Order issued. Hearing requested. Responsible producer for agency that violated law by failing to report change in agency address; violated order of the Commissioner; demonstrated lack of trustworthiness by failing to perform duties. | |
Status: Hearing Requested | |
Baxter, Jacqueline |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Summary Order issued; no hearing requested. Failure to report change in the name or address of the agency; demonstrated a lack of trustworthiness and financial irresponsibility by failing to pay necessary application fee and NIPR service charge, and failing to respond to multiple attempts by both NIPR and KID to contact her about the payment. | |
Status: N/A | |
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
BlueCross BlueShield Kansas Solutions, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Bywaters, Salomino E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld funds; dishonest conduct/demonstrated incompetence; untrustworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bywaters, Salomino E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld funds; dishonest conduct/demonstrated incompetence; untrustworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
Carrera, Joni C. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Summary Order issued. Dishonest conduct/demonstrated incompetence; untrustworthiness; not serving insurable interests of the public. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Castorena, Rosa L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Summary Order issued. Used position to misappropriate or convert property; conduct constituted fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practice; not serving insurable interests of the public. | |
Status: N/A | |
Danielson National Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222b' 40-222d; 40-222e; 77-501 et s | |
SUMMARY: Previously issued Consent Order rescinded. - Rescission of Consent Order dated November 21, 1985. See order for details. | |
Status: | |
Enright, Barbara M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Demonstrated financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farmers Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Market conduct examination. | |
Status: N/A | |
Fidelity & Guaranty Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-9-118 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Advertising violation. | |
Status: N/A | |
Firefighters Relief Associations |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-1706; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Redetermination granted. - Application for redetermination from listed associations. | |
Status: N/A | |
Fleming, Daimen |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Committed an unfair trade practice by making false representations on application for insurance in order to obtain compensation or other benefit from the insurer; committed forgery; demonstrated a lack of trustworthiness; license not serving the interests of consumers or insurers. | |
Status: | |
Franano, Stephen |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Matter dismissed. - Application for agent's license; administrative order. | |
Status: N/A | |
Gray, Sheldon A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Violated previously issued order; administrative proceeding. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hartford Accident & Indemnity |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2406; 40-2407; 77-537; K.A.R. 40-1-39 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Added coverage with an additional premium charge during the term of the policy without the policy owner's consent. | |
Status: | |
Hartford Fire Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-44-5,120; K.A.R. 51-0-5 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist; monetary penalty. - Termination of benefits without hearing. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hill, Amanda |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Administrative proceeding dismissed; application denied. - Application for nonresident insurance agent's license denied; hearing requested; failure to appear | |
Status: | |
HumanaDental Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 40-2,125; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted; monetary penalty. - Nunc Pro Tunc order issued to correct Docket No. for previous order issued for HumanaDental Insurance Company September 29, 2015. | |
Status: | |
James, Trent |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Demonstrated financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Jewelers Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-216; 40-2,125; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Use of unapproved forms. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Chamber of Commerce and Industry Workers' Compensation Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Insurance Guaranty Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Kansas Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Lee, Evan |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Violated insurance law/regulation of another state; demonstrated untrustworthiness; not serving insurable interests of the public. | |
Status: N/A | |
Legrone, Nicole |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Demonstrated financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Logan, Kalee S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease and desist. - Demonstrated a lack of trustworthiness; license not serving the interests of consumers or insurers; committed unfair trade practice. | |
Status: Hearing Requested | |
Marysville Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
National Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Issuing group policy to an invalid group, | |
Status: | |
Nelson, Cody Mack |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Proposed revocation - Summary Order issued. Improperly withheld funds; dishonest conduct/demonstrated incompetence; untrustworthiness. | |
Status: Revoked | |
North American Company for Life and Health Insurance |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-451; 40-2,125; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist; monetary penalty. - Failure to provide temporary coverage when application and initial premium received. | |
Status: N/A | |
Old United Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: | |
Ouellette, Brittany |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Committed unfair trade practice by disclosing and/or using personal information obtained in the course of insurance business for a purpose other than that for which it was provided; demonstrated a lack of trustworthiness; license not serving interests of consumers. | |
Status: | |
Pyramid Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Application for acquisition of control by NSRE Holdings, Inc.; Nassau Reinsurance Group Holdings, LP; Nassau Reinsurance Group Holdings GP, LLC; Nassau Holdings, LP; and GGCOF Executive Co-Invest, LTD (f/k/a Nassau Holdings GP, LTD) | |
Status: N/A | |
Pyramid Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Rice, William E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Summary Order issued - Felony conviction; engaged in dishonest conduct by failing to report felony conviction; license not serving the interests of the public. | |
Status: | |
Robison, Amanda B. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent or dishonest practice by falsifying documents. | |
Status: N/A | |
Roper, Bryan D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-4901 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - False or misleading representations. | |
Status: N/A | |
Security Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. K.S.A. 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Time extension approved. - Request for extension of time. | |
Status: N/A | |
Security Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Time extension approved. - Request for extension of time. | |
Status: N/A | |
Security Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. K.S.A. K.S.A. 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Time extension approved. - Request for extension of time. | |
Status: N/A | |
Security Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 40-3301; 77-529 | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Proposed acquisition of control by New Eldridge LLC; SBT Investors LLC; NZC Capital LLC; Todd L Boehly; Echidna Capital LLC; Anthony D. Minella. | |
Status: N/A | |
Shaffer, Keith L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Proposed revocation - Summary Order issued. Improperly withheld funds; dishonest conduct/demonstrated incompetence; untrustworthiness; felony conviction. | |
Status: Pending-Hearing Requested | |
Sheldon Gray Insurance Agency dba SG Insurance Agency |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Agency license cancelled. - Violated previously issued order; administrative proceeding. | |
Status: N/A | |
Standard Life & Accident Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Non-insurance benefits were added to the sale of Standard insurance certificates; online marketing division contained an exclusive offer with free additional benefits included with purchase of the Standard short term medical plans; applicants may not have been informed of the actual insurance premiums prior to purchase. | |
Status: | |
Technology Insurance Company (Easton Roofing, LLC) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-960; 40-2115; 40-281 | |
SUMMARY: Change in class code appropriate. - Received notice of appeal of a WC class code designation by NCCI. | |
Status: N/A | |
The Pyramid Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 77-501; 40-3301 | |
SUMMARY: Time extension approved. - Request for extension of time. | |
Status: N/A | |
Thumann, Brett J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease and desist. - Failed to deposit premiums; demonstrated incompetence/untrustworthiness; license not serving the interests of the insurer or the insurable interests of the public. | |
Status: Revoked | |
Travel Air Insurance Company (Kansas) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Travel Air Insurance Company, Ltd. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Union Security Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
United States Fire Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Issued certificates to Kansas residents under a group policy issued to an invalid group. | |
Status: N/A | |
US Alliance Life and Security Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Wiley, Shelbie A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Summary Order issued. Conduct constituted a fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practice; forged another person's name to an application for insurance; license not serving the insurable interests of the public; false representation on insurance applications. | |
Status: N/A | |
Williams, David A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Summary Order issued; no hearing requested. Failure to report change in the name or address of the agency; misappropriation of funds; demonstrated financial irresponsibility; demonstrated lack of trustworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
Zurich American Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Request for exemption from formal filing requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Zurich American Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Time extension approved. - Request for extension of time. | |
Status: N/A | |
Zurich American Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Time extension approved. - Request for extension of time. | |
Status: N/A | |
2015 Legal Orders | |
Agee, Wendell C. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended; cease and desist. - Misappropriation of funds. | |
Status: N/A | |
Alliance Indemnity Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Alliance Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Amaral, Larissa D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-4901 | |
SUMMARY: License surrendered. - False representations relative to insurance applications. | |
Status: N/A | |
Armed Forces Insurance Exchange |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report approved. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Arocha, Simon |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - False or fraudulent statements or representations; fraudulent, coercive, and dishonest practice. | |
Status: N/A | |
Beerbower, Jean Ann |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Summary Order issued; hearing requested. Respondent failed to appear and findings of Summary Order adopted. | |
Status: N/A | |
Benchmark Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Proposed acquisition of control by AHP-BHC and BIC Holdings LLC. | |
Status: N/A | |
Boucher, Crystal M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist. - Fraudulent and dishonest conduct. | |
Status: N/A | |
Cannon, Shanon Ruiz |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Misdemeanor and felony convictions. | |
Status: N/A | |
Castillo, Matthew L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Failure to report change of address; unfair trade practices; false statements on or relative to applications for insurance. | |
Status: N/A | |
Christmas, Jason G. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Demonstrated lack of trustworthiness in business; failure to report change of address. | |
Status: N/A | |
Cigna Dental Health of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Colorado Bankers Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-2407; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to respond to KID inquiries. | |
Status: N/A | |
Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report approved. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Do, Thang |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended. - Failure to pay monetary penalty assessed in previously issued consent order. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farmers Alliance Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farmers Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farmers Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Firefighters Relief Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-1706; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Redetermination granted. - Application for redetermination from listed associations. | |
Status: N/A | |
GE Capital Global Holdings, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Request for exemption of the formal filing requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Herlicka, David A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report; made false or fraudulent statements or representations. | |
Status: N/A | |
Holt, Elizabeth |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4901; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failed to perform duties as a Kansas insurance agent; lack of trustworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
HumanaDental Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 40-2,125; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted; monetary penalty. - Market conduct examination. | |
Status: N/A | |
Jackson, Daniel O. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report conviction; misrepresentation; demonstrated lack of trustworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
Jones, Michael A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended; cease and desist - Felony criminal charges. | |
Status: N/A | |
KaMMCO Casualty Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Organizational examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Association of Homes for the Aging Insurance Group |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Automobile Dealers Workers' Compensation Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
KHA Workers' Compensation Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report approved. - Proposed financial condition examination report | |
Status: N/A | |
Missouri Insurance Agency, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Agency license cancelled. - Failure to meet minimum requirements for an entity license. | |
Status: N/A | |
Old United Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301 et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Application for acquisition of control by Berkshire Hathaway Inc., National Indemnity Company, VT Insurance Acquisition Sub Inc. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pinkerton, Robert A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Dishonest conduct; demonstrated untrustworthiness and financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pitts, Marcus |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Conditions of previously issued Consent Agreement violated. | |
Status: N/A | |
ReliaStar Life InsuranceCompany |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Issued certificates to Kansas residents under a group policy issued to an invalid group. | |
Status: N/A | |
Rice, Kenneth A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - False or fraudulent statements or representations; fraudulent or dishonest practices; demonstrated incompetence in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Safeco Insurance Company of America |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted; monetary penalty. - Market conduct examination. | |
Status: N/A | |
Security Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Proposed acquisition of control by New Eldridge LLC; SBT Investors LLC; NZC Capital LLC; Todd L Boehly; Echidna Capital LLC; Anthony D. Minella. | |
Status: N/A | |
Security Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Security Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304 | |
SUMMARY: Time extension approved. - Request for extension of time. | |
Status: N/A | |
Security Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Time extension approved. - Request for extension of time. | |
Status: N/A | |
Security Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Time extension granted. - Request for extension of time. | |
Status: N/A | |
Security Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304;77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Time extension approved. - Request for extension of time. | |
Status: N/A | |
Security Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Time extension approved. - Request for extension of time. | |
Status: N/A | |
Sells, Alexander S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Demonstrated lack of trustworthiness; misappropriation. | |
Status: N/A | |
State Farm Fire and Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-2,125, 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Overcharging rates inconsistent with the rates filed with KID. | |
Status: N/A | |
UNICARE Health Plan of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Upland Mutual Insurance, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wala, Kenneth J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-530 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in business dealings. | |
Status: N/A | |
Watson, Cassandra |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - False or fraudulent statements or representations; fraudulent and dishonest practice. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wendling, Eric J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Demonstrated incompetence and lack of trustworthiness; dishonest practice. | |
Status: N/A | |
Westendorp, Joshua |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Demonstrated untrustworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wichita Automobile Dealers Self-Insurance Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report adopted. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wingerd, Matthew G. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Misleading statements; coercive or dishonest practice. | |
Status: N/A | |
Zahnd, Danielle |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Misdemeanor convictions not disclosed. | |
Status: N/A | |
2014 Legal Orders | |
AccessCare General, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Adame, Joseph |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - False or fraudulent statements or representations on or relative to an insurance policy. | |
Status: N/A | |
Aetna Health Holdings, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 77-510 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Request for exemption from formal filing and approval requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted. - Market conduct examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Allstate Fire and Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Implementation of a new rate/rule inconsistent with those filed. | |
Status: N/A | |
America's Finest Insurance Group, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License cancelled - Fraudulent or dishonest practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
American Equity Investment Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted; monetary penalty. - Market conduct examination. | |
Status: N/A | |
American General Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted; monetary penalty. - Market conduct examination reported. | |
Status: N/A | |
American Home Life Insurance Company (The) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
American Southern Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
AmTrust Insurance Company of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Axa Equitable Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted; monetar;y penalty. - Proposed market conduct examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Benchmark Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
BlueCross BlueShield Kansas Solutions, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bradford, Shaheed |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Involved in a pattern of fraudulent and dishonest practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Caldwell Legal, U.S.A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103 | |
SUMMARY: Cancellation of bond approved. - Failure to maintain bond. | |
Status: N/A | |
Chalupa, Randall J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License surrendered. - Submitting unauthorized new business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Chastang, Jasmine |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Engaged in a pattern of fraudulent and dishonest practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Diaz, Rodrigo V. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Fraudulent or dishonest practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Dunbar, De Borah |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report actions taken by other states. | |
Status: N/A | |
Employers Reassurance Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Equitrust Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted; monetary penalty. - Proposed market conduct examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Estrella, Jose A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Misappropriated or converted funds paid as premium; fraudulent and dishonest practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted; monetary penalty. - Proposed market conduct examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Faudere, Thomas D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - False or fraudulent statements; fraudulent or dishonest business practices | |
Status: N/A | |
Firefighters Relief Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-1706; 77-501 et seq | |
SUMMARY: Redetermination granted. - Application for redetermination from various associations. | |
Status: N/A | |
Freeman, John E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Provided incorrect, misleading, incomplete or untrue information on an license application. | |
Status: N/A | |
Fritzie, Douglas M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Deceptive practices in the sale of annuities; false or fraudulent statements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Gadsden, Germone |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report actions taken against license. | |
Status: N/A | |
Gartner, Scott A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other professional license revoked; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Good Health HMO, Inc. d.b.a. Blue-Care |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-4901; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Pay outstanding fees; pay audit costs; pay monetary penalty - Failed to report agent appointments and terminations, pay initial appointment and annual renewal fees when due. | |
Status: N/A | |
Grotheer, Rebecca A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License surrendered. - Demonstrated lack of competence and trustworthiness in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Healthsmart Benefit Solutions, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Nonresident insurance agency license issued with conditions. - Application for a Kansas nonresident insurance agency license. | |
Status: N/A | |
Heritage Casualty Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Isley, Larry W. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Demonstrated lack of honesty, competence, and trustworthiness; failure to report conviction; failure to report other state action. | |
Status: N/A | |
Jackson National Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted; monetary penalty. - Proposed market conduct examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Jackson, Joshua |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Engaged in a pattern of fraudulent and dishonest practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Jaramillo, Christina M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - False statements; fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practice. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas All-Industry Placement Facility |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Assigned Claims Plan |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Automobile Insurance Plan |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Health Insurance Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report approved. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Health Solutions, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Underground Storage Tank Liability Plan |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kopatz, Christopher |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Provided false or incomplete information on license application. | |
Status: N/A | |
Lamboy, Michael A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Provided false or incomplete information on license application. | |
Status: N/A | |
Legacy Wealth Management, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: Action dismissed; agent and agency licenses cancelled. - Pending civil and criminal proceedings. | |
Status: N/A | |
Lincoln National Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted; monetary penalty. - Proposed market conduct examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Martin, John J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Provided false or incomplete information on license application. | |
Status: N/A | |
Megee, Christopher R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Fraudulent or dishonest practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
MetLife Investors USA Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted. - Proposed market conduct examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted. - Proposed market conduct examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Midwest Public Risk of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Midwest Rating Service Bureau, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Mitchell, Mark S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Provided false or incomplete information on license application. | |
Status: N/A | |
Moon Abstract Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4901; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist. - Unauthorized transaction of the business of insurance. | |
Status: N/A | |
MutualAid eXchange |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
New York Life Insurance & Annuity Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted; monetary penalty. - Proposed market conduct examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Ohio National Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted. - Market conduct examination. | |
Status: N/A | |
Old United Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304 | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition. - Application to acquire control by Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., National Indemnity Company, VT Insurance Acquisition Sub, Inc. | |
Status: N/A | |
Ostrander, Daryl C. (Sr.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - License revoked. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pacific Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted. - Market conduct examination. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pittsburg Title, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License surrendered. - Demonstrated lack of competence and trustworthiness in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Protective Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted. - Proposed market conduct examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pruco Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted. - Proposed market conduct examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Riversource Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 40-2404; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted. - Market conduct examination. | |
Status: N/A | |
Rogers, Michael H. (Jr.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent insurance acts; dishonest conduct. | |
Status: N/A | |
Schultz, LeNell M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Untrustworthiness; failure to respond to inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Security Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted; monetary penalty. - Market conduct examination. | |
Status: N/A | |
Seneca Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Unfair claim settlement practice. | |
Status: N/A | |
Sierks, Tanner M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: license revoked. - False or fraudulent statements; demonstrated lack of competence and trustworthiness in the business of insurance. | |
Status: N/A | |
Smith, Marvin A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report actions against license. | |
Status: N/A | |
Snyder-Anderson, Carrie A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Felony conviction; other state action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Teachers Insurance & Annuity Association of America |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted. - Market conduct examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Transamerica Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted. - Proposed market conduct examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Travel Air Insurance Company (Kansas |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Proposed acquisition of control by Textron, Inc. | |
Status: N/A | |
Travel Air Insurance Company, ltd. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Proposed acquisition of Control by Textron, Inc. | |
Status: N/A | |
Union Fidelity Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
ValueOptions of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted; monetary penalty. - Market conduct examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wilbanks, Paula S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failing to report actions taken against license. | |
Status: N/A | |
2013 Legal Orders | |
Ability Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted. - Proposed market conduct examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
AUA, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Agency license application contained incorrect, misleading, incomplete, or untrue information. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bingaman, John T. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Felony conviction. | |
Status: N/A | |
Binwalee, Haroon R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Obtained his license through misrepresentation; felony conviction; license revoked in other states. | |
Status: N/A | |
Blake, Anastasia D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Misrepresented provisions, terms, and conditions of insurance contracts; fraudulent, coercive, and/or dishonest practices; lack of trustworthiness | |
Status: N/A | |
Cooley, Logan B. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report other state actions. | |
Status: N/A | |
Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Extension granted. - Request for extension of time to effect acquisition. | |
Status: N/A | |
Delta Dental of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Earle, Kara J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent insurance acts. | |
Status: N/A | |
Ellison, Brent W. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Conversion of premium funds; dishonest practice and/or demonstrated financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farmers Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted; monetary penalty. - Proposed market conduct examination report; rate violations; unfair claims practices act violations. | |
Status: N/A | |
Federated Rural Electric Insurance Exchange |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Financial American Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Firefighters Relief Associations |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-1706; 77-501 et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Redetermination granted. - Application for redetermination from various associations. | |
Status: N/A | |
Harding, Angela M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practice. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hernandez, Alexandria J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent or dishonest practice. | |
Status: N/A | |
Homesite Indemnity Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304 | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Proposed acquisition by American Family Mutual Insurance Company and Amfam, Inc. | |
Status: N/A | |
Insured Title Agency, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Agency license revoked. - Failure to maintain surety bond; failure to respond to proper inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Joyce, Norma L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practice or demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness, or financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Bankers Surety Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Bankers Surety Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-309; 40-3301; 30-3304(d)(1) | |
SUMMARY: Merger approved. - Application of Kansas Bankers Surety Company to merge with and into Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Insurance Company. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Building Industry Workers' Compensation Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Livestock Association Risk Management Services, Inc. Workers Compensation Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Medical Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Restaurant and Hospitality Association Self Insurance Fund, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Truckers Risk Management Group, Inc. Trust |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Workers Risk Cooperative for Counties |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Khowaja, Fareed |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Unfair trade practice; assisting another in making false or fraudulent representations for the purpose of obtaining compensation or other benefit. | |
Status: N/A | |
Lambert, Kelvin B. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Misappropriated or converted funds; fraudulent and dishonest practices; lack of competence and trustworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
Lead Generating Systems, LLC a/k/a Unlimited Fulfillment Services a/k/a Smart Leads |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-2407; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist; monetary penalty. - Engaged in the business of insurance by soliciting insurance business for Kansas agents via deceptive and misleading postcards; violation of previous order. | |
Status: N/A | |
Leigh, Jason M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practice; violated the insurance laws of other states; other state actions. | |
Status: N/A | |
McKinnon, Justin |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Felony conviction; failure to report change of address and felony conviction. | |
Status: N/A | |
Midwest Builders' Casualty Mutual Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report approved. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Midwest Public Risk of Kansas, Inc. (Property & Casualty Program) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Organization examination report adopted. - Proposed organization examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3512; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Waiver granted. - Request for a waiver of the risk to capital requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Waiver granted. - Request for a waiver of the risk to capital requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
National Real Estate Information Services |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Agency license revoked. - Failure to maintain surety bond; failure to respond to proper inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Old United Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Otto, James E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report disciplinary actions. | |
Status: N/A | |
Oxford Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; K.A.R. 40-9-118 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist from further violations; monetary penalty. - Advertising violations. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pribil, John W. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent and dishonest practice. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pyramid Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pyramid Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Conditions set forth in 3/31/2003 Acquisition Order are released. - Request to release conditions set forth in 3/31/2003 Acquisition Order. | |
Status: N/A | |
Rushing, Richard |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practice or demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness, or financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Soto, Jorge |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to disclose conviction. | |
Status: N/A | |
Starks, Randall Glen |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report a change of residence address within 30 days; fraudulent and dishonest practice. | |
Status: N/A | |
Sullivan, Nathan D. (Jr.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Misappropriation of funds; misrepresentation of facts; fraudulent, coercive or dishonest practices; demonstrated incompetence and a lack of trustworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
Surency Life & Health Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Suteria, Gulzar |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Unfair trade practice; making false or fraudulent representations for the purpose of obtaining compensation or other benefit. | |
Status: N/A | |
Telthorst, Robert M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report felony convictions, disbarment, and change of address. | |
Status: N/A | |
Vasquez, Carlos M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Provided incomplete and untrue information on license application; obtained license through misrepresentation. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wyatt, Josette M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Unfair insurance trade practice; demonstrated lack of incompetence or trustworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
2012 Legal Orders | |
5 Star Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Advertising violations. | |
Status: N/A | |
Advance Insurance Company of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Akers, John R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to disclose other state's action; failure to notify of address change. | |
Status: N/A | |
Ali, Karima Khamis |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Financial irresponsibility; failure to respond. | |
Status: N/A | |
Amerigroup Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Amerigroup Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304 | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Application to acquire control filed by WellPoint, Inc. and ATH Holding Company LLC. | |
Status: N/A | |
Amtrust Insurance Company of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to submit annual statement and other reports and schedules (if applicable) required by K.S.A. 40-225. | |
Status: N/A | |
Atkinson, Richard L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Obtained agent's license through misrepresentation of fraud. | |
Status: N/A | |
Automotive Risk Management |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; monetary penalties. - Failure to file annual statements and pay excess lines premium taxes for years 2010 and 2011; demonstrated untrustworthiness and financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Baldwin, Jamal |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Demonstrated financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Barnes, Tasheanna |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Provided incomplete and untrue information on license application and obtained license through misrepresentation; failure to disclose misdemeanor conviction. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bearing Midwest Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Blue Ribbon Title |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld or misappropriated premium; incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Boswell, Mark A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Certified false statements on applications for insurance policies for the purpose of obtaining a fee, money or other benefit; rebated insurance premium as an inducement. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bremen Farmers Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
CH Financial, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Certified false statements on applications for insurance policies for the purpose of obtaining a fee, money or other benefit; rebated insurance premium as an inducement. | |
Status: N/A | |
Continental Western Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 44-5,120 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Alleged violations of fraud and abuse. | |
Status: N/A | |
Coronado, Crystal D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent and dishonest practice in submitting a claim based on false statements regarding the loss. | |
Status: N/A | |
Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304 | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Proposed acquisition of control by Aetna Inc. | |
Status: N/A | |
Crimmins, Tracy A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Financial irresponsibility; failure to respond. | |
Status: N/A | |
Cunningham, Janetta Gail |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report other state actions. | |
Status: N/A | |
Dade, Sean D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Demonstrated financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farmers Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farmers Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Firefighters Relief Associations |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-1706; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Redetermination granted. - Application for redetermination from various associations. | |
Status: N/A | |
Folster, Brandon W. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent and dishonest practice; unfair trade practice. | |
Status: N/A | |
General Electric Capital Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Request for exemption from formal filing and approval requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Genworth Mortgage Insurance Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3512; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Waiver granted. - Request for a waiver of the risk to capital requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Glenn, Christie A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent or dishonest practices in claiming and/or accepting disability benefits while working; failure to notify of change of address. | |
Status: N/A | |
Globe Life & Accident Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted. - Market conduct examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Globe Life & Accident Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to cease issuance of group certificates in an out-of-state trust to Kansas consumers. | |
Status: N/A | |
Gonzalez, Maria |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Misappropriation of premium monies; dishonest practice in the handling of insurance business; demonstrated financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hager, Rebecca S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Demonstrated lack of fitness or trustworthiness; violation of previously issued order. | |
Status: N/A | |
Halili, Artir |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Criminal convictions; failure to disclose. | |
Status: N/A | |
Handley, Don R. (Jr.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report disciplinary action taken by another state. | |
Status: N/A | |
Harms, Craig A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Certified false statements on applications for insurance policies for the purpose of obtaining a fee, commission, money or other benefit; rebated insurance premium as an inducement. | |
Status: N/A | |
Heartland National Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Advertising violations. | |
Status: N/A | |
Heinrich, Dani Marie |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practices; demonstrated incompetence and/or lack of trustworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
Henton, Brian C. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent or dishonest practice; unfair trade practice. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hinshaw Insurance Agency |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: Agency license revoked. - Demonstrated lack of fitness or trustworthiness; violation of previously issued order. | |
Status: N/A | |
Homesite Indemnity Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to submit annual statement and other reports and schedules (if applicable) required by K.S.A. 40-225. | |
Status: N/A | |
Homesite Indemnity Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct report adopted; monetary penalty. - Market conduct examination. | |
Status: N/A | |
Homesite Indemnity Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Proposed acquisition approved. - Proposed acquisition and control by Alleghany Insurance Holdings LLC. | |
Status: N/A | |
Homesite Indemnity Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Horizon Midwest Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Jackson, Troy J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld or misappropriated premium; incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Johnson, David C. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report other state actions. | |
Status: N/A | |
JT Financial, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Certified false statements on applications for insurance policies for the purpose of obtaining a fee, commission, money or other benefit; rebated insurance premium as an inducement. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas County Association of Multi-Line Pool |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Eastern Region Insurance Trust |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Employers Workers' Compensation Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Health Care Provider Insurance Availability Plan |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Health Solutions, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination order adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Municipal Insurance Trust |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Key Insurance Comany |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report approved. - Proposed financial condition examination approved. | |
Status: N/A | |
Key Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct report adopted; monetary penalty. - Market conduct examination. | |
Status: N/A | |
Keys King, Lyssa S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Found guilty of a felony. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kisslinger, Kerry D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent or dishonest practice; unfair trade practice. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kozlowski, Matthew |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practices; false statements; unfair trade practice; failure to report change of address. | |
Status: N/A | |
LeVota, Douglas J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-516 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state's action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Lincoln Heritage Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Advertising violations. | |
Status: N/A | |
Mahone, Dennis D. (Jr.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Felony conviction; failure to report; fraudulent and dishonest conduct. | |
Status: N/A | |
Main Street Power Mail, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist; provide satisfactory evidence regarding education and training - Marketing solicitations in violation of Kansas law. | |
Status: N/A | |
Martin, Julie A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Provided untrue information on license application; obtained license through misrepresentation; failure to report criminal conviction. | |
Status: N/A | |
Marysville Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Matthews, J.C. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Demonstrated financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
McDougal, Marvin E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; monetary penalties. - Failure to file annual statements and pay excess lines premium taxes for years 2010 and 2011; demonstrated untrustworthiness and financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
McGill, Joseph T. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Felony and misdemeanor convictions; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
McKelvey, Charles J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 77-547 | |
SUMMARY: Previously issued order vacated. - Final Order issued 11/15/2011 and effective 12/5/2011 has been vacated. See order for further information. | |
Status: N/A | |
Mission Insurance Group |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 40-222b; 222e; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Previously issued Consent Order rescinded. - Rescission of Consent Order dated November 21, 1985. See order for details. | |
Status: N/A | |
Missouri Public Entity Benefits |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Agency license revoked. - Fraudulent or dishonest practice; unfair trade practice. | |
Status: N/A | |
Moreland, Chad E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Conversion of insurance contracts to personal use without paying premium; misrepresentation on insurance applications; fraudulent, coercive or dishonest practice. | |
Status: N/A | |
Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3512; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Waiver granted. - Request for a waiver of the risk to capital requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
MPM Insurance Company of Kansas |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3305 | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Proposed acquisition and control by Missouri Professionals Mutual. | |
Status: N/A | |
National Council on Compensation Insurance, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted. - Proposed market conduct examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
National Crop Insurance Services, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
National Indemnity Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Request for exemption from formal filing and approval requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
National Reply Center |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-2407; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist; monetary penalty. - Deceptive and misleading advertising solicitaions to Kansas residents. | |
Status: N/A | |
Nettles, Traci A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Demonstrated financial irresponsibility; demonstrated a lack of trustworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
Newton, Gary |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Demonstrated financial irresponsibility; demonstrated lack of trustworthiness; failure to respond. | |
Status: N/A | |
Okolie, Peter E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 77-547 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Final agency action making final the Summary Order issued May 22, 2012, revoking agent's license. | |
Status: N/A | |
Old United Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304 | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Application to acquire control filed by Van Tuyl Family 2006 Irrevocable Trust #2 FBO Larry Van Tuyl. | |
Status: N/A | |
Old United Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3305 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Request for exemption from requirements of K.S.A. 40-3305(e). | |
Status: N/A | |
Oliveri, Katie Moreno |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report disciplinary action taken | |
Status: N/A | |
Patterson, Dianne G. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Misappropriated a premium refund check; fraudulent, coercive, and/or dishonest practice. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pennsylvania Manufacturers' Association Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 44-5,120; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to pay compensation as ordered and when due. | |
Status: N/A | |
Penta, Jeffrey D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Misappropriation or conversion of funds; demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness, or financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pinto, Morton J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent or dishonest practice in submitting business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pittler, James D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Nonresident insurance agent's license shall expire and not be renewed. - Misappropriated or converted premium funds; fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practice or demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness, or financial irresponsibility; license revoked by another State. | |
Status: N/A | |
Poell, Sasha M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report; failure to apply premium to policies; demonstrated incompetence, lack of trustworthiness, and/or financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Preexistingconditioninsuranceplan[dot]com/Lance M. Zeidman |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist; remove Kansas link from website; agent's license revoked. - Representation as an agent of the Kansas state-sponsored insurance plan; solicitation of leads for the sale of insurance in Kansas by using misrepresentation; unfair trade practice. | |
Status: N/A | |
Preferred Health Systems Insurance Company and Preferred Plus of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Conditions set forth in previous order released without further restriction. - Request of Coventry Health Care, Inc. to release the conditions set forth in 12/24/09 acquisition order. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pruitt, Mark A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License surrendered - Failure to report other state action; demonstrated lack of competence and trustworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
Raack, David M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report other state action; failure to report change of address. | |
Status: N/A | |
Randall, John R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Unfair trade practice; making false statements; demonstrated lack of trustworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
Rizo, Abel |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Robbins, Marc |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Submitted incomplete and incorrect application for a license; misrepresentation; failure to report other state action. | |
Status: N/A | |
Rowland, Gigi M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Conversion of funds for personal use; fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practice; lack of trustworthiness and financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Rykard, Carl L. (Jr.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to disclose party to administrative proceeding; obtained license through misrepresentation; failure to report other state actions. | |
Status: N/A | |
Safeco Insurance Company of America |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Implementation of a new rate/rule without prior approval. | |
Status: N/A | |
Schmidtlein, Scott M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent and dishonest practices; unfair trade practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Security Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3305; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Request for exemption from requirements of 40-3305(e). | |
Status: N/A | |
Smalls, Reginald L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Incomplete and incorrect application for a license; misrepresentation; failure to report other state action. | |
Status: N/A | |
Spoelma, Kevin A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Criminal conviction; committed a dishonest act. | |
Status: N/A | |
Standard Life & Accident Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Advertising violations. | |
Status: N/A | |
Strategic Estate Planning Services, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Agency license surrendered. - Failure to report other state action; demonstrated lack of competence and trustworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
Sunflower State Health Plan, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Organization Examination Report adopted. - Proposed organization examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Sunflower State Health Plan, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Organization examination report adopted. - Proposed organization examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Tapia, Edmund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - False representations; improperly withheld monies; fraudulent or dishonest practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Tarbell, Jerry L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Certified false statements on applications for insurance policies for the purpose of obtaining a fee, commission, money or other benefit; rebated insurance premium as an inducement. | |
Status: N/A | |
Thompson, Nathan L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Demonstrated financial irresponsibility; demonstrated a lack of trustworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
Tindal, Benjamin L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report disciplinary action taken by another state. | |
Status: N/A | |
Union Security Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report approved. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Universal Underwriters Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Universal Underwriters Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3305 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Request for exemption from requirements of K.S.A. 40-3305(e). | |
Status: N/A | |
Universal Underwriters Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,162; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Redomestication approved. - Application to transfer domicile. | |
Status: N/A | |
Universal Underwriters Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Unlimited Fulfillment Services, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-2407; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist; monetary penalty. - Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices in the business of insurance. | |
Status: N/A | |
Washington, Jabari |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to maintain current address; demonstrated financial irresponsibility; lack of trustiworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
Weathers, Lindsey B. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to notify of address change; violated previous order. | |
Status: N/A | |
WellCare of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wells, Matthew E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failed to report pending criminal charges on application for agent's license. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wuthnow, John J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Certified false statements on applications for insurance policies for the purpose of obtaining a fee, commission, money or other benefit; rebated insurance premium as an inducement. | |
Status: N/A | |
Zeidman, Lance M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist; remove Kansas link from website; agent's license revoked. - Representation as an agent of the Kansas state-sponsored insurance plan; solicitation of leads for the sale of insurance in Kansas by using misrepresentation; unfair trade practice. | |
Status: N/A | |
2011 Legal Orders | |
Alderman, Jeremy N. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Violation of previously issued order; failure to file annual statements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Allen, Leo B. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: Address corrected. - Incorrect address stated in previous Summary Order issued 6/22/10 and final on 7/12/10. | |
Status: N/A | |
Alliance Indemnity Company. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Alliance Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
American National General Insurance Company and American National Property and Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Failure to implement filed rates. | |
Status: N/A | |
Appell, Adam D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state actions; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Armed Forces Insurance Exchange |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Armstrong, Donald E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Engaged in fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practices; forgery. | |
Status: N/A | |
Benchmark Holding Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304(a); 40-3304(e)(1); 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Request for exemption from formal filing and approval requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Request for exemption from formal filing and approval requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
BFG Insurance Service, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-4901, et seq.` | |
SUMMARY: Application for agency license approved. - Application submitted for agency license; disciplinary actions disclosed. | |
Status: N/A | |
Blankenship, Lisa E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state actions; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Box, Thomas A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to disclose prior convictions on application for license. | |
Status: N/A | |
Chavez, Guadalupe S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld, misappropriated, or converted money or property received in the course of doing insurance business; fraudulent or dishonest business practice; demonstrated untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
CIGNA Dental Health of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Cochran, Kenneth H. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Violation of previously issued order; failure to file annual statements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Coffin, Joshua B. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Violation of previously issued order; failure to file annual statement. | |
Status: N/A | |
Complete Home Solutions; Your Complete Home Solutions, LLC; CHS Claims Service; National Claims Solu |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Dismiss respondent Kotalik; cease and desist. - Unauthorized solicitation or acceptance to represent consumers in negotiating and settling claims for losses to property covered by contracts of insurance in the state of Kansas. | |
Status: N/A | |
Complete Home Solutions; Your Complete Home Solutions, LLC; CHS Claims Service; National Claims Solutions; Serena Kotalik; and William L. Roberts |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-536 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist. - Solicitation of business poses a risk to consumers. | |
Status: N/A | |
Coventry Health and Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct report adopted; monetary penalty. - Market conduct examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct report adopted; monetary penalty. - Market conduct examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Crim, Judy Gail |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld, misappropriated, or converted money or property received in the course of doing business; dishonest practices; demonstrated untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Deases, David R. (Jrl) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report home state license revocation. | |
Status: N/A | |
Dorman, Lonny Ray |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License Revoked - Fradulent or dishonest practices in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Duggan, Elizabeth A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909;77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; complete continuing ed. - Fraudulent or dishonest practice or demonstrated lack of competence and trustworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
Duggan, Elizabeth A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist; complete requirements of 3/9/11 summary order. - Failure to comply with previously issued summary order. | |
Status: N/A | |
Elliott, Mark J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125 et seq., 40-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to file an annual statement pursuant to K.S.A. 40-246c. | |
Status: N/A | |
Failla, Brian M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report disciplinary proceedings; failure to disclose convictions. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farmers Alliance Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Fetter, Zachariah J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Engaged in fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Financial American Life Insurance Company f/k/a/ Cardif Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; 40-3304 | |
SUMMARY: Extension granted. - Applicant requested an extension of time to complete acquisition on or before 3/1/11. | |
Status: N/A | |
Firefighters Relief Associations |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-1706 | |
SUMMARY: Redetermination granted subject to changes made based on additional evidence. - Additional evidence presented to warrant changes in redetermination; final agency action. | |
Status: N/A | |
Fitkin, Michael R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909;77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License Revoked - Improperly withheld or misappropriated premium payments;demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Fitzgerald, Cindy E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report change of address; forgery. | |
Status: N/A | |
Flores, Michael J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent or dishonest practices; demonstrated untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; failure to report civil judgments, a tax lien, and a tax warrant. | |
Status: N/A | |
Garcia, Maria S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld, misappropriated, or converted money or property received in the course of doing business; fraudulent or dishonest practices; demonstrated untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
George, Joseph J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125 et seq., 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to file an annual statement pursuant to K.S.A. 40-246c. | |
Status: N/A | |
George, Joseph J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Violation of previously issued order. | |
Status: N/A | |
Ghouleh, Suad T. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report other state action; failure to maintain license in home state. | |
Status: N/A | |
Grover, John M. (III) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report other disciplinary action; failure to follow life insurance replacement procedures; misrepresentation; fraudulent/coercive/dishonest business practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct report adopted; monetary penalty - Market conduct examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Harms, Janet E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 et seq. | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld, misappropriated, or converted money or property received in the course of doing business; used fraudulent or dishonest practices; demonstrated untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of doing business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hart, Shannon |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; other state actions; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Henry, Steven S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-4901; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Limitations placed on license. - Demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Heritage Casualty Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,162 | |
SUMMARY: Redomestication approved. - Company applied to transfer place of domicile. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hobson, Cristin S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-4901 | |
SUMMARY: License surrendered. - Erroneously and irresponsibly or intentionally, failed to deposit premium funds according to the requirements of her contract with company. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hoffert, Casey L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state actions; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hundley, Ashly Rene |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld, misappropriated, or converted money or property received in the course of doing insurance business; dishonest practices; demonstrated untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Independence Indemnity Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-248 | |
SUMMARY: Discontinuation of business authorized; release of securities authorized. - Request to discontinue operations and conclude all business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Independence Indemnity Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Dissolution examination report adopted. - Proposed dissolution examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Ippolito, Michael P. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Forgery; fraudulent/dishonest business practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Jackson, Darrell |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; other state actions; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Association of Homes for the Aging Insurance Group |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Association of School Boards Workers Compensation Fund, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Automobile Dealers Workers' Compensation Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Eastern Region Insurance Trust |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Health Insurance Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Insurance Guaranty Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kellum, Carol Y. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state actions; criminal history/convictions; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
KHA Workers Compensation Fund, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Knez, Steven G. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125 et seq., 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to file an annual statement pursuant to K.S.A. 40-246c. | |
Status: N/A | |
Knez, Steven G. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Violation of previously issued order. | |
Status: N/A | |
Knutson, Johanna |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly misappropriated or converted funds received in the course of doing insurance business; fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practice; demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Laronge, Damion S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Lequire, Dwayne C. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-4901p; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License surrendered. - Felony conviction | |
Status: N/A | |
Liberty Benefit Plans, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-4901; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Liberty Benefits Plans, a sole proprietorship |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-4901; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Lightner, Ashley R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report other state action; misappropriation of funds; fraudulent or dishonest practice in the course of doing business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Luevano, Gabriel A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; other state actions; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Madison Title Agency, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to notify KID regarding bond cancellation. | |
Status: N/A | |
MDA Lending Solutions, Inc. n/k/a DataQuick Lending Solutions, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-4901 et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to file annual audits; failure to file bond and license information. | |
Status: N/A | |
Mehta, Rupa H. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report other administrative action; fraudulent/coercive/dishonest business practices;rebating. | |
Status: N/A | |
Merrill, Darlene |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Violation of previously issued order. | |
Status: N/A | |
Merrill, S. Darlene |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125 et seq., 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to file an annual statement pursuant to K.S.A. 40-246c. | |
Status: N/A | |
Metro National Settlement Services, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to file annual audit. | |
Status: N/A | |
Montana Acquisitions, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Request for exemption from formal filing and approval requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
MPM Insurance Company of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
My HIX Insurance Exchange/Nathan Nead |
Authority: K.S.A. 77-536 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist; remove Kansas link from website. - Representation as a Kansas state-sponsored insurance exchange when not so affiliated, operational and/or authorized; solicitation of leads for the sale of insurance in Kansas by using misrepresentation. | |
Status: N/A | |
Nava, Michael |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; other state action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Newhouse, Lucinda A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Osman, Robert W. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report other State action; license revoked in state of residence. | |
Status: N/A | |
Overmyer, Gregory R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Violation of previously issued order; failure to file annual statements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Owens, Jane M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pennington, J. Matthew |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-2401, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Request for hearing after issuance of a Summary Order; interests of insurers and the insurable interests of the public are not being served; final agency action. | |
Status: N/A | |
Perez, Jason M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report other state action; home state license revoked. | |
Status: N/A | |
PMI Mortgage Assurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 40-222b; 40-222d; 40-222e; 77-501 e | |
SUMMARY: Previously issued order rescinded. - Consent Order issued 3/28/86 rescinded. | |
Status: N/A | |
PMI Mortgage Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3512; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Waiver granted. - Request for a waiver of the risk to capital requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Preferred Health Systems, Inc. (merger with and into Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-309; 40-3301; 40-3304(d)(1); 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Merger approved; Coventry exempt from formal filing requirements. - Proposed merger between Preferred Health Systems, Inc. with and into Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc. | |
Status: N/A | |
Price, Jessica D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Misappropriated funds; fraudulent or dishonest practice in the course of doing business; demonstrated financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Progressive Direct Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct report adopted. - Market conduct examination. | |
Status: N/A | |
Progressive Northwestern Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct report adopted. - Market conduct examination. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pyramid Life Insurance Company (acquisition and control by Universal Amer. Spin Corporation, et al) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Exemption requested from formal filing and approval requirements by Universal American Spin Corp., and Universal American Holdings, LLC. | |
Status: N/A | |
Racey, Jordan A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-4901; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License terminated by surrender. - Committed an unfair trade practice in submitting applications with unauthorized digital signatures. | |
Status: N/A | |
Ranck, John J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Violation of previously issued order; failure to file annual statements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Rising, Gerald Jr. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-4901 et seq. | |
SUMMARY: License revoked by surrender. - Agent provided consumer with insurance benefits and failed to pay claims. | |
Status: N/A | |
Robinson, David L. and Robinson Insurance Agency |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Producer license revoked and agency license cancelled. - Felony conviction; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Robinson, David L. and Robinson Insurance Agency |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: Correction of NPN error in Summary Order. - NPN number stated incorrectly in Summary Order issued final 3/30/11. | |
Status: N/A | |
Rogers, Jennale R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Agent not licensed and in good standing in home state. | |
Status: N/A | |
Rural Health Plans Initiative Administration Company (The) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-4901 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked by surrender - Agent provided consumer with insurance benefits and failed to pay claims. | |
Status: | |
Santos, Mark |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Violation of previously issued order. | |
Status: N/A | |
Sarchett, Alexi G. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Engaged in fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practices; forgery of another person's name to an insurance application and documents related to insurance transactions; misleading presentations or incomplete comparison. | |
Status: N/A | |
Security Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Shelter Mutual Insurance Company and Shelter General Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Failure to attempt to settle claims in good faith to effectuate prompt, fair and equitable settlements of claims in which liabilitly has become reasonably clear. | |
Status: N/A | |
Solis, Elva L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld, misappropriated, or converted money or property received in the course of doing business; dishonest practices; demonstrated untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Stein, Valerie L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537` | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Surrender of home state license; criminal conviction; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Travel Air Insurance Company (Kansas) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Travel Air Insurance Company, LTD |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Ubben, David |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practice in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
UNICARE Health Plan of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Union Fidelity Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,162 | |
SUMMARY: Redomestication approved. - Company applied to transfer its place of domicile. | |
Status: N/A | |
Universal Underwriters Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3305; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Request for exemption from the requirements of K.S.A. 40-3305(e). | |
Status: N/A | |
Upland Mutual Insurance, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial conditon examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
US Alliance Life and Security Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Organization examination report adopted. - Proposed organization examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
ValueOptions of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Villatoro Insurance Agency |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Mishandling of premiums funds. | |
Status: N/A | |
Villatoro, Melvin |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Mishandling of premium funds. | |
Status: N/A | |
Walley, Andrea M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; criminal conviction; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Ward, Jana B. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Engaged in fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practices; forgery. | |
Status: N/A | |
Watson, Debra S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report other state actions; home state license lapsed. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wheeler, Winslow Ballenger |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Final agency action making effective Summary Order issued 1/31/11, revoking agent's license based on felony conviction; other states' actions; interests of the insurer and insurable public not being served. | |
Status: N/A | |
Whitenight, Paula J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Violation of previously issued order; failure to file annual statements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wichita Auto Dealers Self Insurance Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
2010 Legal Orders | |
Adam Utz Insurance Agency, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld, misappropriated, or converted money or property received in the course of doing insurance business; dishonest business practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Ament, Marcus A.E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 77-501, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: License surrendered. - Failure to convert resident license to nonresident after a change of residency. | |
Status: N/A | |
American Exchange Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Application for exemption from filing and approval requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
American Home Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
American Premier Title, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to maintain bond or irrevocable letter of credit. | |
Status: N/A | |
American Professionals Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 40-222b; 40-222d; 40-222e | |
SUMMARY: Previously issued order rescinded. - Rescinding order issued on 9/30/1991 suspending company's authority to transact business in this State. | |
Status: N/A | |
AmTrust Insurance Company of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Antonucci-Ferber, Maria |
Authority: K.S.A. 40--4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - No longer licensed and in good standing in home state; failure to report other action. | |
Status: N/A | |
Automobile Insurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut, et al. (the Travelers Group) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to comply with requirements of tests or general underwriting and rating standard 1; failure to comply with requirements of tests for specific property and casualty underwriting and rating standard 16. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bankers Life & Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to pay claims within 30 days of receipt; failure to notify policyholders of information needed to process the claims. | |
Status: N/A | |
Benchmark Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Benedetto, Joe |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist. - Unauthorized transaction of the business of insurance. | |
Status: N/A | |
Benedetto, Joseph |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Unauthorized transaction of the business of insurance. | |
Status: N/A | |
Berstein, Alys Joy |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - No longer licensed and in good standing in home state; failure to report other state action. | |
Status: N/A | |
Cardif Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Carlson, Angela S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld, misappropriated, or converted money or property received in the course of doing insurance business; dishonest practices; demonstrated untrustworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
Chapman, Ezra L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Charter Oak Fire Insurance Company (The) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Failure to comply with requirements of tests or general underwriting and rating standard 1; failure to comply with requirements of tests for specific property and casualty underwriting and rating standard 16. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Clark, Jodi L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld, misappropriated, or converted money or property received in the conduct of business; demonstrated untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Compton, Daniel W. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to convert resident license to non-resident after change of residency; no longer qualifies for license. | |
Status: N/A | |
Davis, Susan Kay |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4901; 40-103; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: 90 license suspension; monetary penalty. - Submitted fictitious applications for insurance in order to obtain advance commissions; dishonest practices; demonstrated untrustworthiness in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Delisser, Aamard O. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - No longer licensed and in good standing in home state; failure to report disciplinary action; failure to report other state action. | |
Status: N/A | |
Delta Dental of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Dental Health Care, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Desruisseaux, Jeannette G. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - No longer licensed and in good standing in home state; failure to report other state action. | |
Status: N/A | |
Dierksen, Timothy R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practices; demonstrated untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business, failure to report judgment. | |
Status: N/A | |
Dorman, Christopher S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report change in agency relationship; misrepresented the provisions, terms, and conditions of insurance policies; fraudulent or dishonest practices in the conduct of business; lack of trustworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
Dorman, Patty |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent or dishonest practices in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Dupy, Ronald L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Violation of other state's law after failure to change previous resident license to nonresident after moving. | |
Status: N/A | |
Eagle Insurance Agency Holdings, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report other state action. | |
Status: N/A | |
Ellis, Douglas L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Embry, Luther J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Withheld, misappropriated or converted moneys received in the course of doing business; fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practices; demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Employers Reassurance Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Financial condition examination report adopted. | |
Status: N/A | |
Financial American Life Insurance Company (f/k/a Cardif Life Insurance Company) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Application to acquire control approved. - Application by Financial American Holdings Corporation to acquire control. | |
Status: N/A | |
Firefighters Relief Associations |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-1706; 77-501, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Redetermination granted. - Applications of various FRAs for redetermination. | |
Status: N/A | |
Firefighters Relief Associations |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-1706; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Redetermination granted. - Application for redetermination from various associations. | |
Status: N/A | |
Flanders, Brian D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report other state action. | |
Status: N/A | |
Flowers, Christina M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Interests of the public are not properly served; failure to respond. | |
Status: N/A | |
Frye, Jeffrey J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent, coercive, and dishonest practices; demonstrated untrustworthiness in the conduct of business; failure to pay state income tax owed. | |
Status: N/A | |
Fulton, Melody K. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to procure home state license after move. | |
Status: N/A | |
Gardea, Lorraine Cara |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Resident state license revoked; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Goff, Robert |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility; failure to respond to proper inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Gonzalez, Gabriel |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld, misappropriated, or converted money or property received in the course of doing insurance business; fraudulent and dishonest practices; demonstrated untrustworthiness in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Good, Kate F. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Violation of other state's law after failure to change previous resident license to nonresident after moving. | |
Status: N/A | |
Goodwin, Jamie Ramsey |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness, or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
H and H Agency, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended. - Withheld, misappropriated or converted moneys received in the course of doing business; demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hearne, Christa L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license voluntarily surrendered; failure to report. Failure to maintain good standing in home state. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hess, William R. (Jr.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - No longer in good standing in home state; failure to report. Other states' actions; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hicks, Andrew H. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to notify of change of address; failure to report felony conviction; fraudulent or dishonest business practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Horace Mann Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 77-542; 40-955; 40-254; 40-938 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to use approved rates when issuing policies that would have been covered by the filings. | |
Status: N/A | |
Howell, John W. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909p; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Insurable interests of the public not properly served; failure to respond to inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Insurance Advisors, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report change in agency relationship; misrepresented the provisions, terms, and conditions of insurance policies; fraudulent or dishonest practices in the conduct of business; lack of trustworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
Jefferson, Jose E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Resident state license revoked; failure to report to KID. | |
Status: N/A | |
Jordan, Julie Ann |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Jowell, Paul B. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Association of School Boards Workers' Compensation Fund, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas County Association Multi-Line Pool |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Health Insurance Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Livestock Association Risk Management Services, Inc. Workers' Compensation Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report adopted. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Municipal Insurance Trust |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Restaurant and Hospitality Association Self Insurance Fund, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Truckers Risk Management Group, Inc. Trust |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Workers' Risk Cooperative for Counties |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Karns. Gary L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license suspended; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kennedy, Kala R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-530 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld, misappropriated, or converted money or property received in the course of doing insurance business; dishonest business practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Lauters, Matthew |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report change in resident state; failure to show proof of other state resident license; failure to respond. | |
Status: N/A | |
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 44-5,120; 40-103; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to provide timely TTD payments, medical confirmation for prescriptions, medical tests and surgical procedures. | |
Status: N/A | |
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 44-5,120; 40-103; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Alleged multiple violations of the Work Comp Fraud and Abuse Act. | |
Status: N/A | |
Majors, Janay Morgan |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Martinez, Juan C. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Mattingly Ford Title Services, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; monetary penalty. - Failed to file, in a timely manner, an annual audit pursuant to K.S.A. 2009 Supp. 40-1137. | |
Status: N/A | |
McLean, Tracie |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Selling, soliciting or negotiating insurance business without a license; failure to notify of address change. | |
Status: N/A | |
Mefford, Crystal M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report change in resident state; failure to show proof of other state resident license; failure to respond. | |
Status: N/A | |
Midwest Public Risk of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report adopted. | |
Status: N/A | |
Midwest Rating and Service Bureau, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Miller, Anna R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld, misappropriated, or converted money or property received in the course of doing business; demonstrated untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Miller, Monica A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld, misappropriated, or converted money or property received in the course of doing business; dishonest practices; untrustworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
Morales, Amy Brooks |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Insurable interests of the public not properly served; failure to respond to inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3512; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Waiver granted. - Request for a waiver of the risk to capital requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Muninger, Kregg W. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld, misappropriated, or converted money or property received in the course of doing insurance business; demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness, or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Myers, Christopher T. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report other state action. | |
Status: N/A | |
National Association of Business Leadership, et al. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist. - Unauthorized and unlicensed transaction of the business of insurance without being property licensed; denial of claims made by residents. | |
Status: N/A | |
Norris, John M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Northwest Title Agency, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; monetary penalty. - Failed to file, in a timely manner, an annual audit pursuant to K.S.A. 2009 Supp. 40-1137. | |
Status: N/A | |
Oates, Jessica Lauren |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Violation of other state's law after failure to change previous resident license to nonresident after moving. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pennington, J. Matthew |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-536 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended. - Interests of the insurer or the insurable interests of the public are not properly served; churning; immediate danger to the health and welfare of the public. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pennsylvania Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 40-222b; 40-222d; 40-222e | |
SUMMARY: Previously issued order rescinded. - Rescinding order issued on 5/29/02 suspending company's authority to transact business in this State. | |
Status: N/A | |
Phan, Lam M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld, misappropriated, or converted money or property received in the course of doing business; dishonest practices; untrustworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
PhoenixInsurance Company (The) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Failure to comply with requirements of tests or general underwriting and rating standard 1; failure to comply with requirements of tests for specific property and casualty underwriting and rating standard 16. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Preferred Health Systems Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Preferred Health Systems Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-309; 40-3301; 40-3304 | |
SUMMARY: Merger approved. - Proposed merger with and into Coventry Health and Life Insurance Company. | |
Status: N/A | |
Preferred Plus of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Preferred Plus of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-309; 40-3301, 40-3304 | |
SUMMARY: Merger approved. - Proposed merger with and into Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc. | |
Status: N/A | |
Preferred Plus of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3305; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Request for exemption from requirements of K.S.A. 40-3305 as it applies to the dividend transaction as approved by Board of Directors on 12/22/10. | |
Status: N/A | |
Prisco, David |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent and dishonest practices; demonstrated untrustworthiness in the conduct of business; failure to respond to proper inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Progressive Northwestern Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Form filing language ineffective and replaced. - Failure to revise forms filings to provide for the statutory definition. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pyramid Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Ragland, Tina Marie |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report other states' actions. | |
Status: N/A | |
Ramsey, Pauline M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness, or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Real Benefits Association, a/k/a RBA, et al. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2404; 40-2407 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist. - Unauthorized transaction of the business of insurance; deceptive and misleading advertising. | |
Status: N/A | |
Republic Mortgage Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3512; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Waiver granted. - Request for a waiver of the risk to capital requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Rexroat-Craigmiles, Melissa |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Non-valid resident license. | |
Status: N/A | |
Richardson, Guy E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Misrepresented the provisions, terms and conditions of an insurance policy; forged consumers' signatures on delivery receipts; fraudulent or dishonest practices in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Rivard, James E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report home state license revocation. | |
Status: N/A | |
Roca, Mario |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Solicitation of insurance prior to being licensed. | |
Status: N/A | |
Rohleder, Denise M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Felony conviction. | |
Status: N/A | |
Rosenberger, Mary M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Provided incorrect, misleading, incomplete, or untrue information on her license application; failure to disclose criminal convictions. | |
Status: N/A | |
Ross, John F. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Felony conviction; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Roy, Derrick D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license surrendered; other state action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Rupert, John R. (III) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other sate action; failure to report. Failure to comply with previously issued order. | |
Status: N/A | |
Santos, John M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; other state action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Security Benefit Mutual Holding Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; 40-3304; 40-4001; 40-4003; 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Form A filed seeking approval of the acquisition and control of SBL; demutualization and dissolution plan approved. | |
Status: N/A | |
Security Benefit Mutual Holding Company |
Authority: K.S.A. K.S.A. 40-3301; 40-3304; 40-4001; 40-4003; | |
SUMMARY: DOL exemption deadline extension approved. - Request for extension of deadline. | |
Status: N/A | |
Shofner, Stafford W. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Demonstrated incompentence or untrustworthiness in the conduct of business; failure to response to inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Sibson, Tamara E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license lapsed; no longer in good standing. | |
Status: N/A | |
Smart, Monica G. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-4901, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: License suspended. - Improperly withheld, misappropriated, or converted money received in the course of doing insurance business; used a fraudulent and dishonest practice; demonstrated untrustworthiness in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Standard Fire Insurance Company (The) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Failure to comply with requirements of tests or general underwriting and rating standard 1; failure to comply with requirements of tests for specific property and casualty underwriting and rating standard 16. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Steeber, Christa S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Unfair trade practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Sterling, Dianna Marie-Minks |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Repeated failure to respond to proper inquiries; violation of other state law. | |
Status: N/A | |
Thornley, Johnna Kay |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Suspected fraudulent activity regarding disability claim. | |
Status: N/A | |
Tierrablanca, Benjamin |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report other states' actions. | |
Status: N/A | |
Torrence, Terance C. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; other state action; failure to report; failure to report address change. | |
Status: N/A | |
Transtar National, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Issued title policies and conducted business in violation of Kansas law. | |
Status: N/A | |
Travco Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Failure to comply with requirements of tests or general underwriting and rating standard 1; failure to comply with requirements of tests for specific property and casualty underwriting and rating standard 16. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Travelers Commercial Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Failure to comply with requirements of tests or general underwriting and rating standard 1; failure to comply with requirements of tests for specific property and casualty underwriting and rating standard 16. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Travelers Home & Marine Insurance Company (The) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Failure to comply with requirements of tests or general underwriting and rating standard 1; failure to comply with requirements of tests for specific property and casualty underwriting and rating standard 16. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Travelers Indemnity Company (The) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Failure to comply with requirements of tests or general underwriting and rating standard 1; failure to comply with requirements of tests for specific property and casualty underwriting and rating standard 16. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Travelers Indemnity Company of America (The) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Failure to comply with requirements of tests or general underwriting and rating standard 1; failure to comply with requirements of tests for specific property and casualty underwriting and rating standard 16. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Travelers Property Casualty Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Failure to comply with requirements of tests or general underwriting and rating standard 1; failure to comply with requirements of tests for specific property and casualty underwriting and rating standard 16. | |
Status: Closed-Consent Order | |
Trustmark Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct report adopted; monetary penalty. - Market conduct examination. | |
Status: N/A | |
Trustmark Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222' 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct report adopted; monetary penalty. - Market conduct examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Unisource Information Services, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; monetary penalty. - Failed to file, in a timely manner, an annual audit pursuant to K.S.A. 2009 Supp. 40-1137. | |
Status: N/A | |
United Health and Life Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report change in agency relationship; misrepresented the provisions, terms, and conditions of insurance policies; fraudulent or dishonest practices in the conduct of business; lack of trustworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
United Lender Services Corp. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-1139; 40-952; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to file a surety bond or irrevocable letter of credit; failure to file rates and audits. | |
Status: N/A | |
Utz, Adam |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld, misappropriated, or converted money or property received in the course of doing insurance business; dishonest business practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Valore Title, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 77-542; 40-1137; 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failed to file, in a timely manner, an annual audit pursuant to K.S.A. 2009 Supp. 40-1137. | |
Status: N/A | |
Vogel Insurance Agency (The) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report change of address; failure to identify licensed agent responsibile for compliance; not qualified to be licensed. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wallace, Alvin |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report change in resident state; failure to show proof of other state resident license; failure to respond. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wallace, Heather M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report change in resident state; failure to show proof of other state resident license; failure to respond. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wessler, Brad S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report other state action. | |
Status: N/A | |
West, Alisha Shantel |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report other state action. | |
Status: N/A | |
Willis, Eric C. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness, or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Willis, Tracy A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness, or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Winters, Ernest D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Woods, Frank J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to procure home state license after move. | |
Status: N/A | |
2009 Legal Orders | |
Alliance Indemnity Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,162; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Redomestication approved. - Request to transfer state of domicile from Oklahoma to Kansas. | |
Status: N/A | |
American Exchange Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Requested exemption from the filing and approval requirements of 40-3304(a). | |
Status: N/A | |
American International Group, Inc. (and all subsidiaries licensed to write w/c insurance in Kansas). |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Companies shall immed. issue, distribute and fully implement internal bulletin. - Failure to provide customers with 60 days notice of nonrenewal where policy issued by one group company and renewed by another. | |
Status: N/A | |
American Investors Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-309; 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Merger approved. - Proposed merger of company with and into Aviva Life and Annuity Company. | |
Status: N/A | |
American National Property and Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2404; K.A.R. 40-1-43 | |
SUMMARY: Liability established. - Remand from District Court to determine when liability for damages resulting from a car accident became reasonably clear. | |
Status: N/A | |
American Southern Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Associates Diversified Brokerage, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Other state action; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
ATI Title Company, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Other state action; failure to report within required time. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bankers Life and Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 40-9-100 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Advertising sent to Kansas residents that failed to state clearly the type of insurance coverage being offered. | |
Status: N/A | |
Behrens, Bryan S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bowman, Edward E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action not reported; home state license reovcation not reported. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bradley, Gail Nadine |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; resident state license revoked; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bremen Farmers Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Butler, Juan A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Charter Land Title, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Other state action; failure to notify KID. | |
Status: N/A | |
Columbian National Title Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-309; 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Merger approved. - Application by company to merge with and into First American Title Insurance Company, a California stock casualty insurance company. | |
Status: N/A | |
Corporate 4 Insurance Agency, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Other state action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Unfair act or practice. | |
Status: N/A | |
Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; cease & desist. - Denial of continuation coverage after group policy terminated. | |
Status: N/A | |
Davin, Michael E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness, or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Employers Reassurance Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farber, Howard |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Felony conviction; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farmers Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farmers Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Federated Rural Electric Insurance Exchange |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
First American Title Insurance Company of Kansas. Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-409; 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Merger approved. - Application by company to merge with and into First American Title Insurance Company, a California stock casualty insurance company. | |
Status: N/A | |
First American Title Insurance Company of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
First Life America Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,162; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Redomestication approved. - Request for transfer of domicile from Kansas to Oklahoma. | |
Status: N/A | |
FirstComp Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,107; 40-2407; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Non-renewed policies on the basis of the termination of an agency agreement, in violation of K.S.A. 40-2,107. | |
Status: N/A | |
Freeman, Adrian L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Giacomino, Lisa |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Criminal conviction; failure to disclose. Failure to respond to proper inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Golden Rule Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2401; 40-2406; 77-536 | |
SUMMARY: Paragraph #12 of emergency order vacated; redress; continue to cover insured. - Refusal to pay claim without conducting a reasonable investigation of all available information; did not attempt in good faith to effectuate a prompt, fair and equitable settlement of the claim. | |
Status: N/A | |
Harrison, Frank B. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license was revoked; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Heritage Administration Services, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2404; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to comply with inquiries from KID. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hix, Laura Leigh |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license suspended; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hoffman, Robert L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Misappropriating or converting monies received in the course of doing business; fraudulent, coercive or dishonest practice; incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Holstad, Wayne B. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Homesite Indemnity Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
J/R Marketing a/k/a Ron Hummel Agency, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Misdemeanor and felony convictions; failure to appear. | |
Status: N/A | |
Jones, David Alan |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Jones, George H. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to maintain valid resident license; failure to respond to proper inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Building Industry Workers' Compensation Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Employers Workers' Compensation Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Klanecky, Allison |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Conviction; reported. Failure to repspond to proper inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kleszcz, Vincent J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Knorpp, Walter B. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kullman, Richard Thomas |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Langhofer, Stephen C. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-601 et seq | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Felony convictions; breach of fiduciary duty. | |
Status: N/A | |
Lenderlive Settlement Services, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2407; 77-532` | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to file acceptable surety bond or letter of credit; failure to file rates and audits. | |
Status: N/A | |
Levea, Stella M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action not reported; home state license revocation not reported. | |
Status: N/A | |
Linear Title & Closing, Ltd. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2407; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to file rates, bonds, audits, etc., with KID. | |
Status: N/A | |
Maddox, Stephen R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Felony conviction. | |
Status: N/A | |
Madison Title Agency, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Marysville Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Masat, James |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action not reported; home state license revocation not reported. | |
Status: N/A | |
Mead, John E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to respond to proper inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Mendoza, Hector Ernesto |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation - Resident state license revoked; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Moraga, Lucille M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Company appointments terminated for cause; insurable interests not served. | |
Status: N/A | |
Murphy, Dennis M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action not reported; home state license revocation not reported. | |
Status: N/A | |
MutualAid eXchange |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
NAL Insurance Agency |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2404; 40-4905; 77-601 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; cease & desist. - Unauthorized transaction of the business of insurance in Kansas. | |
Status: N/A | |
Nance, Johnny R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld, misappropriated or converted monies or properties received in the course of doing business; fraudulent, coercive or dishonest practice in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
National Health Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 40-222b; 40-222d; 40-222e; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Consent order rescinded; may transact business in Kansas. - Consent Order issued 07/22/04 rescinded; suspension lifted. | |
Status: N/A | |
Nelson, Philip B. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Other state action; untimely notification. | |
Status: N/A | |
Newkirk, Timothy W. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Ohrenberg, Darrel R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Making a fsle writing; failure to respond to a proper inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Old Republic Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 44-5,120; 40-103; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failed or refused to grant medical confirmation pending an appeal. | |
Status: N/A | |
Old United Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Onex HBI Holdings II Limited s.a.r.l. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Application for exemption from formal filing requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Ortiz, Albert Esteban |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Ortiz, Patricia L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; not reported. | |
Status: N/A | |
Palombo, Raymond Thomas |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pearl, Franklin R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Physicians Health Group |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license suspended; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pillow, Daniel |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to return personal property used as surety; failure to respond to proper inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Plante, Raymond G. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to notify KID | |
Status: N/A | |
Preferred Health Systems Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2404; 77-601 et seq; 40-2254 | |
SUMMARY: Finding of primary liability; no finding of bad faith. - Final administrative action; question of primary liability and bad faith. | |
Status: N/A | |
Preferred Health Systems Insurance Company and Preferred Plus of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Proposed acquisition by Coventry Health Care; form A approved | |
Status: N/A | |
Premier Health, Inc. dba Premier Blue |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Progressive Direct Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Use of rates before approval date. | |
Status: N/A | |
Reinders, Joe A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Reinhardt, Dana R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action not reported; home state license surrender not reported. | |
Status: N/A | |
Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-2,125; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to comply with inquiries by KID; failure to act reasonably promptly with regard to reasonable inquiries from a claimant. | |
Status: N/A | |
Reynolds, Craig A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness, or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Ricci Associates, Inc. d/b/a Rai Insurance Group |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Roach, Douglas L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-601, et seq | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Final administrative action; irresponsible business practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Robinson, Ernest E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Failure to provide certification from new resident state. | |
Status: N/A | |
Rothwell, Mary A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improper business practices; company terminations for cause; failure to respond to proper inquiry; failure to notify of change of address. | |
Status: N/A | |
Self, Jonney L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Unfair trade practices act violation by offering a loan to insured to pay premium. | |
Status: N/A | |
Shields, John Westley (Jr.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Siple, Matthew P. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to notify KID. | |
Status: N/A | |
Smith, Michael T. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Southwest Plains Regional Service Health Insurance Group |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Starkweather & Shepley, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Styka, Fred |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-2407; 77-601 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; cease & desist - Unauthorized transaction of the business of insurance in Kansas. | |
Status: N/A | |
Tanner, Christy |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended until probation satisfied. - Misdemeanor conviction; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Taylor, Thomas C. (IV) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to notify KID. | |
Status: N/A | |
Torres, Linda L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other states actions; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Travelers Indemnity Company (Queal Enterprises, Inc.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 77-601, et seq | |
SUMMARY: Change in class code appropriate. - Received notice of appeal of a WC class code designation by NCCI. | |
Status: N/A | |
Tucker, Matthew Andrew |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to provide verification of termination/change of previous home state license; failure to repond. | |
Status: N/A | |
U.S. Property & Appraisal Services, Corp. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to maintain bond; failure to respond to proper inquiry | |
Status: N/A | |
Union Security Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,162 | |
SUMMARY: Redomestication approved. - Application to redomesticate from Iowa to Kansas. | |
Status: N/A | |
Universal Underwriters Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Universal Underwriters Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
ValueOptions of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Vassey, Christopher A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Watson Wyatt Insurance Consulting, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Other state action; failure to timely notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wolcott, Kathryn B. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness, or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business; failure to respond to KID inquiries. | |
Status: N/A | |
2008 Legal Orders | |
Advance Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Agency X |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-2404; 77-501 et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Penalty suspended; may continue paying premium; cannot pursue in Court. - Whether Respondent violated the law by renewing a consumer's insurance policy without approval and subsequently filed suit for the customer's failure to pay the premium; appeal of Summary Order. | |
Status: N/A | |
Auto Club Family Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct report adopted; monetary penalty - Market conduct examination. | |
Status: N/A | |
Automobile Club Inter-Insurance Exchange |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct report adopted; monetary penalty. - Market conduct examination. | |
Status: N/A | |
Baconrind, Thomas S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Censure - Irresponsibility and incompetence in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bailey, Betty A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld, misappropriated or converted any monies in the course of doing business; used fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practices, or demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Balcarres Group, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Agency license revoked. - Incompetence in the conduct of business; failure to notify KID of other state activity. | |
Status: N/A | |
Ball, Troy D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 77-547; 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: Previous revocation sustained. - Final order on agency action sustaining revocation by summary order issued in 2007. | |
Status: N/A | |
Baumgartner, Nicholas A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Submitted applications w/out knowledge of insured for purpose of obtaining a fee, commission or other money; forgery; dishonest business practices; untrustworthiness; fraudulent act(s). | |
Status: N/A | |
Beyer, Sally J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 30-3909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Borchardt, Joshua |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to respond to proper inquiry; failure to submit letter of clearance. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bowman, Omer A. (Jr.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Summary Order affirmed; license revoked; costs assessed. - Failure to appear at hearing set in re: Summary Order that was issued revoking agent's license; proposed default. | |
Status: N/A | |
Brooke Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4401; 77-542; KAR 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Extension to file granted. - Extension requested in order to effect restructuring of insurance company holding system. | |
Status: N/A | |
Brown, Robert E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Misdemeanor conviction; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bruce, Terrel Y. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to notify of other State's action in a timely manner; failure to disclose felony conviction; subsequent action by other State relative to previous undisclosed action. | |
Status: N/A | |
Builders' Mutual Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 50-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Cavalari, Thomas |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to notify of other States' actions; failure to respond to proper inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Certain Firefighters Relief Associations |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-1706(c)(6); 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Redetermination granted. - Request for redetermination made by certain FRA's. | |
Status: N/A | |
Clarke, Angela |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly converted/misappropriated monies received in the course of doing business, for personal use. | |
Status: N/A | |
Conseco Health Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Multi-state market conduct examination report adopted. - Multi-state market conduct examination conducted by NAIC. | |
Status: N/A | |
Conseco Senior Health Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Multi-state market conduct examination report adopted. - Multi-state market conduct examination conducted by NAIC. | |
Status: N/A | |
Continental Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2404; 40-2406; 40-2407; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; payment to consumer. - Denial of full payment of claim. | |
Status: N/A | |
Continental Western Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 77-501; 40-5,120 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Alleged violation of work comp statutes. | |
Status: N/A | |
Erickson, Ethan W. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to notify of other state's action. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farmers Insurance Exchange |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-3301, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Applicant requested an exemption from formal filing requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Firefighters Relief Associations |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-1706(c)(6); 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Redetermination granted. - Redetermination granted to various associations. | |
Status: N/A | |
First Life America Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Application for acquisition filed by First Trinity Financial Corporation. | |
Status: N/A | |
First Life America Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Extension granted. - Request for extension of time to complete acquisition by First Trinity Financial Corporation until 1/30/09. | |
Status: N/A | |
First Life America Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-537; 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Application for acquisition approved. - Application to acquire control filed by First Trinity Financial Corporation with amended Form A statement, to be effected within 60 days. | |
Status: N/A | |
First Life American Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Fitzhugh, Margaret |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Felony conviction; reported. | |
Status: N/A | |
Flaherty, Kevin |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action, failure to notify; failure to respond to proper inquiry; failure to change address. | |
Status: N/A | |
Fraley, Jerry A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action -- revocation, failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Frenkel & Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Other state's action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Golden Rule Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2404; 77-536 | |
SUMMARY: Immediate redress to insured. - Unlawful denial of claim. | |
Status: N/A | |
Gonzalez, Rachel |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Unlicensed activity; derogatory statements; fraudulent, coercive or untrue statements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Guthrie, Wesley A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Obtained license through misrepresentation or fraud; demonstrated financial irresponsibility; insurable interests of the public not properly served. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hodgeman County Abstract & Title Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Agency license revoked. - Improperly converted/misappropriated monies received by agent in the course of doing business, for personal use. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hoffman, Rick |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Breach of financial responsibility to client; false/fraudulent statements; demonstrated incompetence, and untrustworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
Homesite Indemnity Company (acquisition by Alleghany Insurance Holdings LLC) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Application by Alleghany Insurance Holdings LLC to acquire Homesite Indemnity Company. | |
Status: N/A | |
Humana Health Plan |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct report adopted; monetary penalty. - Market conduct examination. | |
Status: N/A | |
Humana Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct report adopted; monetary penalty. - Market conduct examination. | |
Status: N/A | |
I Mortgage Services, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Other state action; failure to notify within 30 days of action. | |
Status: N/A | |
Imperial Casualty and Indemnity Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 40-222b; 40-222d; 40-222e; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Suspension rescinded. - Previously issued Consent Order of 4/14/89 rescinded. Company may commence writing business in the State of Kansas. | |
Status: N/A | |
Inslogic Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Agency license revoked. - Other states' actions; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Johnson, Kristina P. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other states' actions not fully reported. | |
Status: N/A | |
Jones, Edwin D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Censure. - Irresponsibility and incompetence in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Bankers Surety Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Health Care Providers Insurance Availability Plan |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Health Insurance Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Medical Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Key Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Konen, Theresa M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to respond to proper inquiry; failure to provide address change. | |
Status: N/A | |
Lackey, Jeffrey B. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease and desist. - Home state license revoked. | |
Status: N/A | |
Lacy, Denise R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 et seq. | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practice; demonstrating untrustworthiness; making false statements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Legeyt, Clayton |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to respond to proper inquiry; failure to provide new resident state letter of certification. | |
Status: N/A | |
Levin, Matthew H. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Surrender of license in home state; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Liefer, Todd J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Other state's action; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Lindsey, Colin P |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Incompetence in the conduct of business; failure to notify KID of other state activity. | |
Status: N/A | |
Losse, Trevor |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended. - Other state action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Maish, Jimmie D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Acted as a broker-dealer; fraudulent, coercive practices which led to action by the Kansas Securities Commission; failure to report said action to KID. | |
Status: N/A | |
MaximInsurance Services, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Other state's action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Mayes, William Chad |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License voluntarily surrendered; cease and desist. - Fraudulent, coercive, dishonest business practices; untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility; forgery. | |
Status: N/A | |
McLaughlin, Mark W. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to provide certification from new resident state after move. | |
Status: N/A | |
McMenamin, James F. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Other state's action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Mechanic, Steven R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Other states' actions; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Mega Life and Health Insurance Company (The) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Market conduct examination. | |
Status: N/A | |
Moffitt, Joann M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Making false statements or representations for the purpose of obtaining a fee, commission, money or other benefit; coercive and dishonest practices; submitting false applications for life insurance. | |
Status: N/A | |
Moore, Tisa A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to notify of other States' actions in a timely manner. | |
Status: N/A | |
Morckel, Christopher A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Application for license denied. - Initial denial of application; hearing requested and called; failure to appear at hearing. | |
Status: N/A | |
Moreau, Heath |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended. - Other state action; failure to notify | |
Status: N/A | |
Moreira, Aviena |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended. - Other state's action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Morgan Ross, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Agency license revoked. - Incompetence in the conduct of business; failure to notify KID of other state activity. | |
Status: N/A | |
MSCP Funds |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304(e)(1); 40-3304(a) | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Application of HCD Investors LP, Morgan Stanley Capital Partners III, LP, and MSCP III 892 Investors (known as MSCP Funds), for exemption from filing requirements in re: Homesite Group. | |
Status: N/A | |
National Alliance of Associations; Thomas J. Sullivan; James M. Doyle; Christopher Ashiotes |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 77-501 et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist transacting business in Kansas. - Unauthorized and unlicensed transaction of the business of insurance in the State of Kansas. | |
Status: N/A | |
National Prearranged Services, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Borrowed against life insurance policies w/o the consent of Kansas policyowners; did not repay loans borrowed against the policies. | |
Status: N/A | |
O'Brien, Jeffrey R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to notify of other State's action; failure to respond to proper inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pell, Melissa Leeanne |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: License suspension ordered in Summary Order affirmed. - Failure to pay monetary penalty assessed in Summary Order; license suspended; requested hearing; failure to appear. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pell, Melissa Leeanne |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended. - Other state action; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Platt, Arthur F. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended. - Failure to notify of other state's action. | |
Status: N/A | |
Preferred Health Systems Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3305; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Request for exemption from requirements of K.S.A. 40-3305 as it applies to the divident transaction as approved by Board of Directors on 12/16/08. | |
Status: N/A | |
Preferred Plus of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3305; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Request for exemption from requirements of K.S.A. 40-3305 as it applies to the dividend transaction as approved by Board of Directors on 12/16/08. | |
Status: N/A | |
Premier Health, Inc. d/b/a Premier Blue |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Safeco Insurance Company of America |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 40-3-30 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to respond to proper inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Saldivar, Mark |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Misrepresenting the terms, provisions and conditions of an actual or proposed insurance contract; fiscal irresponsibility; inappropriate acts. | |
Status: N/A | |
Security Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Settlement Group, Inc. (The) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Engaged in a controlled business arrangement; failed to timely file a controlled business report for 2005-2007; failed to submit an audit for years 2005-2007. | |
Status: N/A | |
Smith, James C. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-526 | |
SUMMARY: Application for agent license denied. - Respondent submitted an application for a Kansas nonresident insurance agent license. | |
Status: N/A | |
Surency Life & Health Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Tate, Schalisa M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other states' actions; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Total Benefit Planning, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to notify of other State's action; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Trinity Universal Insurance Company of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Application to acquire control approved. - Proposed acquisition of control by Amtrust Financial Services, et al. | |
Status: N/A | |
United Title Company, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Engaged in a controlled business arrangement; failed to timely file a controlled business report for 2005 thru 2007. | |
Status: N/A | |
VanSchoick, Dee (Jr.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty - Other state's action; failure to report in timely manner. | |
Status: N/A | |
Vendor Management Services d/b/a/ Inzura Settlement Services |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Agency license suspended for 30 days; monetary penalty. - Engaged in controlled business arrangement. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wagner, John V. (Jr.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to notify of other State's action; failure to respond to proper inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Ward, Hal Russell |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Application for license denied. - Failure to disclose all criminal convictions on application; numerous felony convictions; failure to demonstrate that he is fit to participate in the business of insurance without constituting risk to consumers or insurers. | |
Status: N/A | |
Washington, Eddie G. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to notify of prior revocations by other states. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wausau Business Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Remit oustanding premium tax; monetary penalty. - Failure to pay outstanding premium tax; failure to respond. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wausau General Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Remit outstanding premium tax; monetary penalty. - Failure to pay outstanding premium tax; failure to respond. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wedel, Loyal Dean |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Application for agent license denied. - Submitted an application for an agent license; felony conviction; insurable interests of the public not served. | |
Status: N/A | |
Werner, Mark R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended until monetary penalty paid. - Failure to notify of other State's action in a timely manner. | |
Status: N/A | |
Zurich American Insurance Company of Illinois |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to respond to KID inquiry in timely manner. | |
Status: N/A | |
Zurich Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; 77-542; 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Extension granted. - Request for an extension to reorganization of Farmers Insurance Company, Inc. | |
Status: N/A | |
2007 Legal Orders | |
AIG SunAmerica Life Assurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to provide data pursuant to the NAIC call letter deadline extension. | |
Status: N/A | |
Alliance Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
American Family Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 77-501, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to reply to proper inquiry; violation of the Unfair Claim Settlement Practices Act. | |
Status: N/A | |
American Investors Life Insurance Company, Inc. (proposed acquisition by Aviva plc, et al.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
American National Property and Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Unfair claims settlement practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
American Security Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to repond; failure to adequately respond. | |
Status: N/A | |
Armed Forces Insurance Exchange |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Auto Club of Missouri Group, Automobile Club Inter-Insurance Exchange; Auto Club Family Insurance Co |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct report adopted, monetary penalty. - Market conduct examination (see Order). | |
Status: N/A | |
Ball, Troy D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Felony conviction; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Barth, Derek J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Amendment to Summary Order previously issued. | |
Status: N/A | |
Benicorp Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2401, et seq.; 40-2442; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Certificate of authority suspended; redress. - Failure to attempt in good faith to effectuate prompt, fair and equitable settlement of claims in which liability had become reasonably clear; failure to respond to insureds' inquiries. | |
Status: N/A | |
Blue Valley Insurance Agency, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2404, 40-103, 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Unfair or deceptive acts or practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bosetski, Ellen A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bowman, Omer A. (Jr.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: LIcense revoked. - Failure to respond; fraudulent or coercive practices; financial irresponsibility; untrustworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
Brooke Brokerage Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Request for exemption from filing and approval requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Brooke Brokerage Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301, et seq.; K.A.R. 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Extension granted. - Extension requested for the exemption request regarding filing requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Brooke Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Request for exemption from formal filing requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Brooke Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301, et seq.; K.A.R. 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Extension granted to exemption request. - Applicant requested an extension to their request for exemption from filing requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Brown Agency (The) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-536 | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist from sale, solicitation or negotiation of insurance. - Unauthorized business, retention of return premium; fraudulent or dishonest business practices; untrustworthiness in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Brown, Deatrice B. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-536 | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist from sale, solicitation or negotiation of insurance business. - Cancelled insurance policy without permission from insured; fraudulent or dishonest business practices; untrustworthiness in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Brown, Ronald E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-536 | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist from sale, solicitation or negotiation of insurance business. - Issued certificate of liability without approval; cancelled policy without request from insured; company termination of contract for fraud & misrepresentation; fraudulent or dishonest practice; untrustworthiness in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Burgen, Jeremy |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: LIcense revoked; cease & desist. - Improperly withheld, misappropriated, or converted monies received in the course of doing business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bush, Mary Elizabeth |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked. | |
Status: N/A | |
Capital Reserve Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-1,125; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to file data; failure to respond to proper inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Capital Reserve Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to comply with provisions of Summary Order issued effective 03-20-07. | |
Status: N/A | |
Cardinale, Guy G. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked, cease & desist. - Other state actions; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Caruso, Anthony |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Other states' action; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Cenco Services, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: Agency license revoked; cease & desist; restitution. - Misappropriation of monies received in the course of doing insurance business; fraudulent and dishonest business practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
CIGNA Dental Health of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Cochran, Cynthia D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537;77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Other states' actions, failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Coltart, Jillrae D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Other states' action; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Columbian National Title Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Conseco Senior Health Insurance Company, Conseco Health Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination suspended. - KID's MC examination suspended to allow NAIC market analysis working group to initiate and complete a multi-state examination of the Conseco companies. KID's MC examination will resume at the conclusion of the NAIC examination. | |
Status: N/A | |
Cowan, Molly |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - MIshandling of customer billing accounts; improper withholding, misappropriating, or conversion of monies received in the course of doing business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Diamond Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Matter dismissed. - Commissioner filed Motion to Dismiss this matter and the Summary Order issued 2/23/06; no objections filed; Presiding Officer dismissed case. | |
Status: N/A | |
Employers Insurance Company of Wausau |
Authority: K.S.A. 44-5,120(e); 40-103; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Fraud and abuse complaint; intentionally or knowingly failed to pay court ordered medical bills. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; K.A.R. 40-1-34 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; cease & desist - Misrepresentation of policy provisions. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farmers Alliance Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Financial Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report approved. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
First American Title Kansas Agency, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 40-1139 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to file rates prior to issuing titles in Kansas. | |
Status: N/A | |
First Life America Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to provide data pursuant to the NAIC call letter by deadline. | |
Status: N/A | |
FirstGuard Health Plan Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
FirstGuard Health Plan Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition report adopted. - Proposed financial examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Franks, Gerald T. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Loss of home state license, failure to report; felony conviction, failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Great-West Healthcare of Kansas/Missouri, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Guardian Insurance & Annuity Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to provide data pursuant to NAIC call letter deadline extension. | |
Status: N/A | |
Guardian Life Insurance Company of America |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to provide data by deadline pursuant to call letter. | |
Status: N/A | |
Guichard, Wakamba K. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Other states' action; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Gunther, Kathryn J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 44-5,120(e); 40-103; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Fraudulent or abusive acts or practices in the investigation and adjustment of a workers compensation claim. | |
Status: N/A | |
Heston, Jeremy T. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Felony conviction; revoked license; requested hearing on summary order; Default Order issued by Presiding Officer affirming license revocation. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hoisington, John M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Fraudulent, coercive or dishonest business practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hummell, Ronald |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist; restitution. - Misappropriation of monies received in the course of doing insurance business; fraudulent and dishonest business practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Iowa Mennonite Mutual Aid Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,162 | |
SUMMARY: Redomestication approved. - Request to redomesticate from Iowa to Kansas. | |
Status: N/A | |
Iowa Mennonite Mutual Aid Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
John, Christy |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 77-501, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Agent's license voluntarily surrendered. - Failure to remit premium; failure to remit applications; deceptive acts. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Automobile Assigned Claims Plan |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct report adopted. - Market conduct examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Automobile Dealers Workers' Compensation Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Building Industry Workers Compensation Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas City Title, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct report adopted. - Market conduct examination. | |
Status: N/A | |
KFB Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adtoped. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
KHA Worker's Compensation Fund, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Rescission of order. - Order previously issued on 5/2/02 rescinded. | |
Status: N/A | |
KHA Workers Compensation Fund, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Lancaster, Christine Marie |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to notify of change of address; false or fraudulent statements or representations. | |
Status: N/A | |
Land Options, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Surety bond cancelled; failure to replace. | |
Status: N/A | |
Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-5,120; 40-103; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to pay court ordered medical bills duly authorized and ordered by an administrative law judge. | |
Status: N/A | |
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company & Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted; monetary penalty. - Market conduct examination (see Order). | |
Status: N/A | |
Lincoln Memorial Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to provide data pursuant to NAIC call letter deadline. | |
Status: N/A | |
Little, Sharon Y. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld, misappropriated or converted monies received in the course of doing insurance business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Long, Scott |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Home state license revoked; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
McClung, Dawn E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Home state license revoked; other State Insurance Departm;ent revocation; other State Insurance Department application denial. | |
Status: N/A | |
McGee, Thomas C. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Felony conviction; disclosed. | |
Status: N/A | |
Merritt, Marika L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Home state license revoked. | |
Status: N/A | |
Miller, Kelli M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked. | |
Status: N/A | |
Morgan, Lance J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Other state action; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
MutualAid eXchange |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
National Crop Insurance Services, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
National Foundation of America |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2404; 40-2407 | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist from sale or soliciation of insurance in Kansas. - Engaging in the business of insurance in the State of Kansas without a license; deceptive acts or practices; distribution of misleading materials to Kansas insurance agents and residents. | |
Status: N/A | |
Newberry, Sam H. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Other state action, failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Newvensure, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125, 40-1139 | |
SUMMARY: Agency license suspended. - Failure to respond to proper inquiry; failure to file surety bond with KID. | |
Status: N/A | |
Northland Title Services, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2404; 40-493 | |
SUMMARY: Agency license suspended; monetary penalty. - Violation of previously issued Summary Order. | |
Status: N/A | |
Northland Title Services, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 40-2407 | |
SUMMARY: Agency license revoked; monetary penalty. - Failure to comply with Summary Order effective November 26, 2006. | |
Status: N/A | |
Novacek, Joe |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-2407; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; redress. - Improperly withheld, misappropriated, or converted monies received in the course of doing insurance business; used fraudulent, coercive or dishonest practices or demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Old United Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; K.A.R. 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved - Application for acquisition of control filed by Van Tuyl Famioly 2006 Irrevocable Trust #2 FBO Larry Van Tuy. | |
Status: N/A | |
Olsen, Hanna M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked, cease & desist. - Home state license revoked; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Peters, Richard A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License voluntarily surrendered; monetary penalty. - Home state license revoked; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Petkovic, Nicole |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - License revoked by other State Insurance Department for lack of fitness or trustworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pfaff, Jodi L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked, cease & desist. - Fraudulent, coercive or dishonest practice or demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Poe, Randall |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Forgery of signature on three annuity applications in order to receive commissions. | |
Status: N/A | |
Producers Insurance Agency, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License voluntarily surrendered. - Home state license revoked; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Professional Escrow Services, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125, 40-1139 | |
SUMMARY: Previously issued Summary Order rescinded. - Summary Order issued on 6/1/07 rescinded. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pyramid Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pyramid Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; K.A.R. 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Application for acquisition of control filed by Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe, et al. | |
Status: N/A | |
Reidhead, Gary "Rett" |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-254; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Unlicensed sale of insurance. | |
Status: N/A | |
Residential Title Services, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 40-4116 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to file with KID every manual of classification, rules and rates, every rating plan, every rate card, and every modification used in connection with providing title insurance. | |
Status: N/A | |
Richard, Sarita M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Other state action; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Richmond Title Services, LP |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 40-1139 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to file a surety bond prior to issuing titles in Kansas. | |
Status: N/A | |
Safeco Insurance Group |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted; monetary penalty. - Market conduct examination. | |
Status: N/A | |
Saulmon, Cynthia L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Insufficient funds check to KID for the payment of respondent's nonresident license; failure to respond to inquiries. | |
Status: N/A | |
Security Alarm and Monitoring Association, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 40-4116 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; cease & desist - Entered into contracts upon risks located in Kansas thru risk purchasing groups not registered in Kansas. | |
Status: N/A | |
Shakir, Terri J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Other states' action; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Shanahan, Virginia Bentley |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other states' revocations; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Slinkard, Daniel K. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Southcoast Title and Escrow, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to file every manual of every classification, rules and rates, every rating plan, every rate card, and every modification in violation of K.S.A. 40-952(c). | |
Status: N/A | |
State Automobile Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-955; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Implementing rate filing prior to receiving approval via a SERFF filing. | |
Status: N/A | |
Steffens, Maynard G. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Home state license revoked. | |
Status: N/A | |
SunAmerica Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to provide data by deadline pursuant to call letter. | |
Status: N/A | |
Thomason, David |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist - Other states' action; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
TitleSource, Ltd. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Agency license suspended; cease & desist - Failure to file with the Commissioner a surety bond or irrevocable letter of credit in a form acceptable to the Commissioner, issued by an insurance company or financial institution authorized to conduct business in the State of Kansas. | |
Status: N/A | |
Toney, Derick W. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to disclose prior conviction. | |
Status: N/A | |
Tran, Khanh |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to notify KID of change of address; failure to respond. | |
Status: N/A | |
Travel Air Insurance Company (Kansas) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-501, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Application to acquire approved. - Application to acquire Travel Air Insurance Company (Kansas) filed by Hawker Beechcraft, Inc., et al. | |
Status: N/A | |
Travel Air Insurance Company, LTD |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-501, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Application to acquire approved. - Application to acquire Travel Air Insurance Company, LTD, filed by Hawker Beechcraft, Inc., et al. | |
Status: N/A | |
Unicare Health Plan of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
United Services Automobile Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-955; 40-2,125; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Implemented tier redefinition prior to receiving approval via SERFF filing. | |
Status: N/A | |
Universal Underwriters Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct report adopted. - Market conduct examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Valueoptions of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Application to acquire control filed by VO Acquisition, LLC. | |
Status: N/A | |
Via Christi Health Systems, Preferred Health Systems, Inc., Preferred Plus of Kansas, et al. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304 | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved; exemption granted. - Proposed acquisition approved, exemption from formal filing requirements requested and granted. | |
Status: N/A | |
Watson, Rodney |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Other state's action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wells Fargo Insurance Services of Ohio, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537; 77-542 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Other state action, reported; other state action, failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wesco Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; file papers with KID - Failure to comply with proper inquiry of Department. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wichita Auto Dealers Self-Insurance Fund (The) |
Authority: K.S.A. 405-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Zurich Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Proposed exemption from formal filing requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
2006 Legal Orders | |
Alleghany Insurance Holdings, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-3301 et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Requested exemption from acquisition filing and approval requirements as it may be deemed to apply to the reorganization of Homesite Group, Inc. (holding company for Homesite Indemnity Insurance Company). | |
Status: N/A | |
AMC Settlement Services, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-952; 40-2,125; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to file pursuant to statute. | |
Status: N/A | |
American Exchange Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-3301, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Request for exemption from the filing and approval requirements as they apply to the reorganization of Universal American Financial Corp. (holding company for Pyramid Life Insurance Company). | |
Status: N/A | |
American Home Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
American Investors Life Insurance Company, Inc. (proposed acquisition by Aviva plc, et al.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; K.A.R. 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Application for acquisition approved - Proposed acquisition of American Investors Life Insurance Company, Inc. by Aviva plc, Aviva Group Holdings Limited, Aviva Internat'l Insurance Limited, Aviva Insurance Limited, Aviva Internat'l Holdings Limited and Libra Acquisition Corporation. | |
Status: N/A | |
Americo Financial Life and Annuity Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct report adopted; responsible for all expenses incurred by KID. - Market conduct review; unintentional errors involving erroneous index values; payment of expenses KID incurred in hiring outside professional actuary service. | |
Status: N/A | |
Auch, Dallas E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; assessed costs. - Final agency action; respondent had 30 days to file court appeal; no judicial review. | |
Status: N/A | |
Auto Club Family Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 77-501; 40-2407; 40-2406 | |
SUMMARY: Respondent's Motion for Summary Judgment denied; monetary; costs assessed. - Final agency action on administrative action brought against company by KID for breach of its agreement with KID. | |
Status: N/A | |
Benchmark Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct report adopted; monetary penalty. - Market conduct review, utilization of non-filed & unapproved rating plan; deceptive acts/ unfair method of competition; unfair claim settlement practices; failure to properly handle claims in accordance with policy provisions & applicable statutes; etc. | |
Status: N/A | |
Benchmark Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Born, Gregory D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to notify KID of same. | |
Status: N/A | |
Brown, Kenneith |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to report same. | |
Status: N/A | |
Builders' Association Self-Insurance Fund of Kansas |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Conklin, Steven A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to notify KID of same. | |
Status: N/A | |
Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Delta Dental Plan of Kansas |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Execlusive Settlement Services, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-952(c); 40-2,125(a)(1); 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to file pursuant to statute. | |
Status: N/A | |
Executive Risk Indemnity, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; K.A.R. 40-1-34 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to respond to proper inquiry of the Commissioner of Insurance. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farmers Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Feldman, Donald R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other states' actions; failure to report same. | |
Status: N/A | |
Financial American Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Financial Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Request for exemption from the application of formal filing and approval requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Financial Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-309 | |
SUMMARY: Merger approved. - Application to merge with and into American Investors Insurance Company, Inc. | |
Status: N/A | |
Firefighter's Relief Associations |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-1706(c)(6); 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Redetermination granted. - Requests for redetermination. | |
Status: N/A | |
First Life America Corporation (proposed acquisition by Brooke Holdings, Inc., et al.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; K.A.R. 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Application for acquisition approved - Application to acquire control filed by Brooke Holdings, Inc., Brooke Corporation, Robert D. Orr and Leland G. Orr. | |
Status: N/A | |
FirstGuard Health Plan Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-3301, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted; approval for payment of dividend directly to indirect parent. - Requested exemption from notice and payment requirements as they apply to the dividend distribution declared on 12/18/06. | |
Status: N/A | |
Franklin, Jerry M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Prior convictions; failure to report same to KID. | |
Status: N/A | |
General Electric Capital Services, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-3301, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted provided reorganization effected w/in 60 days. - Request for exemption from formal filing requirements of 40-3304(a); change in ownership of Employers Reinsurance Corporation. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hentges, Michael E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to notify KID of same. | |
Status: N/A | |
Holmes, Sheila L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other states' revocations; failure to respond to KID inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Homesite Indemnity Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hulsey, Frank S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to notify KID of same. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Association of School Boards Workers' Compensation Fund, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Building Industry Worker's Compensation Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 44-584; 77-501 et seq. | |
SUMMARY: KID ordered to refund KBIWCF expenses billed. - KBIWCF seeking reduction in the costs billed by KID for examination. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas County Association Multi-Line Pool |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Health Care Association Workers Compensation Insurance Trust, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Health Insurance Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Insurance Guaranty Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Livestock Association Risk Management Services, Inc. WC Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Restaurant & Hospitality Association Self-Insurance Trust |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Truckers Risk Management Group, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Workers Risk Cooperative for Counties |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kemp, Laurence W. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended for 60 days. - License suspended pending completion of KID's ongoing criminal investigation. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kiger, Richard L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Felony conviction, untimely reported; other agency action, failure to report; prior felony conviction; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Lumber Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-229a; 40-253 | |
SUMMARY: Retaliatory deposit released; prohibited from new business. - Deposit released to Commissioner of Insurance of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in her capacity as Receiver for company. | |
Status: N/A | |
Mankamyer, Michele L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other states' actions and revocation; failure to respond to KID inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Manufacturers Alliance Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 8-173; K.A.R. 40-3-53 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Requested exemption from the on-line electronic verification requirements of its commercial automobile line to the KS Secretary of Revenue. | |
Status: N/A | |
Marysville Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Metropolitan Property and Casualty Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 40-2407; 40-955 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted; monetary - Market conduct examination; exceeding the coverage A limit of liability on ultra and plus homeowners policies. | |
Status: N/A | |
Midland Insurance Group, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state agency license revoked; failure to notify KID of same. | |
Status: N/A | |
Mt. Hawley Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,162 | |
SUMMARY: Redomestication approved effective 4/21/99. - Application for redomestication. | |
Status: N/A | |
Munro, Shane E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: License surrendered; costs assessed. - Allegations of incompetence, untrustworthiness, or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
National Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-253 | |
SUMMARY: Pay outstanding retaliatory charges for 2005. - Outstanding retaliatory fees for the year 2005. | |
Status: N/A | |
Nationwide Agribusiness Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 77-501, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Disputed claims. | |
Status: N/A | |
Noah, Darrin R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Retention of premium for personal use; deceptive acts; false entries; failure to submit applications. | |
Status: N/A | |
Northland Title Services, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2404; 40-963 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to file report stating percent of closed title orders originating from controlled business within 90 days following end of year. | |
Status: N/A | |
Old United Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Parimore, Phil A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to report same. | |
Status: N/A | |
Patrons Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-309; 40-3301; 40-3304; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Merger approved. - Joint application of Patrons and Columbia National Insurance Company seeking approval of proposed merger. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pennsylvania Manufacturers Association Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 8-173; K.A.R. 40-3-53 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Requested exemption from the on-line or electronic verification requirements of its commercial automobile line to the KS Secretary of Revenue. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pennsylvania Manufacturers Indemnity Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 8-173; K.A.R. 40-3-53 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Requested exemption from the on-line or electronic verification requirements of its commercial automobile line to the KS Secretary of Revenue. | |
Status: N/A | |
Preferred Health Systems Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Preferred Plus of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Raytheon Aircraft Acquisition Company, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Requested exemption from application of formal filing requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Reeves, Ronald W. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; costs assessed. - Felony conviction, failure to timely report; other agency actions, failure to timely report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Richmond, Scott P. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Forgery conviction; demonstrated untrustworthiness and/or financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Santa Fe Title LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-1139; 40-1141 | |
SUMMARY: Agency license suspended until KID has proof of bond; cease & desist. - Failure to maintain proper surety bond or irrevocable letter of credit issued by an insurance company or financial institution. | |
Status: N/A | |
Schul, Clayton W. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501; 77-526 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; assessed costs. - Felony conviction; failure to timely notify KID. | |
Status: N/A | |
Shelter Mutual Insurance Company and Shelter General Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 40-5101; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted. - Market conduct examination. | |
Status: N/A | |
Shumard, Jane L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-247(a); 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; restitution. - Improperly withheld monies; failure to pay premium over to companies. | |
Status: N/A | |
Sloan, Eugene W. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Probationary status for 6 months; monetary penalty; continuing ed on ethics. - Improperly withheld monies received; demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
South Central Kansas Health Insurance Group |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2401; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to file and receive approval of endorsement. | |
Status: N/A | |
State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2401; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist. - Violations of the Unfair Claim Practices Act. | |
Status: N/A | |
Strand, Gregory M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Felony conviction; not reported. | |
Status: N/A | |
Travel Air Insurance Company (Kansas) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Travel Air Insurance Company, Ltd. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Universal Underwriters Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Universal Underwriters Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Upland Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Van Tuyl, Cecil L. (Trust) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; 40-3301; 40-103 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Requested exemption from the formal filing and approval requirements of the KS Insurance Holding Companies Act. | |
Status: N/A | |
2005 Legal Orders | |
Allison, Timothy J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909(a) & (b) | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Final agency action; conduct constitutes fraudulent or dishonest practice and demonstrates untrustworthiness and financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
American Investors Life Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Arango, Herman G. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - License revoked in home state; failure to report same. | |
Status: N/A | |
Aspiras, Rachel L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked and other state action; failure to report to KID. | |
Status: N/A | |
Automobile Insurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut and Standard Fire Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-955, 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Engaged in utilizing unauthorized rates. | |
Status: N/A | |
Barry, John J. |
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bowman, Robert J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report felony convictions. | |
Status: N/A | |
Capital-Title Insurance Company |
Authority: KSA 40-4909; 77-537; 40-952(c) | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Utilizing a rate or charge before having it properly filed. | |
Status: N/A | |
Christian, Crystal |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state actions; failure to report to KID. | |
Status: N/A | |
Commerford, Greta Ann |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report conviction. | |
Status: N/A | |
Contemporary Solutions -- USA, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-951; 40-1135; 77-501, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: File all required filings in timely manner, monetary. - Failure to file rate and charge filings with the commissioner prior to transacting the business of title insurance in Kansas. | |
Status: N/A | |
Corey, Jonathan D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report other state action. | |
Status: N/A | |
Country Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.A.R. 40-3-53; K.S.A. 77-502 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Exemption requested from online or electronic verification requirements of K.S.A. 8-173. | |
Status: N/A | |
Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 40-2405 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct examination report adopted. - Proposed market conduct examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Dairyland Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct report adopted; update complaint system; etc. - Proposed market conduct report. (See order for more extensive information). | |
Status: N/A | |
Daley, Patrick and Allied/Daley Insurance Agency |
Authority: KSA 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: License(s) issued subject to a probationary period of 2 years. - Agency license previously revoked because of partner's untrustworthiness; financial irresponsibility. | |
Status: N/A | |
Employers Reassurance Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 40-5101 | |
SUMMARY: Comply with all applicable provisions of Insurance Score Act; cease & desist - Adverse action notices sent to Kansas consumers in form and content that did not conform to the requirements of U.S.C. 1681m(a). | |
Status: N/A | |
Farmers Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Federated Rural Electric Insurance Exchange |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Financial Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
First Continental Life & Accident Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Certificate of authority reinstated. - Company requested reinstatement of certificate of authority that was suspended on 6/18/03. | |
Status: N/A | |
First Life America Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
FirstGuard Health Plan Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: KSA 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Geschwentner, Terry J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: Pay restitution; monetary. - Used fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practices or demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of the business of insurance by altering declaration pages. | |
Status: N/A | |
Government Employees Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 40-5101 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist; monetary; ordered to comply. - Failure to comply with all provisions of the Insurance Score Act. | |
Status: N/A | |
Graphic Arts Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.A.R. 40-3-53; K.S.A. 77-502 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Exemption requested from online or electronic verification requirements of K.S.A. 8-173 | |
Status: N/A | |
Green Hills Insurance Company |
Authority: KSA 40-4101; 77-501; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Unauthorized sale of insurance by risk retention group. | |
Status: N/A | |
Harleysville Insurance Company |
Authority: K.A.R. 40-3-53; K.S.A. 77-502 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Exemption requested from online or electronic verification requirements of K.S.A. 8-173. | |
Status: N/A | |
Harleysville Lake States Insurance Company |
Authority: K.A.R. 40-3-53; K.S.A. 77-502 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Exemption requested from online or electronic verification requirements of K.S.A. 8-173. | |
Status: N/A | |
Harleysville Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.A.R. 40-3-53; K.S.A. 77-502 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Exemption requested from online or electronic verification requirements of K.S.A. 8-173. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hurley, Pamela K. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld, misappropriated or converted monies received in the course of the business of insurance. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Association of Homes and Services for the Aging Insurance Group, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Eastern Region Insurance Trust |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Employers Workers' Compensation Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 44-581; 40-955; 40-963 | |
SUMMARY: 2005 rates approved retroactively, monetary penalty. - Failed to file and obtain the approval of its 2005 premium fates prior to their use. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Medical Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Municipal Insurance Trust |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas PIA Workers Compensation Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Title Service, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Made changes relating to tis title insurance business that had not been filed with KID. | |
Status: N/A | |
Lancaster, Scott W. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to disclose other State action. | |
Status: N/A | |
Land Titles and Abstract Services, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Suspension of agency license if monetary penalty not paid. - Agency offered to pay a realtor's annual Board dues. | |
Status: N/A | |
Lienemann, Werner J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-205c | |
SUMMARY: Ordered to produce listed information to KID on or before 12/8/05. - Ordered to produce listed information. | |
Status: N/A | |
Martino, Regina M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action and felony conviction; failure to report to KID | |
Status: N/A | |
Middle Atlantic Life Insurance Company n/k/a Liberty Bankers Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 40-222b; et seq | |
SUMMARY: Certificate of authority reinstated. - Previous suspension of certificate of authority; request for reinstatement. | |
Status: N/A | |
Midwest Rating & Service Bureau, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Moore, Anthony S. (Sr.) |
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Mutual Benefits Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-5004; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Viatical settlement provider license revoked. - Other state action; civil action. | |
Status: N/A | |
Nationwide Affinity Insurance Company of America |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,162 | |
SUMMARY: Redomestication approved, provided Ohio approved the same within 60 days. - Request to redomesticate from Kansas to Ohio; pending Ohio's approval of the redomestication. | |
Status: N/A | |
Noll, Colleen R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: License subject to probationary period of two years. - Impropertly withheld, misappropriated, or converted monies, albeit temporary, that were received in the course of the business of insurance. | |
Status: N/A | |
Old United Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Modified financial condition examination report adopted. - Financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Old United Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 40-252; 40-252d; 40-3301 | |
SUMMARY: Submit amended annual prem. tax statement; perform salary cost study every 3 yrs - Alleged underpayment of premium taxes and failure to file management service agreements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pannone, Rick A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: One year license probation; monetary penalty. - Respondent demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness, financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Patrons Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct report adopted; monetary penalty; etc. - Proposed market conduct report. (See order for more extensive information). | |
Status: N/A | |
Price, Natasha N. |
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to notify of other state action; home state license revoked. | |
Status: N/A | |
Property and Casualty Insurance Company of Hartford |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-5101; 40-5101 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist; monetary. - Serving policyholders with notice of consumer report use without regard to the applicability and factual accuracy of such a notice. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pyramid Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Rackers, Dennis K. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: Probationary period until January 5, 2007. - Dishonest statements; irresponsibility in the conduct of his insurance business; failure to reserve funds to satisfy potential demands for refunds. | |
Status: N/A | |
Republic-Franklin Insurance Company |
Authority: K.A.R. 40-3-53; K.S.A. 77-502 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Exemption requested from online or electronic verification requirements of K.S.A. 8-173. | |
Status: N/A | |
Security Union Title Insurance Company |
Authority: | |
SUMMARY: Previously issued order rescinded. - Requested rescision of Summary Order issued March 29, 2005. | |
Status: N/A | |
Seneca Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103 | |
SUMMARY: Previous order rescinded. - Request to rescind previously issued Summary Order. | |
Status: N/A | |
Sparks, Tiffany N. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other states' action; failure to report to KID. | |
Status: N/A | |
Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Company, Ltd. (U.S. Branch) |
Authority: K.A.R. 40-3-53; K.S.A. 8-173 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Request for exemption from filing requirements pursuant to K.S.A. 8-173. | |
Status: N/A | |
Universal Underwriters Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct report adopted; monetary penalty. - Market conduct examination. (See order for more extensive information.) | |
Status: N/A | |
Universal Underwriters Insurance Company and Universal Underwriters Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; K.A.R. 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Proposed acquisition of control by Hellman & Friedman Investors V (Cayman), LTD and Universal Underwriters Group Holdings, Inc. | |
Status: N/A | |
Universal Underwriters Insurance Company and Universal Underwriters Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; K.A.R. 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Extension granted. - Requested extension of time to effect proposed acquisition. | |
Status: N/A | |
Universal Underwriters Insurance Company and Universal Underwriters Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; K.A.R. 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Second extension granted to no later than 1/13/06. - Requested second extension of time to effect the proposed acquisition. | |
Status: N/A | |
Utica National Assurance Company |
Authority: K.A.R. 40-3-53; K.S.A. 77-502 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Exemption requested from online or electronic verification requirements of K.S.A. 8-173. | |
Status: N/A | |
Western and Southern Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Compliance with all terms and conditions of Ohio Consent Order. - Race based pricing report by Ohio adopted; Consent Order entered into with Ohio adopted. | |
Status: N/A | |
Winfield, Ronald E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended indefinitely. - Failure to reply to proper inquiry of the Commissioner; no notification of change of address. | |
Status: N/A | |
2004 Legal Orders | |
Adams, Timothy R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Forged applications for insurance; obtained, altered and submitted a personal check to facilitate electronic premium payments w/o authorization. | |
Status: N/A | |
Advance Insurance Company of Kansas |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Alliance Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Allied Insurance Agency/Daley Insurance Agency |
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - False representation, doing business without a license; failure to respond to proper inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
American Home Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
American Investors Life Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
American Southern Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Armed Forces Insurance Exchange |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report adopted. | |
Status: N/A | |
Barton, Frederick A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action, failure to report; criminal conviction, failure to disclose. | |
Status: N/A | |
Benchmark Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Benson, Miriam S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Prior criminal conviction; failure to disclose. | |
Status: N/A | |
Berg, Marc A. |
Authority: 40-246(c) | |
SUMMARY: Licenses suspended; monetary penalty. - Untimely filing; failure to respond to proper inquiry; failure to comply with 40-246(c). | |
Status: N/A | |
Bersee, Stephanie D. |
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report; failure to respond to proper inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Biggs, Norma B. |
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Premium monies used or applied for purposes other than insurance; failure to remit; misappropriation of monies; failure to respond to proper inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Birchfield, Paula L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Blanton, Jamie L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246c | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid and report not filed. - Failure to file excess/surplus lines report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Boe, David H. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246c | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid and report not filed. - Failure to file excess/surplus lines report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Borrego, Jesse |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action, failure to report; criminal conviction, failure to disclose. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bremen Farmers Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bridgespan Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist until further proceedings. - Failure to file current surety bond or notify KID it has ceased handling escrow settlement, or closing accounts. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bridgespan Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist until requirements of 40-1139 are satisfied. - Failure to file current surety bond or notify KID it has ceased handling escrow settlement, or closing accounts. | |
Status: N/A | |
Brown, Peter B. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid. - Unlicensed excess lines activity. | |
Status: N/A | |
Brunt, Edwared L. (III) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked - Misdemeanor convictions, failure to disclose. | |
Status: N/A | |
Builders' Association Self-Insurers' Fund of Kansas |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Campbell, Ken |
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - False representation; fraudulent, coercive or dishonest practice. | |
Status: N/A | |
Central Reserve Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-202 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; review claim processes; market conduct report adopted. - Market conduct examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Chesney, Larry E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license was revoked; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
CLA-USA, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: Agency to take corrective action; monetary - Knew submitted documents were not authentic yet failed to investigate and report the matter; knew there had been a violation of Kansas law. | |
Status: N/A | |
Clark, Frank J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld, misappropriated, or converted any monies or properties received; false statements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Columbian National Title Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; K.A.R. 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Proposed acquisition of control by First American Title Insurance Company. | |
Status: N/A | |
Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Daley, Susanna |
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended when monetary penalty was not paid in full. - Demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness, or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of her business; failure to assure timely and complete submission of consumer's application; failure to respond to proper inquiry of the Commissioner. | |
Status: N/A | |
Daley, Susanna |
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Financial irresponsibility; failure to submit applications and premiums; failure to respond to proper inquiry; engaged in business without a valid license. | |
Status: N/A | |
DaSilva, Walter C. (Jr.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to notify. Change of address; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Delta Dental Plan of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Difolco, Linda M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246c | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid and report not filed. - Failure to file excess/surplus lines report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Drinkert, Kristi N. |
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Fraudulent, coercive, and/or dishonest business practice; failure to respond to proper inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Dudley, Gary L. |
Authority: 40-246c | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid. - Untimely filing of excess/surplus lines report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Dunston, Anitra Michelle |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; other state action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Ellis, David L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Evans, Corey E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Misdemeanor theft conviction, failure to disclose. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farmers Alliance Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farmers Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Federated Rural Electric Insurance Exchange |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Financial American Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,162 | |
SUMMARY: Redomestication from Illinois to Kansas to become a stock insurer approved. - Proposal for redomestication from Illinois to Kansas. | |
Status: N/A | |
Firefighters Relief Association |
Authority: 40-1706(c)(6) | |
SUMMARY: Redetermination granted to all applicants. - Application for redetermination requested by several associations. | |
Status: N/A | |
First American Title Insurance Company of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
First Life America Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Targeted examination report adopted. - Proposed targeted examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Firstguard Health Plan Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301, et seq 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Extension of 90 days granted to Swope to effect acquisition. - Request by Swope Community Enterprises for extension of time to effect proposed acquisition. | |
Status: N/A | |
Firstguard Health Plan Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; K.A.R. 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Extension of 90 days granted to Swope to effect acquisition. - Request by Swope Community Enterprises for an extension of time in which to effect proposed acquisition. | |
Status: N/A | |
Firstguard Health Plan Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: 40-3301, 40-3304(d)(1); 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Application for acquisition approved. - Application by Centene Corporation to acquire control of Firstguard Health Plan of Kansas, Inc. | |
Status: N/A | |
Garcia, Russell J.D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked other state action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
George, Kimberly K. |
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Dishonest practices; demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility; embezzlement of funds. | |
Status: N/A | |
Gonzales, Adrian R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid. - Other state action; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Great-West Healthcare of Kansas/Missouri, Inc. |
Authority: 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Grigsby, Rogena |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended when monetary penalty was not paid in full. - Demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness, or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of her insurance business; failure to respond to proper inquiry of the Commissioner. | |
Status: N/A | |
Haley, Robert E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action, failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hall, Christopher W. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Criminal conviction; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hassell, Thomas E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Heckstall, Felix C. |
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to respond; criminal history. | |
Status: N/A | |
Henry, Mark A. (Sr.) |
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease & desist. - Fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest business practices; failure to report and/or comply with K.A.R. 40-7-9; failure to respond to proper inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hite, David W. |
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report criminal history in other states; failure to respond to proper inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Homesite Indemnity Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hunt, David R. (Sr.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246c | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid and report not filed. - Failure to file excess/surplus lines report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Integrity Land Title Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if not paid; cease & desist. - Failure to respond to proper inquiry from the Commissioner; failure to comply with K.S.A. 40-952(c). | |
Status: N/A | |
Jefferson, Adam L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Prior criminal convictions, failure to disclose. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Kansas City, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Dissolution financial exam report adopted; certificate of authority revoked. - Dissolution of company. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kann, Elmer R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Association of School Boards Risk Management Services, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Automobile Dealers Workers' Compensation Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Bankers Surety Company (The) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report adopted. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Building Industry Workers' Compensation Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Employers Worker's Compensation Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Health Care Providers Insurance Availability Plan |
Authority: 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Restaurant and Hospitality Association Self-Insurance Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Workers Risk Cooperative for Counties |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kasl, Robert F. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended 120 days; monetary; - Incompetence, untrustworthiness, financial irresponsibility in the conduct of the business of insurance business; failure to remit premium to an insurer. | |
Status: N/A | |
Keranen, Cynthia L. |
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report disciplinary action; failure to respond to proper inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
KFB Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
KHA Workers' Compensation Fund, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Land Options, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if not paid; cease & desist. - Failure to respond to proper inquiry from the Commissioner; failure to comply with K.S.A. 40-952(c). | |
Status: N/A | |
Liftman Insurance, Inc. (Theodore) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Unlicensed sale of excess lines coverage. | |
Status: N/A | |
Mack, James F. |
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Used fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practices or demonstrated incompetence, untrustworthiness, or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Marcotte, Louis M. (III) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; found guilty on criminal charges; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Marysville Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Meldrum, Charles E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246c | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid and report not filed. - Failure to file excess/surplus lines report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Millbern, Ginger D. |
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Convicted of two felony offenses material to respondent's fitness to hold an insurance agent's license. | |
Status: N/A | |
Morgan, Joseph |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action, failure to disclose. Criminal conviction, failure to disclose. | |
Status: N/A | |
Mosely & Associates Insurance Services, Ltd. d/b/a Life Quotes |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Conviction; not disclosed. | |
Status: N/A | |
Mosley, Tim G. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked, conviction not disclosed. | |
Status: N/A | |
MutualAid eXchange |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report adopted. | |
Status: N/A | |
National Closing Solutions, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Sold and collected premium for policies in Kansas without having filed its rates and charges. | |
Status: N/A | |
National Health Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222, et al.; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Certificate of authority suspended. - Hazardous financial condition. | |
Status: N/A | |
Norseth, Michael A. |
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to respond to proper inquiry; false statements on an application. | |
Status: N/A | |
Northland Title Services, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid. - Respondent authorized to transact title insurance business, but nevertheless did not file the information required by law or the bond required by law. | |
Status: N/A | |
One Health Plan of Kansas/Missouri, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Patrons Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Divest of any unauthorized investments on or before 6/28/04. - Unauthorized investments. | |
Status: N/A | |
Patrons Insurance Company |
Authority: 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pieroni, Marc J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action, failure to report. Failure to respond to proper inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Piper, Billie J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Felony conviction. | |
Status: N/A | |
Porter-Hart, Shirley B. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909;77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked. | |
Status: N/A | |
Porterfield, Herlen C. (III) |
Authority: 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action, failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Potucek, Heather D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License granted. - Prior criminal history. | |
Status: N/A | |
Preferred Health Systems Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Preferred Health Systems Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Preferred Plus of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Preferred Plus of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Premier Health, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Premium Title Services |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid. - Failure to report; failure to respond to proper inquiry from the Commissioner; failure to comply with K.S.A. 40-952(c). | |
Status: N/A | |
Progressive Casualty Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct report adopted; monetary penalty for violations. - Market conduct examination; various violations (see order). | |
Status: N/A | |
Pruitt, Mikel K. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended; cease & desist. - False representation. | |
Status: N/A | |
Radian Express Services, LLC |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid. - Failure to respond to proper inquiry from the Commissioner; failure to comply with K.S.A. 40-952(c). | |
Status: N/A | |
Ramsey, Marylin K. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246c | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid and report not filed. - Failure to file excess/surplus lines report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Richmond, Scott P. |
Authority: 40-4909; 77-536; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended; cease & desist until order set aside. - False representation; fraudulent or dishonest practices in the conduct of business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Roth, Shawn A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid. - Other state action; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Rowe, Michael W. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: Censure; restitution ordered. - Demonstrated untrustworthiness or financial irresponsibility in the conduct of the business of insurance. | |
Status: N/A | |
Schulte, Daniel D. |
Authority: 40-246(c) | |
SUMMARY: License suspended - Untimely filing; failure to respond to proper inquiry; failure to comply with 40-246(c). | |
Status: N/A | |
Secutify Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Sedlak, Ruth D. |
Authority: 40-246(c) | |
SUMMARY: Penalty accepted in full; license remains active and in good standing. - Order of 11/29/04 is set aside as penalty was paid in a timely fashion. | |
Status: N/A | |
Smith, Mark A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid. - Placed excess lines business without being properly licensed. | |
Status: N/A | |
Smith, Todd |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-520 | |
SUMMARY: Application for license denied. - Failure to disclose misdemeanor convictions on application for license. Hearing set, then continued. Applicant failed to pursue. | |
Status: N/A | |
Steele, Julia Ann |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Felony conviction, failure to disclose. Other state action, failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Steibler, Gina Marie |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked. | |
Status: N/A | |
Tartaglia, Racheal R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; other state action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Terry, Bruce M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked. | |
Status: N/A | |
Travel Air Insurance Company (Kansas) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Travel Air Insurance Company, Ltd. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Trawick, Daryl C. |
Authority: 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: License surrendered in exchange for dismissal of action. - Sold insurance without a license; failure to remit premiums; failure to give timely notice of that action. | |
Status: N/A | |
Trinity Universal Insurance Company of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wadsworth, Eunice R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wentworth, Ralph E. |
Authority: 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended if monetary penalty not paid in full. - Failure to obtain required licensing pursuant to 40-246c. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wichita Auto Dealers Self-Insurance Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Worland, Janine R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246c | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; suspension if penalty not paid and report not filed. - Failure to file excess/surplus lines report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Worland, Janine R. |
Authority: 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty reduced. - Reduced penalty; suspension set aside. | |
Status: N/A | |
Yoxall, Shelly R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulently produced proof of insurance. | |
Status: N/A | |
2003 Legal Orders | |
American Family Life Insurance Company; American Family Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4912 | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist; monetary penalty. - Failure to certify agent within 30 days of appointment. | |
Status: N/A | |
Benchmark Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 3304; K.A.R. 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Application by Trean Corporation, et al., to acquire control of Benchmark. | |
Status: N/A | |
Berman, Brenda Sue |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Berry, Cortland E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 77-526 | |
SUMMARY: Initial Order affirmed; denial affirmed. - Respondent was disbarred and failed to pay sanctions; application for agent's license denied based on same. | |
Status: N/A | |
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bostwick, Mark E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; change of address; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Boucher, Jack H. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Application for agent's license; misdemeanor and felony convictions; failure to disclose. | |
Status: N/A | |
Brown, Ronald E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist; monetary penalty. - Alleged unauthorized transaction of the business of insurance. | |
Status: N/A | |
Carasone, Julie A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Various revocations/actions taken by other states; misdemeanor/felony conviction; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Carman Insurance Agency |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Agency license revoked. - Premium monies used or applied for purposes other than obtaining insurance; failure to remit; misappropriation or conversion of monies or properties; use of fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Carman, Stephen C. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Premium monies used or applied for purposes other than obtaining insurance; failure to remit; misappropriation or conversion of monies or properties; use of fraudulent, coercive, or dishonest practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Carnahan, Dennis L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Delivered false statements of material fact; misappropriated or converted funds received in the course of business; fraudulent or dishonest business practices; untrustworthiness. | |
Status: N/A | |
Chiles, David R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-4911 | |
SUMMARY: License probation for 2 years; monetary penalty. - Failure to remit premium; dishonest business practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Christopher, Pamela Anne |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license suspended; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Clark, Stephen M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4903;40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: Censured; monetary penalty. - Failure to report change of address; failure to submit proof of CE completion; transaction of insurance business without a license. | |
Status: N/A | |
Columbian National Title Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Community Health Plans of Kansas |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Dissolution examination report adopted. - Proposed dissolution examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Proposed exemption from formal filing requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Daer, Irene C. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; change of address; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Danna, Carmen a/k/a Carmen Anna |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other State action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
DeMoss, Wesley W. (Jr.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-246a; 40-242 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted; monetary penalty. - Proposed market conduct examination. | |
Status: N/A | |
Dominguez, Jeffrey M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to notify. Change of address; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Downing, Shauna L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to disclose criminal charge. | |
Status: N/A | |
Eckert, Lester Wilson |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Employers Reassurance Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Everhart, Alan L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-2404 | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist; monetary penalty. - Alleged unfair trade practices; misrepresentations. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farmers Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted. - Market conduct review. | |
Status: N/A | |
Financial Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Firefighters Relief Associations |
Authority: K.S.A. 1706(c)(6); 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Redetermination approved. - Request for redetermination by various FRA's. | |
Status: N/A | |
First American Title Insurance Company of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
First Continental Life & Accident Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Certificate of authority suspended. - Hazardous financial condition. | |
Status: N/A | |
FirstGuard Health Plan Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
FirstGuard Health Plan Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3401; et seq; K.A.R. | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Application for control by Swope Community Enterprises of FirstGuard. | |
Status: N/A | |
FirstGuard Health Plan Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 3301; K.A.R. 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Extension granted to effect acquisition within 90 days. - Application of Swope Community Enterprises for an extension of time to effect proposed acquisition of FirstGuard. | |
Status: N/A | |
Fitzhugh, Charles N. (III) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent and/or dishonest business practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Flaugher, Paul E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license suspension; other state action; failure notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Frazier, Lisa M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Prior conviction; failure to disclose. | |
Status: N/A | |
Gaglione, Brad S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: Previoius order set aside. - Previously issued Summary Order revoking license set aside. | |
Status: N/A | |
Gibson, Roderick P. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; change of address; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Gilzen, Karren Jermain |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other State action; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Gomez, Alfred |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Graham, Marla L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; nonrenewal; change of address; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Greenbush Health Insurance Group |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Dissolution examination report adopted. - Proposed dissolution examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Gruppuso, Vito B. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Alleged mishandling of premium monies. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hahaj, Jim Mitchell |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state actions; criminal conviction; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Haralson, Jennifer |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Improperly withheld, misappropriated or converted monies in the course of doing insurance business. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hoover, Phyllis J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Fraudulent or dishonest practices; failure to procure coverage. | |
Status: N/A | |
Horton, Scott T. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to disclose. | |
Status: N/A | |
House, Wilbert L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Alleged misappropriation of premium monies. | |
Status: N/A | |
IL Annuity and Insurance Company (merger w/ Indianapolis Life Insurance Company) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-309; 40-401 | |
SUMMARY: Merger approved. - Proposed merger. | |
Status: N/A | |
Jacobs, Stephen E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; change of address; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Jarman, Darrell G. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to report conviction. | |
Status: N/A | |
Johnson, Emily E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other State action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Association of Homes for the Aging Insurance Group, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Association of School Boards All Lines Aggregate Property & Liability Pool |
Authority: K.S.A. 12-2617; 77-256 | |
SUMMARY: Recommendations by KID; review. - Submission of application for certification of authority denied. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Eastern Region Insurance Trust |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Health Insurance Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Insurance Guaranty Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Lifestock Association Risk Management Services, Inc. Workers' Compensation Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Medical Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Municipal Insurance Trust |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Truckers Risk Management Group, Inc. Trust |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Workers Risk Cooperative for Counties |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kautter, William H. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Criminal conviction; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
King, Kevin J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action as a result of criminal proceedings, failure to notify in regard to disciplinary action. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kouri, Raphael Charles |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; criminal conviction; not disclosed. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kyne, Dennis Joseph (Jr.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909;77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license revoked; other state action; failure to disclose. | |
Status: N/A | |
Ladd, Crystal Irene |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; change of address; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Liberty Life Insurance Company |
Authority: | |
SUMMARY: Regulatory settlement agreement approved. - Regulatory settlement agreement from the State of South Carolina. | |
Status: N/A | |
Lopez, Ruby |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other State action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Lopez-Wilson, Joseph |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Lundy, Harriet M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Prior conviction; failure to disclose. | |
Status: N/A | |
Mayernik, Charles |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 40-2404 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Prior conviction; not disclosed. | |
Status: N/A | |
McCaulley, Michael M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: Two years license probation. - Prior conviction not disclosed. | |
Status: N/A | |
McDonald, Dustin D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Misdemeanor conviction; failure to disclose. Change of address; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Medel, Richard |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; change of address; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Mickelson, Robert W. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909 | |
SUMMARY: License indefinitely suspended. - Failure to remit premiums. | |
Status: N/A | |
Midwest Rating and Service Bureau, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Miller, Rosie |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501; 77-526 | |
SUMMARY: Agent's application denied per Initial Order. - Initial Order issued 12/02/2002 confirmed denying agent's application. | |
Status: N/A | |
Minniss, Jaimie |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Alleged mishandling of premium monies. | |
Status: N/A | |
Motil, Belinda A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to notify of prior revocation. | |
Status: N/A | |
Myrick, Charles L. (Jr.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other State action; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Nagawa, Bernadette N. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to submit proof of completion of continuing education; falsifying course certificates. | |
Status: N/A | |
National Program Services, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Agency license revoked. - Alleged mishandling of premium monies. | |
Status: N/A | |
Nationwide Affinity Insurance Company of America |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial examination report adopted. - Proposed financial examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Olsen, Lance E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Oyler, Phillip E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; criminal conviction; change of address; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Palmer, George A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Felony conviction. | |
Status: N/A | |
Patrons Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pitts, Terry L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Alleged failure to remit premium. | |
Status: N/A | |
Preferred Plus of Kansas |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted; monetary penalty. - Market conduct review. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pyramid Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301; 40-3304; K.A.R. 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Application to acquire Pyramid by Universal American Financial Corp., American Exchange Life, Pennsylvania Life, Capital Z Financial Services Fund II, LP, Capital Z Financial Services Private Fund II, LP, Capital Z Partners, LP, and Capital Z Partners, LTD. | |
Status: N/A | |
Robinson, Cherie A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; 77-537 - Other state action; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Rose, Noel S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to report. Criminal conviction; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Schmidt, John and Schmidt, Patsy L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501, et seq | |
SUMMARY: Licenses revoked. - Securities registration revoked. | |
Status: N/A | |
Sisak, Kimberly |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Felony conviction; failure to report. Fraudulent or dishonest business practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Siyajuck, Sook |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Theft conviction; failure to disclosed. | |
Status: N/A | |
Skinner, Lathosa C. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state actions; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Smith, Harry D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; criminal proceedings; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Smith, Kelli M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - False statement of a material fact; dishonest practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Smithers, Stephen D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Alleged misrepresentation of premium monies; false or fraudulent statements on an application; dishonest business practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Southwest Plains Regional Service Center Health Insurance Group |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Staltare, Carmelo S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to report. Criminal conviction; failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Stephenson, Beebe Lee |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Strand, Gregory M. |
Authority: K.SA. 40-4909; 40-2404 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Making any statement that misrepresents the benefits, advantages, conditions or terms of any insurance policy. | |
Status: N/A | |
Stroup, Anthony |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to disclose criminal charges on application. | |
Status: N/A | |
United Wisconsin Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Market conduct examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Universal Underwriters Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Request for exemption from formal filing requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Upland Mutual Insurance, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Urista, Jason C. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other state action, failure to report. Change of address, failure to report. Criminal conviction, failure to report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Vanderfliet, Raymond A. (Sr.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Other State action; failure to report/disclose. | |
Status: N/A | |
Via Christi Health System, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Request for exemption from filing requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Voyles, Paul W. (Jr.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked; cease and desist. - Unlicensed activity; failure to report judgment. | |
Status: N/A | |
Weber, Stephen M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909;77-613 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Withheld, misappropriated or converted premium monies. | |
Status: N/A | |
White, Jon A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Home state license placed on probation, failure to disclose. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wichita Auto Dealers Self-Insurance Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wilder, Rhonda L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Coercive or dishonest business practices; forged name to an application for insurance. | |
Status: N/A | |
Willett, Craig A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Conversion of premiums for personal use. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wisconsin Mortgage Assurance Corporation n/k/a MGIC Indemnity Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222, 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Consent Order previously issued 6/25/85 rescinded. - Previously issued Consent Order was rescinded. | |
Status: N/A | |
Zurich American Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304 | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Request for exemption from formal filing requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
2002 Legal Orders | |
Alliance Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to respond to proper inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
American Home Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial examination report adopted. - Proposed financial examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Armed Forces Insurance Exchange |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Armed Forces Insurance Exchange |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Benchmark Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Best Life and Health Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-214; 40-216 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Transaction of unauthorized business; did not submit amended articles within 30 days after changes were effective; issued or delivered forms without prior approval. | |
Status: N/A | |
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: 40-3304; 40-4004; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Final Order - The Commissioner disapproves the sponsored demutualization of BCBSKS proposed by BCBSDS and Anthem. | |
Status: N/A | |
Boeger, Bret M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-242; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist; monetary penalty. - Failure to report disciplinary action taken by another State. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bremen Farmers Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-309, 40-3201 | |
SUMMARY: Merger approved. - Proposed merger agreement and plan of merger w/ Mid America Health Care Plans, Inc. | |
Status: N/A | |
Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc.l |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted; monetary penalty. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Cox, William B. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Application denied. - Application for insurance agent' s license. | |
Status: N/A | |
Delta Dental Plan of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Delta Life and Annuity Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-309; 40-401 | |
SUMMARY: Merger approved. - Proposed merger agreement and plan or merger w/ American Investors Life Insurance Company, Inc. | |
Status: N/A | |
Deters, Timothy R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Felony conviction; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Dick, Jamie L |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Obtained licensed through misrepresentation or fraud. | |
Status: N/A | |
Dockers, Stephen F. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Conviction; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Equitable Life & Casualty Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Failure to respond to proper inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company, Inc., Farm Bureau Insurance Company of Nebraska |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-1220; 40-1201 | |
SUMMARY: Merger approved. - Proposed joint application for merger w/i and into Farm Bureau Insurance Company. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farmers Alliance Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farmers Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Financial Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Firefighters Relief Associations |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-1706; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Proposed redetermination due to changed circumstances. - Proposed redetermination. | |
Status: N/A | |
First Life American Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Guideone America Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Guideone Elite Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Guideone Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Guideone Specialty Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Henderson, Raymond Victor |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-241; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Prior conviction; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hermreck, Dennis K. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Alleged misrepresentation regarding benefits; misrepresentation regarding provisions of a contract; use of a false statement. | |
Status: N/A | |
Highlands Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.a. 40-222; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Certificate of authority suspended. - Hazardous financial condition | |
Status: N/A | |
HMO Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Dissolution examination report adopted. - Proposed dissolution examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Howard, Jawanda |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended until home state license reinstated. - Home state license suspended. | |
Status: N/A | |
Indianapolis Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Proposed exemption from formal filing requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Interstate Indemnity Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist; monetary penalty. - Failure to give 60 days non-renewal notice. | |
Status: N/A | |
Jackson, David M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501, et seq | |
SUMMARY: License suspended for one year. - Alleged fraudulent and/or dishonest business practices. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas County Association Multiline Pool |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Manufacturers & Commerce Self Insurers Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Transportation and Industry Self Insurers Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Truckers Risk Management Group, inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial examination report adopted. - Proposed financial examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kelco, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Viatical settlement provider license suspended. - Could not provide certificate of good standing from home state. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kitchen-Eastman, Benjamin G. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-501, et seq | |
SUMMARY: Application denied. - Prior conviction; not disclosed. | |
Status: N/A | |
Mid America Health Care Plans, Inc. (formerly Healthnet, Inc.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Millers Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Certificate of authority suspended. - Hazardous financial condition. | |
Status: N/A | |
MutualAid Exchange |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
National Farmers Union Standard Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 40-955 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Rate increases utilized prior to approval. | |
Status: N/A | |
National Farmers Union Property and Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 40-955 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Rate increases utilized prior to approval. | |
Status: N/A | |
NN Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Certificate of authority suspended. - Hazardous financial condition. | |
Status: N/A | |
Northwestern National Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Certificate of authority suspended. - Hazardous financial condition. | |
Status: N/A | |
O'Rourke, Jeffrey S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-4909; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Prior conviction; failure to disclose. | |
Status: N/A | |
Old United Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
PennsylvaniaCasualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Certificate of authority suspended. - Hazardous financial condition | |
Status: N/A | |
Preferred Health Systems Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Preferred Plus of Kansas |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Premier Health, Inc. d/b/a Premier Blue |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Provident American Life & Health Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Certificate of authority suspended. - Hazardous financial condition. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pyramid Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Reliable Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2404 | |
SUMMARY: Regulatory settlement agreement incorporated; monetary penalty. - Regulatory settlement agreement. | |
Status: N/A | |
Security Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Sisk, Bradley K. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-241; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Prior administrative action; not disclosed. | |
Status: N/A | |
Traders Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Travel Air Insurance Company Kansas |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Travel Air Insurance Company, Ltd. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Trinity Universal Insurance Company of Kansas |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Union National Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2404 | |
SUMMARY: NAIC regulatory settlement adopted. - NAIC regulatory settlement agreement dated March 2, 2002. | |
Status: N/A | |
United Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Certificate of authority suspended. - Company did not meet minimum surplus requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
United Healthcare of the Midwest, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted; monetary penalty. - Market conduct review. | |
Status: N/A | |
United Insurance Company of America |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2404 | |
SUMMARY: Regulatory settlement agreement incorporated. - Regulatory settlement agreement. | |
Status: N/A | |
Universal International Reinsurance Company, Ltd. (Bermuda) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist; monetary penalty. - Unauthorized and unlicensed transaction of the business of insurance. | |
Status: N/A | |
Universal Underwriters Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Universal Underwriters Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
2001 Legal Orders | |
American Economy Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-214; 40-955(f) | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist; monetary penalty. - Transacting the business of insurance not so authorized to write. | |
Status: N/A | |
American Southern Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Anderson County Firefighters Relief Association, et al. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-1706; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Redetermination granted to all respondents. - Applicatioin for redetermination of proportionate amounts payable to applicant to firefighters relief associations. | |
Status: N/A | |
Apex Real Estate Information Services, LLP |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-952; 40-963 | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist - Transacting the business of insurance without filing rates. | |
Status: N/A | |
Associated Builders & Contractors Self-Insurers Fund, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bacon, Walter R. (II) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-242; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Agent's license revoked. - Felony convictions; failure to notify. | |
Status: N/A | |
Banister, Richard M. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-242; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Agent's license revoked. - Alleged misrepresentation; omission of material facts; false written statements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Blue Cross and Blue of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bonner Springs Firefighters Relief Association, et al. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-1701, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Redetermination approved. - Application for redetermination | |
Status: N/A | |
Buckeye State Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,123; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary Penalty - Alleged failure to timely provide notice of nonrenewal. | |
Status: N/A | |
Buckeye State Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,123; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Summary Order dated 07/23/01 rescinded. - Request that previously issued Summary Order be rescinded. | |
Status: N/A | |
Clarendon National Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-216; 40-2,121 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Issuing and delivering nonrenewal notices with an expiration date shorter than 60 days. | |
Status: N/A | |
Columbian National Title Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Credit Life Insurance Company a/k/a Union Fidelitly Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 77-501; et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Consent Order issued 12/29/77 rescinded. - Request for rescission of previously issued order. | |
Status: N/A | |
Deerbrook Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist; monetary penalty. - Failure to respond to proper inquiry of the Commissioner. | |
Status: N/A | |
Delta Life and Annuity Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,162 | |
SUMMARY: Redomestication approved. - Proposed redomestication to Kansas. | |
Status: N/A | |
Epoch Group, L.C. (The) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Epoch Group, L.C. (The) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222, 77-5376 | |
SUMMARY: Previouslly issued Order amended. - Market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farmers Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Faulkner, Thomas H. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-242, 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to notify KID of felony conviction. | |
Status: N/A | |
Federal Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-216; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Issuing or delivering forms without prior approval; issuing contracts that were not filed. | |
Status: N/A | |
Federated Rural Electric Insurance Exchange |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Foster, Bill R. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-214; 40-216;40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; seek licensure. - Unlicensed activity. | |
Status: N/A | |
Great Plains Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-1201, et seqw. | |
SUMMARY: Merger approved. - Proposed merger with Columbia Mutual Insurance Company. | |
Status: N/A | |
Homesite Indemnity Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Independence Indemnity Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3613 | |
SUMMARY: Placed under supervision. - Hazardous financial condition. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Association of Homes for the Aging Insurance Group, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Association of School Boards Risk Management Services |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Automobile Dealers Workers' Compensation Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Bankers Surety Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Building Industry Workers Compensation Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Eastern Region Insurance Trust |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Employers Workers Compensation Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Dissolution examination report adopted. - Proposed dissolution examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Health Care Providers Insurance Availability Plan |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Municipal Insurance Trust |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
KFB Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
KHA Workers Compensation Fund, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Lopez, Jeff D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-242; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Failure to notify KID of felony conviction. | |
Status: N/A | |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Marysville Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Oak River Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3107; 40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Alleged Failure to timely provide notice of nonrenewal. | |
Status: N/A | |
One Health Plan of Kansas/Missouri, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Phoenix Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-955;963 | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist; monetary penalty. - Making or issuing contracts not in accordance with approved filings. | |
Status: N/A | |
Premium Assignment Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2606; 40-2609 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Issuing and delivering premium finance agreements prior to approval. | |
Status: N/A | |
Sagamore Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-241i; 40-241(a) | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist; monetary penalty. - Failure to certify agent(s) in a timely fashion. | |
Status: N/A | |
Shelter General Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-241i; 40-242 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist; monetary. - Failure to certify an agent a an agent of the company within the required time period. | |
Status: N/A | |
Shelter Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-241i; 40-242 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist; monetary. - Failure to certify an agent a an agent of the company within the required time period. | |
Status: N/A | |
Shelter Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-241i; 40-242 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist; monetary. - Failure to certify an agent a an agent of the company within the required time period. | |
Status: N/A | |
Souders, Joel B. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2404; 40-242 | |
SUMMARY: Agent's license suspended for one year. - Alleged misrepresentation. | |
Status: N/A | |
Southwest Plains Regional Service Center Health Insurance Group |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Stirling Cooke Insurance Services, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-216; 40-2,121 | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist; monetary penalty. - Failure to give 60 days notice of non-renewal to policyholders. | |
Status: N/A | |
Thompson, Ivan D. and Loren Thormodsgard Agency, Inc. d/b/a Viking Bail Bonds |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-214; 40-1102; 77-527 | |
SUMMARY: Not engaged in the unauthorized business of insurance; operating lawfully. - Allegations of unauthorized transaction of the business of insurance; cease and desist order issued effective 11/6/00. | |
Status: N/A | |
Travelers Indemnity Company of America |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-955; 40-963 | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist; monetary penalty. - Making or issuing contracts except in accordance with approved filings. | |
Status: N/A | |
United Services Automobile Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-955(f); 40-963 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Issued and delivered contracts containing rates not approved by KID. | |
Status: N/A | |
Upland Mutual Insurance, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Urbine, Robert |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-214; 40-216;40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty; seek licensure. - Unlicensed activity. | |
Status: N/A | |
USAA Casualty Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-955(f); 40-963 | |
SUMMARY: Monetary penalty. - Issued and delivered contracts containing rates not approved by KID. | |
Status: N/A | |
Waugh, Nancy L. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-952; 40-963 | |
SUMMARY: Cease & desist; monetary penalty. - Transacting the business of insurance without filing rates. | |
Status: N/A | |
Wichita Auto Dealers Self-Insurance Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
2000 Legal Orders | |
American Casualty Company of Reading, PA |
Authority: KS.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted; monetary. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
American Economy Insurance Company |
Authority: K.SA. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
American General Life and Accident Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2404 | |
SUMMARY: Regulatory settlement agreement incorporated; monetary penalty. - Regulatory settlement agreement. | |
Status: N/A | |
American States Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted. - Proposed market conduct review report adopted. | |
Status: N/A | |
Assurance Company of America |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bailey, Cheryl S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-214; 40-246b | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist; monetary. - Unauthorized transaction of the business of insurance. | |
Status: N/A | |
Baker, Mark |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-242; 40-240; 40-2404; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Misleading statements and representations; alteration of written instruments; provided false information on applications. | |
Status: N/A | |
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Builders Association Self Insurers Fund of Kansas |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
California Compensation Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 40-222b;40-222d | |
SUMMARY: Certificate of Authority suspended. - Hazardous financial condition | |
Status: N/A | |
Cole, Kristine K. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-242; 40-242; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation. - Misappropriation of funds. | |
Status: N/A | |
Combined Benefits Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 40-222b;40-222d | |
SUMMARY: Certificate of Authority suspended. - Hazardous financial condition | |
Status: N/A | |
Commercial Compensation Casualty Company f/k/a Commercial Compensation Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 40-222b;40-222d | |
SUMMARY: Certificate of Authority suspended. - Hazardous financial condition | |
Status: N/A | |
Continental Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted; monetary. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Coventry Health Care of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Proposed acquisition. | |
Status: N/A | |
Cunningham, James H. (Jr.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-240; K.S.A. 40-77-50 | |
SUMMARY: Application approved. - Application for non-resident insurance agent's license; prior administrative action; failure to disclose; denial. | |
Status: N/A | |
Dixon, Michael S. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-241; 40-242; 40-1137 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation. - Misappropriation of funds. | |
Status: N/A | |
Douglas County Title Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-246a; 40-952 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist; monetary. - Allegations regarding charging rates not files; rate filings nonconsistent with rates actually being used. | |
Status: N/A | |
EMCASCO Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Employers Mutual Casualty Company of America |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
EPIC Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: 180 day notice to policyholders; offer 6 months continuation. - Respondent exiting small group accident & sickness market in Kansas; must give 180 days notice to all policyholders. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farmers Hail Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farmers Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Federal Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted; monetary. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Gaffney, Jonna |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-214; 40-244; 40-241i | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist. - Transaction of the business of insurance without being properly licensed. | |
Status: N/A | |
Gillespie, Travis N. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-241; 40-242; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation. - Application for agent license initially granted and license issued; application fee check returned insufficient funds. | |
Status: N/A | |
Global Captive Casualty and Surety Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Great Plains Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
HMO Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
IL Annuity and Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Redomestication approved. - Proposed redomestication. | |
Status: N/A | |
Insurance Corporation of America |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 40-222b; 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Previously issued order rescinded. - Consent Order issued 4/1/93 suspending certificate of authority rescinded. | |
Status: N/A | |
International Casualty & Surety Company, LTD |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-214; 40-216;40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist; monetary. - Unauthorized transaction of the business of insurance. | |
Status: N/A | |
Jones, Kenneth McCray |
Authority: KS.A. 40-241; 40-242; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation. - Application for agent license initially granted; application fee check returned; failure to respond. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Kansas City, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas County Association Multiline Pool |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Health Care Association Workers Compensation Trust |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Health Care Association Workers Compensation Trust |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Insurance Guaranty Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Assoc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Medical Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Medical Mutual; Farmers Hail; McPherson Hail; and CIPA (joint application) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Merger approved. - Proposed merger of FHIC and MHIC into Kammco; proposed merger of CIPA into Kammco. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Restaurant and Hospitality Association Self Insurance Fund |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Larson, Phillip J. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-242; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation. - Application fee check returned marked "insufficient;" no response to KID inquiry. | |
Status: N/A | |
LMI Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222; 40-222b; 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Certificate of authority suspended. - Hazardous financial condition. | |
Status: N/A | |
Manufacturers Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Withdrawal and cancellation of certificate of authority. - Voluntary withdrawal of certificate of authority. | |
Status: N/A | |
McPherson Hail Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Mennonite Indemnity, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,162 | |
SUMMARY: Redomedication and conversion approved. - Proposed redomestication and conversion. | |
Status: N/A | |
Midwest Rating and Service Bureau, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted; monetary. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
New Hampshire Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted; monetary. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Northern Insurance Company of New York |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Oblander, Robert Bruce |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-242; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation. - Failure to remit. | |
Status: N/A | |
Patrons Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Premier Health d/b/a Premier Blue |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pyramid Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Proposed acquisition. | |
Status: N/A | |
Queen, John C. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-240; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist. - Misleading or deceptive advertising. | |
Status: N/A | |
Reliance National Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2209; 40-2215 | |
SUMMARY: Extend coverage to insureds; monetary. - Use of policy before approved for use by KID. | |
Status: N/A | |
Saathoff, Alan |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-242; 40-2404, 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License suspended for 3 years effective 1/28/98. - Misleading representations; false or fraudulent statements or representations. | |
Status: N/A | |
Smoky Hill Health Insurance Group |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
South Kansas Title Corporation |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-241; 40-242; 40-1137 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation. - Misappropriation of funds. | |
Status: N/A | |
Spain, Timothy A. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-241; 40-242; 40-247 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation. - Failure to remit; deceptive acts; misleading statements. | |
Status: N/A | |
SportWorx, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Previously issued Summary Order rescinded. - Summary Order issued on 11/30/99 rescinded. | |
Status: N/A | |
St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted; monetary. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company |
Authority: K.SA. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
St. Paul Property and Casualty Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
State Farm Fire and Casualty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Stewart Title of Kansas City |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-246a; 40-952 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist; monetary. - Charging rates not filed with KID. | |
Status: N/A | |
Thompson, Ivan d/b/a Thompson Surety Company and Viking Bail Bonds |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-2,125; 40-2701 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist. - Unauthorized/unlicensed activity. | |
Status: N/A | |
Transcontinental Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted; monetary. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Transportation Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted; monetary. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Travelers Indemnity Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted; monetary. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Travelers Indemnity Company of America |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted; monetary. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Travelers Indemnity Company of Illinois |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted; monetary. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Trinity Universal Insurance Company of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted; monetary. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Universal Underwriters Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Valley Forge Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted; monetary. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Valley National Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Waterford Insurance Company (Acquisition by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co.) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304; K.A.R. 40-1-28 | |
SUMMARY: Acquisition approved. - Proposed acquisition. | |
Status: N/A | |
White Mountains Properties SRL, Folksamerica Holding Company, Inc. and Folksamerica Reinsurance Co. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-103; 40-3301, et seq | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Proposed exemption for formal filing and approval requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
Zurich American Insurance Company of Illinois |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Zurich Financial Services |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3301, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Request for exemption from formal filing requirements. | |
Status: N/A | |
1999 Legal Orders | |
Allan, Jeromie B. |
Authority: 40-240; 77-501, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Application approved. - Prior conviction; disclosed. | |
Status: N/A | |
Alliance Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Exam Report Adopted - Proposed financial examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Alliance Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market Conduct Review Report Adopted - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
American Investors Life Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Exam Report Adopted - Proposed financial examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Arma Firefighters Relief Association, et al. |
Authority: 40-1706; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Redermination granted. - Changed circumstances-re-determination requested. | |
Status: N/A | |
Blattner, Tonya D. |
Authority: 40-2404; 40-242 | |
SUMMARY: License revoked. - Misrepresentation; omission of material fact; deception; failure to remit. | |
Status: N/A | |
Bremen Farmers Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market Conduct Review Report adopted. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Burdick, Leonard H. (Jr.) |
Authority: 40-242; 77-501, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Revocation of resident insurance agent's license. - Misdemeanor conviction on failure to remit premium and giving a worthless check | |
Status: N/A | |
Caldwell Legal, U.S.A. |
Authority: 40-4209; 40-4210; 77-527 | |
SUMMARY: Remand - Matter remanded back to Presiding Officer for further proceedings. | |
Status: N/A | |
Caldwell Legal, U.S.A. |
Authority: 40-2409; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Submit financial statements; maintain current surety bond. - Respondent had history of untimely submitting and incomplete financial statements; matter remanded after petition for review filed. | |
Status: N/A | |
Chenault, Ernest R. (III) |
Authority: 40-240; 77-501, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: License issued; monetary penalty - Failure to disclose prior administrative action; failure to disclose prior conviction. | |
Status: N/A | |
Chow, Kevin E. |
Authority: 40-240; 77-501, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Application approved. - Application for agent's license; prior conviction; failure to disclose; application denied. | |
Status: N/A | |
Community Health Plans of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Examination report adopted. - Proposed financial examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Community Health Plans of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: 40-3211; 40-3209; 40-3204; 40- | |
SUMMARY: Partial Suspension - Hazardous Financial Condition--Partial Suspension with requirements of continued (replacement) coverage to insureds. | |
Status: N/A | |
Dutton, Robert L. |
Authority: 40-240; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Application for agent's license approved--pay owed premium tax. - Prior administrative action--disclosed. | |
Status: N/A | |
Employers Reassurance Corporation |
Authority: 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial Examination Report Adopted - Proposed financial examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farmers Alliance Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Exam Report Adopted - Proposed financial examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farmers Alliance Mutual Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market Conduct Review Report Adopted - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Farmers Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial Examination Report adopted. - Proposed financial examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Federated Rural Electric Insurance Corporation |
Authority: 40-2,162; 40-1620, et seq.; 40 | |
SUMMARY: Redomestication - Redomestication from Wisconsin insurer to Kansas reciprocal; certificate of authority issued under the name of Federated Rural Electric Insurance Exchange. | |
Status: N/A | |
Financial Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Exam Report Adopted - Proposed Exam Report. | |
Status: N/A | |
First American Title Insurance Company of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Exam Report Adopted - Proposed financial examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
FirstGuard Health Plan Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: 40-2221 | |
SUMMARY: Exam Report Adopted - Proposed financial examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Fronczak, Donald J. |
Authority: 40-205b; 40-240; 40-242; 77-50 | |
SUMMARY: Application denied. - Application for agent's license; prior license revocation by another state; denial; appeal. | |
Status: N/A | |
Gordon, Ronald E. |
Authority: 40-242; 77-501, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Application denied. - Application for agent's license; prior conviction; on probation; disclosed; application denied. | |
Status: N/A | |
Grace, Gerard |
Authority: 77-501, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Application denied - Application for agent's license denied. | |
Status: N/A | |
Greenbush Health Insurance Group |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Examination report adopted. - Proposed financial examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Greenbush Health Insurance Group |
Authority: 12-2620(b), 12-2618, 12-2629 | |
SUMMARY: Supervision & Suspension - Agreed Order of Supervision & Suspension of Certificate of Authority--being supervised by Financial Surveillance. | |
Status: N/A | |
Grilz, Lisa |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-214; 40-244 | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist - Respondent engaging in the business of insurance without being properly licensed. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hayes, Reginald D. |
Authority: 77-501, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Application denied. - Application for agent's license; owes back child support; application denied. | |
Status: N/A | |
Haynes, Richard J. |
Authority: 40-242; 77-537 | |
SUMMARY: Agent's license revoked. - Conviction not disclosed on application; subsequently discovered after issuance of license. | |
Status: N/A | |
Heartland Health, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Supervision and Suspension - Agreed Order of Supervision and Suspension. Financial Surveillance is supervising. | |
Status: N/A | |
Heartland Health, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Supervision & Suspension - Amended Agreed Order of Supervision & Suspension. Financial Surveillance is supervising. | |
Status: N/A | |
Horizon Health Plan, Inc. |
Authority: 40-3203; 40-3207; 40-3209; 40- | |
SUMMARY: Certificate of Authority suspended-- supervision. - Hazardous financial condition. | |
Status: N/A | |
Hughes, Daniel J. |
Authority: 40-242; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Revocation - Felony-misdemeanor conviction contrary to K.S.A. 40-242. | |
Status: N/A | |
Jones, Rhea N. |
Authority: 40-240; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Application approved. - Application for agent's license; prior conviction; disclosed. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Health Insurance Association |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Exam Report Adopted - Proposed financial examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kansas Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market Conduct report adopted - Proposed adoption of Market Conduct Review Report | |
Status: N/A | |
Karns, Scott E. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-240; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Application for agent's license approved. - Prior conviction; disclosed. | |
Status: N/A | |
KFB Insurance Company, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Krebs, Nicholas M. (Jr.) |
Authority: 40-240; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Application Approved - Prior conviction; disclosed. | |
Status: N/A | |
Kulick, Jeffrey J. |
Authority: 40-242; 40-2404; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: C&D; Monetary Penalty - Coercion; deceptive acts. | |
Status: N/A | |
Largent, Eugene C. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-242, K.S.A. 77-527 | |
SUMMARY: Initial Order 1-21-99 Affirmed-- License Suspended for One Year - 1-6-99 Hearing resulted in suspension of agent's license for one year. Agency Head Review resulted in Final Order upholding suspension. | |
Status: N/A | |
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: 77-537; 40-963; 40-216 | |
SUMMARY: c&d; monetary - Rates utilized before approval. | |
Status: N/A | |
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-242; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Previously issued Summary Order rescinded. - Summary Order issued on 2/8/99 rescinded. | |
Status: N/A | |
Marysville Mutual Insurance Company |
Authority: 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Market conduct review report adopted. - Proposed market conduct review report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Medicalodges Affiliates Workers Compensation Self-Insurance Pool |
Authority: 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Exam report adopted. - Proposed financial examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Nelson, Alan J. |
Authority: 40-242, 77-527 | |
SUMMARY: Application for agent's license approved. - Appeal from Initial Order of 8-3-1998 wherein license was denied based on "business worthiness." Agency head review was requested and this Final Order reverses. | |
Status: N/A | |
New England International Surety, Inc., et al. |
Authority: 77-536; 40-2,125; 40-2701, et | |
SUMMARY: Cease and desist. - Unlicensed activity. | |
Status: N/A | |
Pickens, Johnny D. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-242; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: License revocation. - Respondent engaged in acts and practices contrary to the interests of the insurer or the insurable interests of the public | |
Status: N/A | |
Poley-Bolze, Tressa V. |
Authority: 40-240, 77-501 et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Application for agent's license approved. - Prior civil judgments. | |
Status: N/A | |
Raytheon Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304(e) | |
SUMMARY: Exempting from approval requirements. - Exemption from the acquisition and approval requirements granted. | |
Status: N/A | |
Raytheon Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304(e) | |
SUMMARY: Exempting from approval requirements. - Exemption from the acquisition and approval requirements granted. | |
Status: N/A | |
Security Benefit Life Insurance Company |
Authority: 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Exam Report Adopted - Proposed financial examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Senior Benefit Services of Kansas, Inc. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-3304(e) | |
SUMMARY: Exemption granted. - Proposed exemption from the application of the formal filing and approval requirements of K.S.A. 40-3304. | |
Status: N/A | |
Smoky Hill Health Insurance Group |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Examination report adopted. - Proposed financial examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Stamps, Michael L. |
Authority: 40-242; 77-501, et seq. | |
SUMMARY: Application denied. - Application for agent's license; prior conviction; disclosed; application denied. | |
Status: N/A | |
Travel Air Company, Ltd. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Exam Report Adopted - Proposed financial examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Travel Air Insurance Company (Kansas) |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Exam Report Adopted - Proposed financial examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Tuttle, Tina M. |
Authority: 40-240; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Application granted - Application for agent's license; prior conviction; not disclosed; denial. | |
Status: N/A | |
Underwood, Laura Anne |
Authority: 40-240; 77-501 | |
SUMMARY: Application approved. - Prior conviction; disclosed. | |
Status: N/A | |
United Healthcare of the Midwest, Inc. |
Authority: 40-241i;40-2,125 | |
SUMMARY: C&D; Monetary; reimburse out-of-pocket expenses. - Failure to certify agent within 30 days of appointment by company. | |
Status: N/A | |
Victory Life Insurance Company |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Exam Report Adopted - Proposed financial examination report | |
Status: N/A | |
Western Association of Self Insured Workers Comp. |
Authority: K.S.A. 40-222 | |
SUMMARY: Financial condition examination report adopted. - Proposed financial condition examination report. | |
Status: N/A | |
Zurich American Insurance Company of Illinois |
Authority: 40-240i | |
SUMMARY: C&D; Monetary - Failure to certify agent within 30 days. | |
Status: N/A |